Anxiety - Janey's Blog

February 15, 2008


We have home inspectors coming to inspect our house for the sale on Tuesday. I have so much anxiety over this move I don't know what to do with myself. I keep trying to tell myself it will be alright and it isn't working. I have only packed 2 boxes so far and I can't get myself motivated to do anything. I feel like I'm falling apart. I tried to tell my husband but he doesn't realize the impact all this stress is doing to me. I've had to go back to taking my anxiety pills just to get through the days. If the home inspectors find something major wrong with the house then it can't be sold. My husband says we would know if there was something wrong, but I can't get out of my head that something bad is going to happen. I guess if Tuesday would come and go I may feel better. I have 3 more days to go through this.

February 15, 2008

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