New poem -- expressing how I feel - Schizophrenia related. - Joan of Arc's Blog

January 16, 2008

New poem -- expressing how I feel - Schizophrenia related.

I'm screaming my heart is pounding
as I slide across the floor,
I tried to get up but pain in my soul
is nothing that I adore.

It stabs me and jabs me
this I can no longer face,
and this tunnel of pain
leaves me far from grace.

From every side there is a wall
people can't see in.
they give me ideas and I try and hide
but the wall is pretty thin

I can hear them outside
thinking their great
while I suffer at the sound

I just wish they'd notice
The blood I have shed
Listening to their ideas
As nothing works "I said"

It's incurable, non endurable
Even though I'm still here
Enough is enough
As I shed a tear

I'm fighting I'm flailing
You don't seem to care
Your drowning me in your words
This is something I fear

Since the 1600's this disease
Has shed many tears
Your condensation and gossiping tongues
Is more than I can bare.

January 16, 2008

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