Schizophrenia: The Perspective of a Father & Brother-in-Law: Author #14: May 2008 Archives

Author #14: May 2008 Archives

May 28, 2008

A Misdiagnosis

Well, I found something out recently, my son does not have schizophrenia after all, it is bipolar disorder along with multiple personality disorder, how about that for a one-two punch? Anyway, my son recently started another job, this time working in security for me, after one weekend I think it will work out fine. He seems to be catching on very well. As for what else is going on we painted my late brother-in-law's room and removed the carpeting which had become worn, stained and burned with cigarettes over the years, it sure looks different.
We also have been keeping up the yard, it sure looks good. As for myself I am hanging in there trying to shake an allergy cough, and my wife is still the same, moody as hell and hot and cold in the way she behaves toward my son and I. Life is sure hard sometimes, we just need to hang in there and eventually things will work out. Till next time, ciao.

May 12, 2008

It's The Middle Of May

Hi everybody, yeah, it's the middle of May almost and there's a few things to write about. I celebrated another Mother's Day with my mom yesterday by taking her out to lunch with other family members to a downtown restaurant, despite the rainy and windy weather, an enjoyable time was had by all. As for other goings-on, things have been pretty calm, my son is still trying to find employment and we have appealed his disability claim after it had been turned down. In regards to myself, I have my usual aches and pains, but nothing I can't handle. Life does go on and each time I think I have it bad I just see others a lot worse off than myself and realize it isn't so bad. As for my wife I think she is finally going to get some help with her mental health. There is always hope. Till next time, auf wiedersehn.

May 1, 2008

Since The Last Time I Wrote

A lot has happened. My son is in counseling and he recently got a 90-day supply of his meds and we are very pleased with that, he is still trying to find a job, he goes online frequently and out in the community to look. It can be very frustrating, I try to keep his spirits up. The real world is tough, hard and cold to everyone. For years I have been telling him this and I'm not sure if he understands it or not. I have decided not to appeal his denial of disability because it would be fruitless, he was found capable of doing some work, just not former jobs. My mother and others are urging me to appeal but I have made my decision because it would be a hassle with the paperwork involved. More later, aloha.

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