my story - Stuart's Blog

December 15, 2007

my story

hi this is my story about how i was my condition has progressed:

when i left school i was working with my father in his garage and it was there that i got really unwell i couldnt socialize for some reason anymore and started to get paranoid have i done that or whos stolen my nuts things like that but i had good reason when i was sixteen i had an altercation with someone and the result was my dad getting beat up and because my dad new the right people something bad could have happened but we managed to avert it and it was forgotten i think it was the stories of things my dad would tell me that were going on like when the police armed unit hit the garage because they thought there was guns hidden somewhere when there wasnt and when 2 junkies came in to the yard and were causing trouble and they got beaten up and there motor stolen but it all built up until i had a breakdown and was sectioned from then on i could never go back to work. when i was sectioned my dad would visit every night and if he couldnt make it someone else would be there but it was a shame because he was run of his feet and had to give up his job i was also taking driving lessons at the time and had to stop and my mum was going in for an operation to get her cochlear implant so she could hear i was then put on amasulperide but it never done anything and was then put on resperidone which im on just know, im not blaming my dad because i knew i was not well before even working there stopped talking to friends and things, anyway thats my story

December 15, 2007

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