christmas and new year - Stuart's Blog

January 4, 2008

christmas and new year

hi and i am glad the blog is up and running again, i had a good and a bad christmas on christmas eve i had to bury one of my dogs ,mac had been poorly for a while and he wasnt doing well so when he died we got him out of my mums way before she woke up in the morning the nieghbours must have thought we were crazy, well we are anyway, i am and hes borderline,so we were digging a hole in the pitch black and we said goodbye and then my dad got some slabs and put it over him and for the next few days my back was killing me. so over christmas we opened our pressies and i got some teeshirts and then we had christmas dinner and that was good then we heard that my grandad had died and now ive got a funeral this monday so i hope i am allright because im not very good with people and talking and having a laugh or anything and although there my family and they know whats wrong its still hard not to look or act strange it may be something i do or say but i just know something bads going to happen that ive no control i came back after seeing my sister and the three kids which was good to spend time with them because there father ran away with someone on the internet last christmas and spent all the money so they are needing father figures in there life now i dont know if i qualify but i am going to help anyway and i like spending time with my sister alot aswell i seem to get on with them alot better now that there idiot dads my girlfriend spent christmas with her dad and then when he went she was lonely and thats when i went home and i missed her aswell so that was good apart from my mum not getting her anything for christmas and now shes fell out with my i went to my mums and dads for the bells and my sister stayed for a couple of days again and it was great we were drinking and talking as much as i could, spending time with my sister really helps my social skills but there still not good enough for a funeral i'll just have to do my best ,my sister got me a brilliant pressent its an mp3 player and ive got all my songs on it .i've really been neglecting my relaxation and hope to get back to it soon

January 4, 2008

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