blahblahblah - Stuart's Blog

February 16, 2008


hi there,i was at the library the other day and got a good book out called fantasy workshop it was not that long a read and there was lots of nice pictures and stuff that kept me interested then i went to the badminton and back home with my girlfriend ,i phoned my dad and he was worried because my mum had been out a long time with the dog so i went up to my mums on the friday and it turns out she was ok,had some lager,my sister came round with her boys and was talking about getting on the property ladder and how she can do it with no money which was quite complicated and i had some wierd dreams that night aswell, i see my cpn tommorow and thats good,my dads been not well he collapsed when he was out be because he forgot his water and he was bleeding from his eyes one morning too but doesnt want to tell the doctor which isnt that good and we're meant to be getting another dog aswell which really annoys me because i'll be the one that has to take them out as my mums going blind and my dad is the way he is,try telling them that but, so thats me i'm quite stable just now and just getting on with things as they are,or trying anyway, see ya, stuart.

February 16, 2008

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