dad - Stuart's Blog

April 11, 2008


hi all, my dads in a bad way again,he's not bringing up blood but he's finding it difficult to breath and function normally its horrendous because no matter what we say he will not go into hospital he just keeps saying i'm not giving up or not stopping and things like that,he promised he would go to the hospital with me tommorow but i think he's lying he just doesn't want me to phone his sister senga which i said i for me i am still struggling on,i'm stable but i've got these negative symptoms that i try and hide which isn't easy,i think alot of people know what i'm talking about i'm still going out though and doing things, i got two more dragon books today and i've still got the tatoo on my arm until i wash it off with some thinners or something but it looks pretty good.thanks for listening,stuart.

April 11, 2008

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