Stuart's Blog: stuart189: May 2008 Archives

stuart189: May 2008 Archives

May 26, 2008


hi all,i have been busy over the weekend,i cut the hedges at the front and back of my mums house and then sorted a puncture but i felt it the next morning i was in agony with a sore back and then made it worse by trying to do somerthing and i could hardly walk,so my mum was angry at me because i couldn't fit the carpet and i am making a good recovery mental health has been ok although i forgot to take them for a couple of days
so just the usual negatives and things i've been on chat a couple of times as well.hope you are well,all the best

May 24, 2008

getting on

hi all i have been busy i cut the hedges today and the nieghbours awell then i sorted a puncture that my nephew had on his bike and i was playing with the dog i hope you are well i'm going to sleep now nighty night

May 21, 2008


hi everyone,i'm sorry it took so long to post,i have been decorating my mums house well helping anyway,its extraordinary that my mum is able to put paper up with her eye sight but she seems to be taking it all on the chin, she was doing a charity run 5km around a park and was interviewed for the telly then she was asked to come back for another interview and done that too the run was to make people more aware of deaf/blindness and raise money for that cause shes also went to the parliament and has been involved with other things and been in local papers and things,she is doing a course in college 2nd year british sign language and is really good at it so i let her use my computer and put the magnifier on for dad might have been arrested today because i phoned him and he was in the middle of an argument with a policeman i think he was stealing wood from a building site like he did before to make the fence and he recently stole a cherry blossom tree and put it in the front garden so anyway he was in hospital but has been out for a while now and hasnt been drinking much so thats something.i have been celebrating birthdays and had a couple of good days followed by a couple of bad ones and my gf is not doing good just now at all, i have posted some things on the boards and i hope i haven't upset anybody, i usually only write things that i think is relevant and i try and cheer people up and try and not step on anyones toes because theres just so many things to think about when you post i'm probably no good at it though but i do try sometimes.still taking meds
all the best, stuart

May 5, 2008

didn't work

hi all, cutting my tablets in half was not a good idea i felt ok for a couple of days but then everything went pearshaped and i had to increase my dose again, so now i am going to talk to my cpn or pych/doc about a med change and i hopefully wont get the anxiety and flat effect that i get with respiridone on abilify, i will probably need supervision for the change over so i will need to stay at my mums house and there is still a chance that i will need to go back in to hospital but i am going to try and avoid that.anyway wishing you all the best,

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