
New Books Coming Out on Schizophrenia - Wanted: Book Reviewers.

The following are new books relating to Schizophenia that have been, or are soon to be, released by their respective publishers. While I have ordered the second book for my own reading, if anyone else is interested in buying and reviewing these (and other books) please let me know. I also interested in getting on Publisher's lists so as to get new books relating to Schizophrenia (and placing them with interested readers) so that we can have a regular Book Reviews section here - with free books donated by the publishers. If anyone has contacts in the publishing industry and can help in this effort please let me know. - Brian.

Mad House : Growing Up in the Shadow of Mentally Ill Siblings
by Clea Simon Hardcover, 256 pages,
List: $23.95 Published by Doubleday,
Publication date: March 1,1997
ISBN: 0385478526
Imagining Robert: Brothers, Madness, and Survival
A Memoir by Jay Neugeboren Hardcover, 320 pages,
List: $24.00 Published by William Morrow & Co,
Publication date: February 1,1997
ISBN: 0688149685

Note: These books can be ordered on the web at discount prices at the web site:

I have no financial interest in this web site but have purchased from them with great results. - Brian.

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