
June 15, 2005


This is an update on the book and its publicity: In addition to the starred Publisher's Weekly review, we got a great review from Kirkus, which can be found on the web if you google "Kirkus review Wagner and Spiro" and I believe it is still available but it may not be.

The guy writing for the Reader's Digest just came to interview us for his article on the book, an article which may become available in September or October, it's not clear which (technically the October or November issue).

We have some local library presentations and one engagement at a prestigious bookstore to do in Connecticut and we are hoping that plans for GOod Morning America actually come to a set date, rather than the presently more vague, We want you!

That's about it, but it's enough to exhaust me, just thinking about doing so much in August and September alone. I know that most people work eight hours every day and would find one "gig" a week or every few days, nothing. But to me it feels nearly overwhelming, at least right now. But right now, I'm nervous and feelling overwhelmed in general. Perhaps after the first library reading, if all goes well, I'll be able to calm down and maybe enjoy things a bit, or at least not suffer so much beforehand 8^)

Thanks so much for being there to listen to me blather and wail and sometimes whimper, even when things are going so well. I am totally amazed by how the book is being received, and enormously pleased. My 13 years of work have not gone for nothing! But at the end of the day, I'm still just me, Pam Wagner, with schizophrenia, and things remain difficult to cope with, no matter how well life is going. I hope you understand that, and don't think I'm merely complaining over nothing...

Posted by pamwagg at June 15, 2005 10:13 PM


Dear Pam,

Today I checked on your blog to see if you were back to writing. You've been gone a long time.

Welcome back. I was so pleased to read that you are back and doing so well. It's also so wonderful to read that your entire family have reunited with you. Why is it so difficult for families to understand mental illness?

Congratulations on your new book. I will be sure to pick one up at the bookstore.

Please stay on your medication. I know when my daughter starts screwing around with her meds... she gets off kilter ... to say the least.

I'm so glad you're back Pam.


Posted by: Moeder at June 24, 2005 12:40 AM

Hey Pam,
I truly agree with paula that even people without schizophrenia can find teaching a class can be daunting, leave aside public appearances and interviews! Way to go! Keep on going strong. And keep on taking your meds. My prayers are always with you. Keeping you in my heart. Hoping to meet you some day. Love. puzli

Posted by: puzli at June 16, 2005 08:35 AM

Pamela Braveheart,
Please do not sell yourself short. (No pun intended) I do not suffer from schizophrenia, yet if I were faced with new and potentially anxiety producing interviews, television appearances, public readings et al, I do not think I could approach them with the excited and positive attitude which shines through your self doubt. Shine is the operative word here, my friend. Your time to shine is long past due, and I implore you to persevere and hopefully revel in every bit of attention that you receive and truly deserve. Perhaps if you invite me, I might come along and whisper words of incouragement from the wings. If effectively prodded, I could even burst onto center stage and deliver a stirring rendition of that famous Debbie Boone classic "You Light Up My Life". To keep me from doing that, I'm positive that you will keep a tight hold on the reins yourself. In any case, once again,I, T3, salute my Spiro sisters!!
With love, Your very own Pesky

Posted by: Paula Kirkpatrick at June 16, 2005 08:11 AM

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