Scientific reseach has shown that children are much more sensitive to stress than adults - and that stress is likely a key factor in mental illness.
Research also suggests that having a positive and low-stress family relationships
(sensitive, nurturing & emotionally
intelligent) offer a protective effect for the mental health of children
that are biologically predisposed to schizophrenia (a fact that is almost
impossible to identify beforehand, but is indicated when there is a family
history of brain disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression,
anxiety, etc.). There is also considerable evidence indicating that stress
(especially social
stress and anxiety) is a risk factor and may trigger episodes of schizophrenia.
For example, emotionally turbulent families and stressful life events
have been linked as risk factors for schizophrenia as well as for for
relapses or triggers for episodes of schizophrenia. A recent 40 year long study in Finland strongly suggests this association (see following link for details:An Emotionally Healthy Family Social Environment May Reduce Schizophrenia Risk by 86% in High Risk Groups.) The study was published in the February, 2004 issue of the British Journal of Psychiatry a study
looked at babies adopted from mothers that had a diagnosis of schizophrenia
and stated:
The information suggests the protective effect of being reared in a healthy adoptive family, with the risk for these high-genetic-risk adoptees developing schizophrenia in healthy families at 5.8% compared with 36.8% for those reared in "dysfunctional" families. This lends significant support to the stress and hereditary predisposition model of the cause of schizophrenia, in which environmental stressors have a particularly harmful impact only on individuals with a genetic vulnerability. Source: British Journal of Psychiatry (full study results here)
For additional related information see:
Research suggests risk of developing schizophrenia (for children genetically or biologically
predisposed to schizophrenia) may be up to significantly higher in high stress
families" vs. lower stress households. A possible hypothesis for exactly how stress
contributes is that it may cause a neurotoxic reaction in the brain (primarily
in the hippocampus) that leads to cell damage and death in individuals
who are already vulnerable (due to genes or early environmental insult).
There is also evidence that social
stress causes the brain to increase the production of dopamine (which
is believed by researchers to be one of the key
factors in schizophrenia).
Other reseach studies have shown that strong, positive relationships
between children and their parents have tended to be associated with lower
risk of schizophrenia - especially in families where children may have
a genetic predisposition for brain disorders like schizophrenia, bipolar
disorder, etc. (see
In other related research, Dr.
Delores Malaspina (at Columbia University) recently stated in an interview (Medscape, registration required) that:
" we found that the duration of marriage was protective against
the risk for schizophrenia. This goes in the opposite direction of paternal
age, but it's an independent factor. Couples that have a very long marriage
are less likely to have offspring with schizophrenia. One possibility
is that parents who have mental disorders themselves may have shorter
marriages. Another possibility is that there is an increased risk of
schizophrenia when there is a marital separation." Dr. Malaspina
continued "I think three of the interesting factors that have been
linked to the risk of schizophrenia are severe stress in a stress-sensitive
person who has underlying genes for schizophrenia, traumatic brain injury
in those with underlying genes for schizophrenia, and, very importantly,
cannabis exposure in early adolescence."
"...Even exposures that interact with genetic susceptibility may
act by changing gene expression, such as traumatic brain injury, cannabis,
and stress. Maybe we can integrate our understanding of the many exposures
tied to schizophrenia and the many genes tied to schizophrenia with
the understanding that certain exposures may act by changing gene expression."
More information on: Dysfunctional
Families and Spotting
Dysfunctional Relationships
More In-depth Related Reading :
- Childcare, Genetics, Epigenetics and Schizophrenia (Sept. 2006)
- The Impact of Stress on the Brain, and Schizophrenia (August, 2006)
- Trauma Link to Schizophrenia is Strengthened by New Research (June, 2006)
- Childhood Emotional Abuse, Emotional Neglect and Schizophrenia (June, 2006)
- Schizophrenia usually caused by child abuse? (June, 2006)
- Schizophrenia
and Stress - by Cheryl Corcoran, M.D., and Dolores Malaspina, M.D.,
- Family
dysfunction influences psychosis (May 10, 2005)
- Schizophrenia
linked to limited understanding of body language (May 18, 2006)
- Family
environment may reduce prodromal psychosis symptoms (Feb. 7, 2006)
- Family
bonds Boost Recovery (January 13, 2006)
- Facial
recognition and social function (October 21, 2005)
- Social
Adversity during Childhood increases Schizophrenia Risk (Sept.,
- Social
Stress Has Link to Psychotic Disorders (Aug., 2005)
- Family
Intervention in Schizophrenia (July, 2005)
- Social
Ties Vital for Recovery (June 27, 2005)
- Family
Interventions for Schizophrenia: An International View (June, 2005)
Helpful Actions: It may be helpful to attempt
to learn about and develop emotional intelligence in the family environment
and keep stress at a relatively low level. It may help for parents to
learn how to manage stress well, and learn how to lower it for your children,
and make special effort to teach children social skills. Read books (see
below) on how to parent in ways that increase your children's emotional
intelligence and lower their stress levels).
Academic Resources:
On-line Videos: Peter Salovey, Ph.D. , Yale University
Intelligence: Is there anything to it?" - presentation by one of
the leading researchers in the field on what emotional intelligence
is, the research behind it, what tests are showing relating to parental
emotional intelligence and how that predicts children's emotional intelligence,
and much more. The video is of poor quality (its difficult to view the
slides in the presentation), but the audio quality is very good.
Books that we highly recommend for helping parents
raise mentally healthy, and resilient children:
- Parenting
From the Inside Out, By Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. and Mary Hartzell,
M. Ed. - an excellent general book on parenting that we highly recommend
for all families. Drawing upon important new findings in neurobiology
and attachment research, they explain how interpersonal relationships
directly impact the development of the brain, and offer parents a step-by-step
approach to forming a deeper understanding of their own life stories
that will help them raise compassionate and resilient children." We highly recommend you read this interview with Daniel Siegel: The neuropsychology of the playground
- What
am I feeling, By Dr. John Gottman
A good book (but very short - only 48 pages and many photos) to teach
parents how to help children express and process emotions in a healthy
way. These approaches have proven in reasearch to help children lower
their social stress levels and encourage social skills. A good book
for parents who want to get a quick understanding of how to help children
in their emotional needs, for greater resilience and better mental health
in the long term.
- How
to Raise An Emotionally Intelligent Child, By Dr. John Gottman
- a great book that goes into more depth on how to raise a child that
has good emotional processing skills and good social skills, thus lowering
social stress that he or she encounters (thus potentially lowering the
risk of schizophrenia and other mental health disorders). (Note - if
you purchase this book, you probably don't want to purchase the "What
am I feeling" book - because this book covers what is in that book,
and much more).
- The
Magic Years, By Dr. Selma
H. Fraiberg - is an excellent book, written by a professor of psychology
at the University of San Francisco Medical School, that covers how parents
can moderate the amount of stress and anxiety that a child goes through
as they grow from birth through age six. A great "general parenting"
book that we think every parent of younger children should read.
- The
Optimistic Child: Proven Program to Safeguard Children from Depression
& Build Lifelong Resilience - Dr. Seligman - a well known research
psychologist has a mission here which is to teach parents and other
concerned adults how to instill in children a sense of optimism and
personal mastery. Seligman discounts prevalent theory that children
who are encouraged by others to feel good about themselves will do well.
Instead, he proposes that self-esteem comes from mastering challenges,
overcoming frustration and experiencing individual achievement. In clear,
concise prose peppered with anecdotes, dialogues, cartoons and exercises,
Seligman offers a concrete plan of action based on techniques of self-evaluation
and social interaction. He describes the development of the Penn Depression
Prevention Program, in which school kids are taught ways to divest themselves
of pessimistic approaches and adopt optimistic ones, and adapts it to
home use by parents. Seligman's recent research profoundly demonstrates
that children can be taught techniques of optimistic thinking that,
in effect, 'depression-proofs' them and help's lower their social stress.
- Emotionally
Intelligent Parenting : How to Raise a Self-Disciplined, Responsible,
Socially Skilled Child - by Daniel Goleman et al, This book focuses
on translating Goleman's basic principals as outlined in his book "Emotional
Intelligence" into specific parenting tactics for solving daily
family issues. The book includes exercises for raising the family "humor
quotient," becoming aware of feelings, praising and prioritizing, and
coaching your child in responsible action. Emotionally Intelligent
Parenting is easy to follow, and provides suggestions for parents
at all levels of commitment to the concept.
- Free download
- Emotional Intelligence - What is it? Why does it Matter?
(pdf for free download).
- Relaxation
& Stress Reduction Workbook
- The
Anxiety & Phobia Workbook
In addition to dysfunctional family relationships, some of the key stress-creating
factors in life (and therefore things to avoid, or make efforts to minimize the
stress impact on the children) have been judged to include (with "Most Stressful"
at the top of the list). If a family has a known history of mental illness, it may be a reasonable idea to seek family therapy or child therapy if one of the top stressors in the list below is experienced by the family:
- Death of a spouse
- Divorce
- Frequent criticism or judgements
- Marital hostility (fighting or ongoing tension between parents)
- Marital separation
- Death of close family member
- Major personal injury or illness
- Being fired at work
- Marital reconciliation
- Major change in health or behavior of family member
- Pregnancy
- New family member through birth, adoption or remarriage
- Major business readjustments
- Major change in financial state
- Death of close friend
- Change to a different line of work
- Major increase in the number of arguments with spouse
- Foreclosure of mortgage/loan
- Major change in resposibilities at work (promotion,
demotion, transfer)
- In-laws Trouble
- Outstanding personal achievement
- Spouse beginning or ceasing work outside the home
- Major change in living condition (building, remodeling
or deterioration of home)
- Troubles with supervisor, boss, or superiors
- Major change in working hours or conditions
- Change in residence
- Change to a new school
- Major change in type or amount of recreation
- Major change in church activities
- Major change in social activities
- Major purchase (car, etc.)
- Major change in sleeping habits
- Major change in number of family get-togethers
Supporting Research (a sample):
Additional scientific information - Schizophrenia
and Stress (via Google Scholar)