Biography of PeterT, Author of the "My Life's Adventure" blog

Peter T is a part-time legal studies student at Carleton University in Canada.

He works in security, statistics consulting, and is a teaching assistant at the Mathematics and Statistics department at Carleton University. He is active in union volunteering. He is also a green party volunteer. He has served on the board of A Post Psychiatric Leisure Experience and volunteers in other roles with a number of self help groups including the Schizophrenia Society of Canada. He also earns money as a part-time web master.

Peter has schizophrenia and developed this serious mental illness in his late teens. He slowly got better in the 1980's but dropped out of the working world. He continued to study part-time in those days. In 1989 he was hospitalised for a psychosis. The work he did on his illness with doctors, nurses, peers, and others helped him return to school to complete this B.Math degree and also to return to working part-time.

He feels education about disabilities, in particular, for the mentally ill, learning as much as possible about psychiatry and psychology, as well as, general medicine is the best approach to recovery.

His wife also has schizophrenia as do most of his closest friends.



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