April 06, 2004

It is not a problem it is an experience.

After three months of what are called post withdrawal symtoms my son went into a full blown delusional episode..he had been off drugs now for over 9 months.
This was certainly something else..but hope remained ..I refused to accept that this was an indication of Schizophrenia.The first time this word was mentioned by the doctor I could have wrung his neck!
And I spoke to deaddiction experts,and Iwent to the scientology office recently opened in India,I read all anti psychiatry literature,spent hours over Ron Hubbards words and prayed and prayed and hoped like crazy.
It wasnt to be...medicines were absolutely essential, that much was clear to me.
Acceptance...it took me one long year to simply accept and move from there.
Acceptance of it as an experience not a problem!

Posted by Monica at April 6, 2004 08:15 AM | TrackBack


...and hope shows the way...take care. love. puzli

Posted by: puzli at April 7, 2004 02:03 PM

Dear Monica,
Yes, it is as you say - acceptance is an an experience by itself where each one takes the destined time for reaching that stage.
My prayers are with you and your family.

Posted by: survivor at April 7, 2004 09:17 PM

Acceptance makes the person more optimistic......

God bless all of us.

warm rgds

Posted by: Nick at April 8, 2004 08:59 AM

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