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Yesterday is gone, and today is a new day. A clean slate. Dare I believe that this medication combination is the correct mix?..... Afraid to put it in permanent thought.
My mother and one of my sis's two boys are up to visit for a week. They are on spring break. David and Dalton returned to school this morning. Saturday continued well after my previous note. David finished plastering our neighborhood with fliers to mow lawns. He mowed ours and the one neighbor's lawn, quickly! without a temper fit! and remained cheerful the rest of the day!!! he even agreed to "Babysit" Dalton for a couple hours while Gene and I went and did some errands and out to lunch!!! David remained in a good mood when asked to feed the dogs. Heeven started work on his chemistry assignment for a short time. It's been a very long time since this good of a day.
Sunday, David did great at church, I gave the Clonopin am and afternoon. and he did well most of the day. With his cousins visiting, they all got along very well. Dalton was wonderful and tolerant with Chris(cousin) and David was occupied with Chad(cousin). they did wonderful in church, David stayed awake during service, and then played a lot of computer games. David was cheerful and affectionate with me, he also was tolerant of some teasing.
There were only two incidents all day. Both happened in the evening when tired, and his Clonopin was late. Dad asked him to help find a remote control that Dalton had lost. David went into his paranoid stuff, "You are blaming me, I am not going to be blamed for doing anything. I did not touch it." he stomped to his room. I talked to him in a moment and he was able to be reassured, take his pill and come back down.
The second incident was later with Chad. They were playing a game on the computer, Chad evidently was not turning over the control to David and was playing David's turn "FOR" him. David was righteously upset, yelled and stomped off to pout in the living room. I spoke with him, and he was able to calm and rejoin the family.
The fact that he handled both these situations by leaving to a quiet spot, is pretty close to a miracle! the fact that he was able to calm and rejoin the family within less than 10-15 minutes, is just as miraculous! I hesitate to mention the word "Stability", but I hope and pray.
Dalton also is doing wonderfully, he is off Zyprexa, he has been on this med since 05/98. We have raised his Seroquel to 1300mg/day. Previously he has been on both medications since 12/98, and was taking 800mg for the past year. I hope this will assist in him losing some weight. I know the Zyprexa has impacted this. He is 10 and 125lbs. There was only one incident with Dalton yesterday as well. Late, he was tired, should have been in bed. i am not certain exactly what happened, but Dalton ended up on the floor, caught in a collapsed folding chair. He was hurt and upset, and called for "Mom". He says Chris pulled him down???? I think was an accident. Chris was very upset and scared. Anyway, after I managed to calm him, he was not combative!!!!! he even was able to hug chris and assure him that he was ok, this was an accident!
I have not talked much about Dalton's history, but this is unusual for him to react to being hurt and scared, this way. Even when "Stable" he reacts to pain violently. Almost never, is he able to calm and be concilatory and empathetic at this time. or immediately following.
This morning, he was able to get up, dressed, was not poopy, let me brush his teeth, took his medicine, and was even able to play a bit with Chris before his bus. He was waiting outside when the bus got here! This is a bug achievement for him. A good start to a Monday. I'm in shock here. :0)
All I can say, is thank you Lord for this weekend. peace is a valuable commodity in this house.
There is always a light, no matter how dim, if only we seek to find it.
God Bless