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Well, this has been a pretty hellish week. Daivd has been doing well with his new medications, however, this week, the stress of school really hit the fan again. Friday is the end of this 6 week grading period, so all his teachers are putting pressure on their classes about grades..... finishing work...... etc. Every day, so far, David has come home in a "Mood" which goes on for several hours. This "Mood" escalates, into screaming, ranting, paranoia, accompanied by "Lovely" "Affectionate" names for mom, and a couple for dad. Then follow this by an apology to his brother:
"Dalton, I'm sorry for the cuss words and yelling. I don't owe mom an apology, though, because it is her fault for refusing to help me."
Gotta love the mind games they try to pull. I have a pretty sick sense of humor. My response to him was a sweet smile, an "I love you.", and an "I'm so sorry you see it that way."
BTW-- after mom doing 95% of the organizational function, the actual handwriting and typing, locating sources, choosing quotes, connecting disparate pieces of information, making judgements and interpretations of said material, and walking David throuh the intellectual process of speaking half of each sentence, then transcribing his jumbled thoughts into a coherant paper,
He even has a B- this grade period so far! I keep thinking I should feel guilty for "Helping" him so much, but I don't! His teacher knows I've been helping, and though he may not be able to repeat the process alone, I know he knows the content and topic of his paper well.
Yesterday's story? he was in full rant from 3pm to 8pm. However, after taking his afternoon Clonopin, then another with his dinner meds, I managed to get him into the computer room with me, reviewed two additional sources for his paper, chose quotes, walked him through how to connect them to his paper, and finished the assignment based on teacher's edit of his rough draft. [Twisted smile here: :0)]
Second quote of the day:
Conditional help is like Conditional love. They mean nothing! I should not have to do anything to be helped!
Hint: I had asked him to sit up in his chair, not recline with arms barrricaded
across his chest, and that he be open minded to learning, not
screaming at me. LOL
[Can we see why a person with executive functioning problems finds school so difficult?]
He is cutting his losses in math, and will take an F forthe 6 weeks period.
Chemistry is giving him an incomplete. We meet with his teacher next week to make sure he has all the information he needs to complete this grade period's assignments at his own pace.
I think he is caught up in his other classes. Fingers crossed, and praying for this year to end quickly. He had a wonderful week, last week. Primarily because I did not require him to do any homework, or rarely even mentioned school since his grandmother and cousins were up for the week. Monday this week.... BAM! I hope that things will be better since the new grade period begins Monday.
Strategy for today? he will get two Clonopin after school, and the word school will not exit my mouth for at least 45 min after said medication!
Parenting rule of the day: Be flexibile. Be forgiving. Be vigilent. Be loving. Grab the moment. Teach the child.
God Bless,
Hope you are having a good day.
BettyJo "My kids mom"
There is always a light, no matter how dim, if only we seek to find it.
Posted by TwoSons