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I went to the Central Library in downtown and had a blast. I took a bus to get over the hill by UCLA and then took a very slow bus down Wilshire Blvd. It seemed to take forever and indeed took two hours by the time I reached the library. I stumbled into the room where they have all the stuff like religon, history,and social science. I was looking for a book on Doreen Virtue; but couldn't find one. She writes books about angels. I got a book written by prominant women on spirituality. I then went to the art room where they had books on art and how to make art. I got a book on how to do leather crafts and another on how to make gourd crafts. I also got a book on making fancy jars for giving gifts like homemade cookies or jars full of all the ingredients you would need to make cookies. They have lots of recipes for different drink mixes you can create to make things like cafe mocha from sratch.
I started my new job on Saturday and it was rather laid back. I went in and she said the only thing needing taken care of was her laundry. I managed to find a few other things to do too. I cooked her lunch which was an egg salad sandwich. She cooked some onions and celery to add to the eggs since she doesn't like onions unless they are cooked. Sunday we went to her church. She knows a lot of people at her church and is very sociable. We got back to her house around 2p.m. I fixed her linguine with alfredo and beef sauce. She didn't have anything else that needed done after the dishes so I watched a video I had brought with me. I finally watched Ten Items or Less. It is really funny and sweet. I think there will be lots of dead time on this job. I hope that she has the energy to go out more often though. Because she hadn't received her money from her payee yet she didn't really have cleaning products and she was out of some food items.
Tomorrow I am going to Venice Beach with a group at a clubhouse near me. They are going to shop at the alley this week too. The Alley is a place in the garment district where you can get really good deals on clothes and other things. I might go but I will have to be on a budget. I will be paid on November 16th. I want to go to L.A. County Museum of art on November 13th because it is free that day. They have an exhibit of Salvador Dahli. I need to get over to UCLA extension to apply for my grant so that I can attend in Winter.
I applied for a college in New Jersey called Thomas Edison State College. I haven't heard back from them. I applied for financial aid and I have a expected family contribution of about $1,700. I guess that that is per year I don't know. Anyway the costs for this school are around $6,000 per year. I will probably be able to finish within a year and a half. Oh you take these courses online or through correspondence. I might be able to test out of certain courses which would allow me to finish faster. I want to major in Social Services for Special Populations. It sounds interesting and very much alligned with the types of jobs I have held in the past.
My friend and I went to a little Armenian shop near her house and got these little pizza type things with mushrooms and they were so good. They only cost 80 cents apiece. I bought some bread there that is like a sweet corn bread. We took photos of one another in front of this pretty fountain they have on the patio there and drank iced coffee. We pretended we were in Paris. Then we went next door to a clothing store and it was amazing. Before we went in my friend said "Let's see what their idea of fashion is." It was so much fun! I got a pink belt with rinestones on the buckle for 5 dollars. I also bought a $30 sweater cape. It is red with red and black fringe. I am so happy with it.
I have to get to my laundry. I have at least 3 loads to do. I actually have forgotten what my clothes look like.
Posted by Butterfly Emerging at November 5, 2007 08:44 PM