August 10, 2004

Major appliances good news/bad news

Well I bought an old Power Mac 5200 on ebay but the seller packed it like china and thus it broke by the time it got here. This was you might remember for J. We left a broken unsafe computer in his apartment. We helped him clean out some MacDonalds bags and Sundee cups. His apartment is a real hazard. He has so much paper and it stinks of urine.

Our apartment is also a big mess. The good news today is that I arranged for R to spend the afternoon here. My wife had to go to the hospital today for her clozapine blood test but did not go in the end as we had a thunder storms today. Her assertive community treatment team worker came by and they went for a walk. But R stayed all afternoon to make sure our air conditioner was delivered. There had to be someone here. It was good because R is someone I can trust leaving in our apartment. He is the first friend in a long time I could trust like that. I made him some coffee before I left to tutor. I also put in a DVD for him to watch. He didn't drink the coffee but did get the DVD to play. I left my wife some money to buy beer for the two of them. When I got home from tutoring they were just finished drinking it all. R and I helped J get the computer to his place on the bus from the post office around 7 PM. But it was broken, as I said. Then later around 8 PM R and I installed our air conditioner. It works fine. I was so stressed out and frustrated with the computer and all the lifting but the air conditioner works and is properly installed so I am actually happy now.

Posted by petert at August 10, 2004 10:51 PM


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