August 24, 2004

Readers ask about all-nighters and sleep control

Hi someone asked how I feel about my sleep. Tinted asked if I felt jet lag. While my dad is the jet setter and knows jet lag I trace my all-nighters and tired feelings to my first year in University studying for exams where a friend and I stayed up all night studying for our chemistry exam. It turned out my lowest science mark for the year so I think that being sleepless is bad for you generally. I have had local psychiatric activists threaten me with the hospital when they hear of me being up all night. But I tend to think of the lack of sleep in terms of chemical balances given that first year chem exam experience. I found, saying it in English terms, I feel frazzeled and nervous when I lack sleep and go around the clock. I also feel a great deal of self doubt and am aware of the more accident prone state that tired is.

Posted by petert at August 24, 2004 01:50 AM


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