September 11, 2004

Entitled to a day off

I have been so busy this week I feel entitled to taking time off volunteering today. We had a big rain storm on Thursday the end of Francis. It was a record rain fall here. This day September 9th was also the day the previous record rain fall was set. I did my union volunteer activities for the week; those all got done except for a one page report.

I am not scheduled for any work in my main job. I did get hired again for being a teaching assistant. I start work perhaps this coming Thursday. I need to email and then meet with my immediate supervisors the professors this coming week. This coming week we also have some union social night and also a union meeting in my main job. But these two events are almost at the same time, and there is also a volunteer appreciation party for the Folk Festival that R and I might go to together scheduled for the same night. That night is also the night of my role playing game and I told my fellow gamers I would not make it.

Posted by petert at September 11, 2004 09:31 AM


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