December 28, 2004

My old friend will come by tomorrow

My old friend went to a funeral of a former drummer and band leader of mine. The drummer was 46 when he died. He was not too close to me when I was younger and had not contacted me in twenty years. I was the last one to look up my dead chum he never looked me up. I had no chance to attend his funeral. I was his friend when his mother passed away. That was in my first psychosis. I acted inappropriately when his mother died. I figured this out in therapy. Oh well four sets of friends ago.

My friend the cancer researcher will be dropping tomorrow at 11 am. I am up a little later today as I adjust my sleep for Thursday's night shift. I am then volunteering for two over night shifts. I am just listening to Suzanne Vega's lyric "I can only teach you night vision." Ah Lyric's my dead friend J sure got me into poetry and lyrics. Life and death continue here.

Posted by petert at December 28, 2004 10:44 PM | TrackBack


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