December 31, 2004

Various greetings coming in on the email

Like I said I have been through various sets of friends since leaving high school. Basically I have my high school friends set that includes people from my childhood. Then I have my set of friends from my first psychosis when I first lived on my own and worked. Then my radical punk rock set of friends. Then I have my self help group friends. These days I have various circles of friends either at work or in my volunteer activities. Most of these later friends are rather associates who I work or volunteer with professionally. I also have some union comrades who are spread over two unions. Well greetings for the holidays are coming in now from all these people. I also have Internet associates but most of these people I have never met in real life. I also include my professor's as associates and some of them are near my age some younger and some older but basically they are friendly and professional. And of course there are all the students I share school with these days and in the past but I never get too close with these people.

Posted by petert at December 31, 2004 07:33 PM | TrackBack


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