July 11, 2005

Fresh coffee

I wake up usually and heat up left over coffee. But sometimes I make fresh coffee. I am going to make some fresh coffee right now. My wife rarely drinks coffee. She also doesn't or hasn't worked that much and working isn't that important to her. It is interesting to explore coffee as a working class drug. You are probably aware of it as a popular drug amongst those of us with schizophrenia. You also probably know that those of us with schizophrenua can be hard workers with the right conditions. I am eating strawberries too.

I just broke a plastic ketchup bottle while rearranging the fridge. This is the most common time for household accidents early in the morning. And I had just had an accident.

Posted by petert at July 11, 2005 04:23 AM


Ah yes Pete... coffee.. also known to be a popular drug with those who work with people with Schizophrenia..

Posted by: Tomascena at July 11, 2005 06:59 AM

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