November 11, 2005

I did a fair amount of shopping today.

Because this is remembrance day in Canada the banks are closed thus today is considered Monday the 14th by the banks. The 14th is a pay day for my teaching assistant work so today Friday I was paid. I was able to pick up my 511 cotton tactical vest and felt like a lone wolf walking away from the store. Although I am not really, as I am writing it about it here in the public internet and really am not trying to do anything violent. A lone wolf is someone who may be a danger who goes off by themselves and arms themselves or something like that. I read about this is regard domestic terrorism. These terrorism legal studies are really getting to me. Thankfully last nights lecture was mostly about business ethics and political corruption but we did see some terrorist made video at the end of the class. So I have my tactical vest now and am wearing it on my on duty shift tonight. It is really just a vest with many pockets or in dungeons and dragons talk it would be like a "robe of useful items." I have been into military clothes long before I had ever heard of terrorism too. It was just part of playing soldier.

I also bought us more cigarettes. I also paid for my equalizer. I also bought my partner beer and lunch and paid for her photographs of herself.

Posted by petert at November 11, 2005 11:15 PM


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