May 05, 2006

I am just preparing to go to work now.

I woke up around 12 midnight. I have been doing some computer tasks this morning. I also shaved and got dressed into my work clothes. I will leave for work just after 5:00 AM. I am only working until 13:00 PM today. Then I will take a book I am not reading back to the library. I just bought milk and pop for the day. I also got some change for laundry and buying a pop at work from a machine. I will see about having R, J, and C over tonight. We will probably watch hockey on TV.

Speaking of TV yesterday at about 24 hours into my day the TV arrived. I spent about an hour setting it up. The most work was getting it up on the table my partner's father got us. The table was too low so I needed to use some cinder blocks under the table to get the TV to the right height. This TV is in our bedroom and I went to sleep right afterwards so my partner could not really try out the TV right away. She did watch a little with her friend L.

L did not get a job at an internet café and also my partner is not too keen to have the iBook laptop.

Posted by petert at May 5, 2006 04:38 AM


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