It is very relaxing to not be studying this term.
I keep worrying that I should get something done when I am studying in school. And often the deadlines of assignments and papers support this type of thinking. Now that I am taking at least the spring term off when I get these worry attacks there is nothing pressing to do. Sure I work at a variety of jobs but these are limited to the time at work. Also my volunteer work gets relegated to the back burner in a crisis. I also have some time off one volunteer job right now. I have been maintaining some other volunteer work. But I am also learning to say no and not make myself available for every last thing. I will read a little tonight to study but also to relax. I am glad I don't have classes right now. I basically have only four hours per week where I have to be at school this spring term.
Posted by petert at June 7, 2006 11:12 PM