August 03, 2006

One of my coworkers studied economics.

I usually just write about my own success with school on the Internet. This means I seem positive mostly. I wanted to mention that one of my coworkers also studied geography but he managed to a degree in it which I was not able to do. He then switched to economics and did really well with his grades. He also studied geography with professors who meant a lot to me when I was struggling with school work in the 1980's when I knew very little about schizophrenia and was not coping at my best. This was the long unemployed period in my life and I basically had only a handful of jobs and much less than a full year worked for the whole of that decade. I only reentered the work force in the 1990's and even then worked very little but instead did many hours of self-help attendence and focused on recovery.

I began to work really in the 2000's and it is only this past week that I have held officially a full time job. This is really something to celebrate.

Posted by petert at August 3, 2006 11:46 PM


I wish you all the best in your new job!

Posted by: tinted at August 4, 2006 02:02 AM

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