September 17, 2006

I stayed up all night to get to the vet early in the morning.

I stayed up Friday night afer work. I completed a school work problem on my laptop overnight. I then in the morning went to the vet and got our cat her shots. We also had her claws trimmed. We are to stop feeding our cat wet food so her teeth remain clean and bacteria free. Otherwise our cat is healthy and active. I took a taxi there and back. The second taxi had a gps mapping system the driver let me watch that showed the cab moving on a map of streets. It was very James Bond like. That is 1960's James Bond. Forty years in the making I guess. Talk about "time to market".

I attended a radical union meeting in the afternoon and was very talkative. We are planning some union workshops to teach union work to other members. The job market in my city is good right now. In fact, I have been short listed for a job that pays more than my present job and is in computer work in a different government ministry. I may not change jobs though at this point. My present job is just across the street from where we live and also my work v. school schedule seems to be good right now. I slept 15 hours last night after being awake for about 33 hours.

I attended all my classes this past week and did all my paid work. I recovered my work abilities a bit on Friday. I seem to be ok at this work I am being employed to do.

Posted by petert at September 17, 2006 12:42 PM


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