October 03, 2006

Two days of work done, three to go to the Thanksgiving long weekend.

I have just finished my second day of work this week. I have three days left to go. I did a good job today and yesterday. I don't see any problems with the rest of the week and scheduling. I could even work some over time this week if I go in early.

I just thought of commenting on this blog today about people at work. I worked with 21 people I had never met before in August and I have no knowledge of their mental health beyond knowing them at work. I also am now working with nine people, five of whom I worked with in August. I also see the day shift during the first few hours of the night shift. I have had about 8 new bosses at various levels of the government organisation. One boss has moved elsewhere and my immediate supervisor from August is no longer my supervisor. I don't know if any of these above people have mental health issues. I have volunteered to be part of the disAbility committee at work but I have not heard back about this yet.

Posted by petert at October 3, 2006 11:39 PM


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