November 05, 2006

I am reading and blogging today and have some home work.

I am thinking that although I don't mind posting details of my studies here that should best be left for my school work blog. As well I think my computers and stuff involving my tinkering with computers should also not be too detailed here. My computers are working fine. I still owe a little money for my IBM laptop but otherwise my debit involves entertainment systems, daily living and clothes.

Today I am reading heavy intellectual theory and also geting around to my school homework due this week. I am posting to blogs and may do some web mastering today. I am behind on web mastering a little bit. Mostly I need to get to work on a union web site and also on the self help network web site. I should also update the city accessibility web site. Which reminds me I should be making some donations to cover the account for that committee's web pages and also donate to a local city political campagin I said I would support with 15$.

Posted by petert at November 5, 2006 07:54 AM


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