December 27, 2006

I am up early for a day of work.

I got up at 1:00 AM this morning. I am working 8 may be 9 hours today. When I get home the furniture will be delivered. The room is not ready yet but I will delay building the furniture until Saturday. Today at work I am not sure what our tasks will be. I will go in an hour early to prepare some job promotions applications. This means I should work on a resume a little this morning before going to work. I also want to test Entourage to see if I can import my Palm schedule. I should also do a little web mastering work this morning. I just took some vitamins but have run out of niacin now. I should buy some after work if I only work to 4:00 PM today because the pharmacy will be open until 5:00 PM. The furniture will not be delivered until after 5:00 PM. I should also make a trip to the corner store before work this morning.

Posted by petert at December 27, 2006 02:51 AM


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