August 30, 2007

I am taking a break to blog a bit.

I have edited my resume with my new supervisors suggestions. I did that just the last hour. I ate some supper my second bowl of vegetarian stew today. Today is again about 32 hours long. My resume is printed and also emailed into work. I also printed some other documents to help apply for work. I am applying for three other jobs now. And one job is still being processed and so far I am still in the running. Many coworkers are already out of the race. These three other jobs have application deadlines in the next week or the week after. I am hoping my resume is done now for two jobs. I will go in early today to check the other available jobs and make sure it is only the three jobs I need to work on applying for. I would like to have my resumes completed for these three jobs this morning and also at least one more cover letter started if not two. The third cover letter is already started and my supervisor will give me some feedback today on this letter. If this feedback can be acted upon today and both the resume and cover letter can be fixed by the end of the day I can give these to a higher supervisor for proof reading sometime today.

Posted by petert at August 30, 2007 04:27 AM


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