October 03, 2007

I was up late last night and finally this morning got working on school work and got it done.

I did a lot of miscellaneous computer tasks geared around self presentation last night but finally got down to working on some school work due today. I slept at about 7:00 AM without meds and woke up to L and my wife drinking beer and talking a lot mid day. I am now heading off to class and my wife made me dinner and cookies. I will miss hockey games on TV tonight because of school. My problem now becomes getting up in the morning on time for work and my interview given that I am at school until 10:00 PM this evening. I am very caught up on volunteer paperwork and income reporting. Wish me luck tomorrow. We also have our speaker on anxiety at work tomorrow so the afternoon should be great.

Posted by petert at October 3, 2007 06:12 PM


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