October 06, 2007

C and J came by for Thanksgiving dinner.

I had defrosted the turkey since Wednesday morning. I put it in the oven today at 12:30 PM. I cooked it until 6:30 PM. I had to make a second grocery trip in the late afternoon to buy peas and gravy. So as usual we ate turkey, potatoes, peas, and stuffing all with gravy. We did buy stuffing at the 7-11 and they only had chicken stuffing. But it all worked out fine. We watched hockey on TV. C and J left at about 10:00 PM and I got down to studying and surfing the web.

I also read today's newspaper for politics and environmentalist news. It looks like a Canadian Inuit climate change activist, Shelia Watt-Cloutier and Al Gore are both co-nominated for the Nobel Peace prize. My father has voted on Nobel prizes before a long time ago. He votes on science prizes though. My friends are much more concerned about entertainment news. They are both working in the elections this week. I guess you might figure out where I live from that news but please if you do find out keep it quiet.

Posted by petert at October 6, 2007 10:29 PM


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