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I continued today to view lectures and study public law. I also read about cyberculture and am nearly finished one book today. Last night too I studied first aid. I will continue to study first aid today.
I am really reviewing the second quarter of my public law course now. I feel I have gone over the first quarter of the course enough now. I have seen the first six lectures once, or twice in the cases of the first four lectures. I have also read all the source book readings and many of the extra readings in the first six lectures. So now I start the next six and completed watching lecture 7 just now for a second time.
J couldn't stay quiet about his problems with his case management service. We discussed this a bit. Then I got working on the computer as I had been at work all day. I read email and was tired after a long day at work. So Friday night I slept after working 12 hours Friday. I had been awake about 21 hours. I slept about 8 hours and am now awake Saturday morning.
I think Tom Burns presents projection and splitting two psychodynamic phenomena well with good case background. I understood these better now. Splitting is just like bosses playing one worker off the other. Only in this case it is a consumer playing one mental health worker off the other. I think the same thing could happen with mental health workers playing consumers off each other too. Solidarity is the solution for this phenomena. Tom Burns is a bit of an arrogant professional being an Oxford university professor and all. He certainly isn't paying my rent this month.
I am hoping my work goes well today and that C and J come over tonight for some talk. I think R is also ready to come over. He may be back from his supported camping trip. My wife went to the dentists yesterday. I have to be careful about who I tell about my presidency over the internet by email. This is really not a big thing but rather more volunteer work.
I am reading more of Tom Burns book just randomly reading various paragraphs. I also started to read chapter two. It seems nurses have decided a 35 patient upper limit to caseload is appropriate.
I have been up now 23 hours. I did about three hours of video lecture watching. I also learned a new role playing game. There is still a lot more to learn in this new game. We all got tired and cranky after four hours of it last night. I also did a little teaching assistant work yesterday. I also did some on-line stuff for my new president role and made some phone calls. Big plans but I need to catch a few hours nap and then do house work and shopping then sleep for a 12 hour shift on Friday.
I have been a member of yahoo since the middle 1990's. I first started chatting on-line seriously at Geocities. When Yahoo bought Geocites I moved over to yahoo chat services. I generally use the Internet like many others for health care so mostly I chat at a health care room. The people there helped me get my wife to the hospital when she gave birth. I stopped chatting a lot there in 2003 and 2004 but went back in middle 2004 early 2005 and have been more of a regular lately. I tend to chat more than I listen but all is good. I just spent two hours chatting there this morning.
We are starting a new role playing game with the Star Gate SG1 role playing game. Tonight we create characters.
I was voted into the president's role at Psychiatric Survivors of Ottawa. I now must attend meetings on behalf of our peer to peer self help group and other duties. My first duty will be to attend a government health meeting on August 4th with our staff. I will also have to become a signing authority for our group and sign paychecks etc for our group.
I managed to work at the teaching assistant work on Monday evening. I also worked the 8 hours in my security job yesterday. I then went straight to my board of directors meeting.
I am reading Tom Burns' Community Mental Health Teams: A Guide to Current
Practices (Oxford, UK: Oxford, 2004)
Tom Burns spent 10 years managing a generic community treatment team then 10
years managing an ACT team. He is a professor at Oxford University.
I spent the last four hours reading a few books and got chapter one of Tom
Burns book read. Here are some facts from chapter one to share with you.
Beside meds contributing to deinstitutionalisation also the welfare state
(i.e money to live outside the hospital) and various other societal
developments such as human rights have contributed to community living. Also
professional developments and the therapeutic community movement played a
role. Unlocked wards were developed in Britian in the late 1940's although
some these days in the early 2000's are going back to locked wards.
Italy outlawed mental health hospitals in 1978. Replaced them with community
health care teams.
It really goes in waves and each time we think we have the ideal thing.
Victorian hospitals were great in their day. Unshackling the insane was a
big move way back when. ECT was great in its day.
He pokes open and deepens my understanding of mental illness.
I borrowed medical books last night at school while on break. I read the first chapter in Tom Burns Community Mental Health Teams: A Guide to Current Practices (Oxford, UK: Oxford, 2004). I borrowed a book on toxicogenomics and a book on biomedical ethics. In the masters in biostatistics I will be required to study epidemiology courses. So after law studies medical studies? Yes, I think this would be good, which means I need three statistics courses this year.
So this is it my 31 hour day after two regular 16 or 20 hour days. I woke up at 1 PM Monday and if everything works out I will sleep at about 8 PM tonight Tuesday. I have already spent three hours working at school and ate lunch on break and prepared for work in the tutorial. I now have 8 hours security work. Then if I am lucky I will attend our peer to peer help group board of directors meeting at 5 PM.
I am at the end of another day. I completed marking some mid-terms just an hour ago. I spent some time on-line at my public law course bulletin board just now. I need to wake up no later than 2 PM today. I should go out an buy milk and pop for today and get my wife some beer money before sleeping. I won't have time to run to the store later today.
Someone said here in a comment that their knowledge of medicine helped with their recovery. I would only say that I agree 100%. I am training in first aid again this August 6th. I also got some nuring books recently. Considering these are only about 10-20$ from Amazon market sellers, cheaper because they are slightly out of date, I think it is easy for me to learn more medicine. One is an herbal drug guide book. It just takes me a few hours reading to learn a little bit more. I have also been reading Sex for Dummies a little lately. I also have my CPR recertified for another year. I will be reading my nuclear survival hand book later this morning after midnight.
I woke up today at 3 PM rather late. I marked tests from 9:30 PM until now 11:30 PM. I have about an hour more to mark then will get back to my own studies and then sleep as planned at 4 AM. I slept about 11 hours today. I will work tomorrow evening for three hours with two hours breaks and then stay up and work Tuesday early morning and early afternoon then come home and sleep or attend a board meeting at 5 PM.
No this isn't a post about biochemistry on a microscopic level or biotechnology. I am talking practical use of medications. A good doctor will warn you that these medications make you sleepy and you should take them at bed time. Ideally for me, I am prescribed to only take my meds once a day at bedtime. I used to become very tired during the day when I had to take them twice or three times at day. Instead I take them before sleeping. This also allows me to enforce my sleep plans over my own stay up mania.
For instance to be waking up at 1 or 2 PM Monday I will need to sleep at about 4 AM Monday morning. I am planning on being up about 30 hours then until 7 PM Tuesday but will have a nap early Tuesday morning. I need to work 5 hours Monday evening and 8 hours early Tuesday monrning. Then I have a volunteer meeting at 5 PM Tuesday. This would have been fine if I was on my usual up late Friday sleep 8 AM or 12 noon Saturday morning schedule, because I would have been waking up at about 8 PM Saturday or later and then staying up until Monday 4 AM. As it is now it is better because I woke up at 12 noon Saturday and am planning on sleeping right now at 4 am Sunday having only a 20 hours day today. Then today when I wake up I will not have slept as much and wake up at noon again, today. Then I will sleep at 4 AM Monday for a simple 16 hour day. This will allow me about two normal days rest and sleep.
But I don't want to sleep normal days so I take my meds to force myself to sleep. I took my meds at 3 AM and am now starting to feel tired. I should actually be asleep now by 5 AM and my sleep plans should be well underway.
I watched the Star Gate SG1 episode "The First Commandment" today and hope to watch two more episodes today. This is a similar episode to some Star Trek episodes where the earthling plays GOD amongst the savages. But in this episode Sam the female lead in the series brings in the abusive and controlling partner issue to the story. Thus updating this sci-fi clique.
Our pay period has two weeks like many other jobs. I have worked 44 hours in the present pay period. The full time workers work 88 hours in two weeks. I will realise about 400$ from this work which will help pay debit and also buy a new larger hard drive for my new used iBook and also upgrade the memory to 544 MB. I might also be able to afford a pocket drive with this money.
I worked 12 hours yesterday and have the weekend off of work. But I do have marking to do and will be doing some marking tonight in our living room. I am working as a teaching assistant on Monday evening and then must stay up through Tuesday for an 8 hour shift in security. Then I will have two days off of work and then work again on Friday for 12 hours. Then I will have almost four days off and work another 12 hour night shift on Tuesday.
I have completed my volunteer hours for this month except an extra shift for next Sunday. I also have a volunteer meeting on Tuesday at 5 PM. This will be an after work meeting so I may not make it.
I managed this morning to watch a little of a lecture tape and get set up for recording today's lecture. I updated blogs and helped a little with the newspapers. I am just in my final preparation for my work today. I am having a fairly good day today. If the iBook arrives today I will have a great weekend. Even if it doesn't my weekend should be good and I will watch some TV shows on DVD.
After my 34 hour day I had accomplished 8 hours of work, 12 hours of study and 5 hours of socialisation. I also had another annual check up with my general practitioner who checked me for cancer and basic vital signs and I am healthy as usual. I do expect to get lung cancer in the future though. He was encouraging me to study more statistics by describing his research project. His research won an award and he had some help from my workplace that is the school of mathematics and statistics at Carleton university. Speaking of which I have some marking to do this weekend and would also like to get some statistics studying done this weekend. I may go to the school library on Sunday and borrow Sheldon's Ross's Simulation and maybe that book on time series I borrowed last summer. I am thinking the course on time series might be a good choice this fall term.
I am working for 12 hours today and then off work until Tuesday. I have one maybe two over night volunteer shifts this weekend.
I was not able to leave work early enough to get downtown for the accessibility meeting at city hall. I was also in terrible shape for about an hour so would probably have been more obstructive than constructive at the meeting so it was probably best that I did not attend yesterday. But work comes first and I worked yesterday and will work tomorrow. I will only be able to keep 25% of the wages from this work. That means also that the other 75% is money the government saves. Therefore the government will save about 300$ on this week and last where I worked.
I am feeling fairly relaxed after a hard day at work. I also relaxed with friends last night. We concluded an adventure and we agreed to start playing Star Gate SG1 next week. Since this will be the 27th and we are taking two weeks off in the beginning of August this will be our last go at it for three weeks. This break will also allow me to study more just before my exam. I have also not taken any work past August 2nd in my security job. I did ask for more work after August 18th. So other than studying which is relaxing I will take August 3rd to 18th off of work. I will have one statistics test to mark and one assignment to mark in this time but the majority of my school teaching work is completed again for this term.
I am just reading the professors notes for our public law course and watching lecture VHS tapes. I will continue over night to study until 9 am when I will go to my GP's. Then I will come home and sleep. I will take the weekend off and watch Star Gate SG1 videos and study more broadly on the weekend.
I think there is a Linux user group picnic this weekend or rather BBQ. I went last year but it was not as enjoyable as some other picnics I have been too. Our psychiatric survivors picnics are very fun, as are our Schizophrenia Society picnics. Last year's Linux picnic was fairly repressed in talking and even critical and not very fun. It was also slightly embarrassing. No I think this year I will not attend Liunx in the wild.
Yikes I have gotten myself into some work problems. A friend of mine who I encourage to work has been doing odd labour and hurt his back. I have now been encouraging him not to work at physical labour. He has not worked this week but is giving his back a rest. He has been staying near home.
Myself I have been preaching the sleep management to him and one other person who must also work 12 hour shifts. She has worked 56 hours last week. She does not understand ethics.
I worked 8 busy hours today. I say busy because not all my working hours are that busy. At school this also varies with some weeks where few students show up and other weeks where it is very busy. We are now in the home stretch at school. This will be the ending of my sixth term as a teaching assistant involved in producing tomorrow's statisticians and increasing the statistical intellect of the world's people.
Oh well great thoughts but I am now up for another ten hours for a doctors appointment then will sleep 14 hours from 12 noon until 2 am Friday. Then I am on ok days until Monday Tuesday.
I should do some marking tonight and some studying. I think I will study some more public law now.
I finally got an email saying my iBook(clamshell) has been shipped and should arrive some time at the end of this week. I was worried because I had not heard from the ebay seller and she is apparently new to ebay so I took a bit of a risk on this purchase but this resulted in a slightly lower price for this laptop Macintosh. This computer was originally sold in 1999 and is a very beautiful computer. I will in the next month upgrade the hard drive and memory on it and then install Mac OS X panther as the operating system.
My sleeping plan worked again. I slept at 3 PM on Tuesday and woke up ten hours later at 1 AM. I now have a few hours to read and study and get ready for 8 hours of work that starts a little before 7 AM this morning. I will then after work at 3 PM rush downtown for a meeting at city hall. After this meeting I will relax at a friends house and play a role playing game. So I have a fairly busy day but it is starting out very relaxed as I update blogs and do a little light academic reading.
I was just sending some early morning emails to law professors about the coming year. I may study intellectual property this fall and that would be my last course in my honours four year BA in legal studies.
I read a chapter of a book on writing and addictions. The author of this chapter is addicted to reading she says. This is of course incorrect in that she misinterprets addiction to write her story which is really about books she likes to read by addict writers and also the brief and cynical history of alcohol in Alberta. This history jumps into her writing in regular paragraphs. She uses three alternating paragraphs in her chapter. One as I said is a cynical look at Alberta and its prohibition period, the other paragraphs are her own reading of addict's fiction and the other is her exploration of her own possible addictions and generally the topic of addiction. These last paragraphs are where she is basically incorrect but still cynical.
Here is her bibilographic cite: Aritha van Herk Ladies and Escorts in Szabados Bela & Probert, Kenneth, G. eds. Writing Addictions: Towards a Politics of Desire and Its Others (Regina, Sask.: Canadian Plains Research Center, 2004).
I worked on picking courses for next year. I could have a two statistics course schedule this fall. I will wait on multivariant analysis until grad school. I might study time series this fall in statistics and/or stochastic processing and queuing theory. In law courses there are a few choices most fourth year course except for intellectual property which is a third year course. I considered studying the business enterprise frameworks course which would let me study corporate crime in the winter. For fourth year seminars this term coming up the fall term I have about 6 choices. There is a justice theories course, and a contraversies in rights course. There are courses in criminal law on sentencing, police, and aboriginals for the three criminal law courses. Then finally there is an environmental law course concerning groups and the environmental law making process. The courses I am keen on are the policing course and the intellectual property course but would also like the justice theories course and the environmental law course.
Of course, I am choosing courses in the afternoon and evening as much as possible. M the student of neurology also says he chooses later classes. You probably know this method of coping with medications that dope us out in the morning.
I tried to post in the early afternoon yesterday but could not contact www.schziophrenia.com over the internet. I back dated my posts below for Monday. They were really made at a few minutes past midnight. I am on another night shift tonight so that I will sleep at about 2 PM Tuesday today, and then sleep until early Wednesday morning when I will be going to my security work for an 8 hour shift. Of my work I have worked the 3 scheduled hours of my TA work so far this week. I won't have scheduled hours again until next Monday. I do have some marking to do this week though. It may take awhile. I also have a 12 hour shift in security on Friday. After this shift I am volunteering for 14 hours. But once the first four hours go by on the volunteer shift it should be quiet. On Wednesday after my security work I will have one hour to get to city hall for my committee volunteering. Then right after that I will have one hour to get to my friends house for Dungeons and Dragons. This reminds me I should watch some Star Gate today.
I keep bumping into this neurology student M. He knows my wife from their mutual assertive community team. We have talked about a number of things especially studying part time to reduce stress. Tonight when we met at the train stop he asked me to speak to a women he knows who has schizo-effective disorder. He was saying that she doesn't listen to his suggestions for regular sleep and good food. I told him he might actually advise her less and this might work better. I am not for heavy handed treatment and believe you can't change someone over night. Just like good food and regular sleep take time to show improvements in health, which he said. I think he understood my point. I feel we should let up on the advise sometimes and liberate people from oppressive health regimes.
I worked a fair amount until about 3:30 AM to get the marking done on the engineer's statistics tests. I also solved some problems with them tonight in the tutorial session. For the other course I am a teaching assistant in I gave the students part of thier mid term mark and gave two labs tonight in confidence intervals. I really know this statistics now both the applied and and mathematical statistics. One of our professors was in our city newspaper today for receiving an honourary life time membership in the Statistical Society of Canada. I dressed in all green clothes today and was clean shaven and wore nice light brown leather shoes which make me look colonial or 19th century and professorial.
I am going onto day shift hours today but will swing around the clock for another early morning Wednesday then again for another early morning Friday and I might then be able to stay up till Saturday morning. I am working for 23 hours total in this coming week. I am volunteering for 10+2+14 hours for 26 hours total from today until next weekend.
I managed to work another 12 hours on Friday night/Saturday morning. I am so pleased to be working and in a union job too. I am working in this job on Wednesday and Friday this coming week too.
I will be marking statistics tests this morning. I will be giving a tutorial tomorrow in both courses. I should spend some time today preparing for the engineers tutorial in statistics. I do not have to give back the mid-term for another week now.
I am volunteering for 10 hours today and will spend 4 hours in the office volunteering. This volunteer job is going very well and I am now more sensitive to police response to victims of crime. There are no specific courses at our school on victimology.
I was surfing ebay.ca this morning and won some zip disks for very little money. I will be continuing to surf ebay a little this morning and marking tests.
I have been waking up worried about my physical health more and more these days. I am not sure if this is a rational worry or not. I am going for my annual check up with my GP this coming week. I have had about 20 appointments that is 20 years of good health. I suspect I will have another good appointment this year as well.
I woke up yesterday at 1 PM and immediately watched lecture #16 as it was being broadcast. That kept me busy until about 4 PM. I then did some household shopping. By 5 PM I needed to get ready to go to work for my night shift. So I had no time to post here on Friday. Even Friday early morning I was busy helping with the newspapers and marking tests. I got home from work this morning at about 8 am. I cleaned the dishes a little, plastered the hole in the bathroom wall before I went on-line. Now I am going to work on my blogs for an hour or so and then buy some drinks at the store and then make chicken and then finally sleep.
My plans may be overly optimistic. My wife woke up and asked for help with the dishes. So we washed them all together. I need to defrost the chicken before cooking it. I will sleep. I don't need to go to the store as I have cash I can give my wife and see can go buy things to drink for herself.
I am generally taking my vitamins 6 or 8 hours apart. Some mornings I forget to take them so must take more at the same time which is not as effective. Sometimes I am working 12 hours too so can not take my vitamins. I take 3 grams of vitamin C and 3 grams of niacin daily. This is 6 each of 500mg pills. I do tend to flush up and need a back scratch after taking niacin.
The mid-term went well. A few students scored better than 90% on the multiple choice that I just marked a couple of hours ago. This work is fun and satisfying. I am going to do a little more marking before working in security again this Friday night. Today is also pay day. I am sleeping in a few hours and trying to stay on the night shift.
I worked a last minute night shift last night but it was quiet with the hot weather. I am working at a mid-term in two hours. I am just getting ready to leave by bus and be an hour early to work. All this working should support my iBook upgrade plans.
I take the bus home from work. I listened to half a lectures as an mp3 on my PSP on the way home from work this morning. The lecture was about science and misguided science as in bio-technology. I have been studying bio-technology and learned more from the lecture. But taking a scientific world view is wrong perhaps. Suzuki takes a scientific world view. Besides Suzuki is a male scientist.
I just got a call that they are short handed at work so I am going in on an over night shift. This will mean I will work until 8 am tomorrow. I will sleep in the day and then off to work in the evening tomorrow. I will have regular hours of sleep and awakeness but be on night shift for the next few days.
I woke up at 1 PM so about 10 hours sleep. I am feeling well rested and keen to study. I am watching the end of lecture #13. I hope to start marking last night's test today too.
I have learned to control my sleeping but sometimes I stay up too late still and ruin my plans. I prioritise. I am never late for work at my main income jobs. I sometimes slack off on web mastering and of course still skip out on volunteering duties sometimes. Right now I need to sleep to not over sleep or over awake for Wednesday evening work on route for a full over night shift at work on Friday. My friends won't be coming over again this Friday because of this work and I missed having them over last weekend because of volunteer duties.
I should sleep now. I completed reading chapter 9 in the spring term source book and started chapter 10. This is for lectures #7 and #8.
I did give labs and gave advise to students for the mid-term. I also gave a test. I tried to relax the students more this time and they seemed to complete more work on the test. I need to mark these tests this week. I told my boss that computer crime has intersections for law and statistics. She said computer crime is interesting just like one statistics professor told me in an email about four years ago when she said computer tinkering is interesting.
I was reading alt.support.schizophrenia and got mad at a few things. I ignored the first thing namely some guy who posts tens of posts a day about nothing. I replied to some posts and added some useful content. Then I read some story about a disAbled teen being misunderstood and kept in US jail after having trouble communicating at the border. While this injustice would make me mad it was really a characterization of disAbled people in jail as extremely violent that made me respond. I ended up cross posting, a no no. Oh well I did then get some positive feedback about a study plan. The plan is to spent less time on the Internet amongst other time wasters. So I quit my email and Usenet
I just completed my marking of statistics assignments for one course and won't need to mark assignments for this course again until the end of the month. I do have to mark a mid-term for this course though. The other course I work in has a test tonight so I will be marking those tests this week. I am also working at the first courses' mid-term on Wednesday so will miss my dungeons and dragons game this week and the game was cancelled as the dungeon master also has a work related party on Wednesday night.
I talked to my boss today in my security work. I booked a shift in August and after changing my annual check up appointment with my GP I was able to book another shift for next week. So I have 56 hours of security work in the next three weeks. This should allow me to buy memory and a new hard drive for my iBook later in August.
I wake up usually and heat up left over coffee. But sometimes I make fresh coffee. I am going to make some fresh coffee right now. My wife rarely drinks coffee. She also doesn't or hasn't worked that much and working isn't that important to her. It is interesting to explore coffee as a working class drug. You are probably aware of it as a popular drug amongst those of us with schizophrenia. You also probably know that those of us with schizophrenua can be hard workers with the right conditions. I am eating strawberries too.
I just broke a plastic ketchup bottle while rearranging the fridge. This is the most common time for household accidents early in the morning. And I had just had an accident.
I am up early this morning to complete some marking that is due back to students later today in the evening. I will also be giving another test to engineers in one statistics course. I am confident at the moment that I can get this work done. The marking should take less than 2 hours. I will have the rest of the day to work on household stuff and also study my own public law course.
I did volunteer work yesterday. I woke up at 4 PM Friday and slept at 1 PM Saturday so it wasn't quite a 24 hour day. I did feel frazzeled near the end of the day. We bought my wife some shorts. We got some groceries. I bought smokes and dish soap and toilet paper. I ate well and we bought more fruits. I also did some volunteering both Friday evening and then half an hour on Saturday.
Today I am just studying public law and completeing some marking. I was also helping a friend with a schizoaffective label shop for a computer. He decided to wait for a new computer and instead buy an AC unit for his apartment. His mom is helping him with that. He is up over night too.
I have been reading about Petra Kelly and reading her politics in her book Thinking Green. I watched more of my public law lectures last night and this morning. I also helped with the newspaper delivery. My wife is awake now and we are going out to buy her shorts. I will also do a little volunteer work, buy some smokes and other household supplies and then sleep. I have been up since 4 PM Friday. I will not attend our self help groups AGM today nor will I attend my monthly union meeting.
I am getting my studies organised. The 2005-2006 schedule of courses being given is now available. I put the schedule of almost all third and fourth year law courses in my little paper agenda book. Along side these I put the advanced statistics courses I am interested in. I did this on Wednesday and just last night picked a schedule for next year. While studying Alan Hunt a professor at my school I though perhaps that legal studies and a legal studies MA might be the best direction for my future. Thus my schedule could change allowing me to study other types of courses like sociology or political science or philosophy. I also considered studying extra legal studies courses. I am going to read the calendar a bit now as my reading of school books is slowing down a bit this morning.
I am not much moved by the terrorism news today. I did call some security officals to see what I could do to help. I also discussed the issue with a community volunteer. We were discussing the differences between threats and conspiracies. I recalled speaking in a public lecture about paranoia as a sick form of politics building on my experiences of jealously and schizophrenia. The world may be a violent place but it certainly doesn't need to be seen that way. I have been studying Petra Kelly's writings on erotica and also will study her non-violence and protest writing this weekend. I also have been reading a study about victim's of terrorism. I have been a little more relaxed and played dungeons and dragons last night successfully. I have been watching my public laws lectures slowley getting through lecture #3 and now the newest lecture #13. Lecture #14 will be broadcast on Friday at 1:30.
I watched only about five minutes of my public law lecture #3 this morning. I read some excerpts from Hobbs and Locke from our source book and also a pollution case. I am going to sleep now at 4 am. I do not have a very busy rest of week. I do though have to pick the pace up again in my public law course studies. I have also been studying the business history of Silicon Valley North and a bit of cyber culture studies this morning. I also read last Thursday's newspaper.
I was surfing ebay for HP palmtops. I also surfed for iBook hard drives.
We had our appointment with the government disAbility program. After this appointment I took a bus to our self help group offices and there I helped approve an operating plan for our government supported peer to peer self help group. I then came home and my wife went out to movie night with part of her psych team. I surfed ebay a little looking at the old model HP palm tops. I relaxed reading my blog for June in hard copy that is on paper from the printout. I then got to thinking of studying a bit and avoiding ebay. I came into the office and am going to print out the lecture power point slides now and then watch more lectures in the living room. I am going to read my studies blog for June. I will also do some reading about cyber culture, silicon valley north and some reading about human rights and the internet. I spoke with another neighbour with schizophrenia about my school plans and gender.
I got my marking done. There is a disAbilities coalition meeting at 9 am today. But I won't go. I would then need lunch and don't have the money for that. I have to start work at 2 PM and then work for two hours then it is one hour off one hour on until 10 PM tonight. I need to focus on my students today so will leave for school at 12:30.
I am not working in security this week nor am I doing much web mastering but there is some web mastering to do this week.
I read five books while on break from marking. I know more about cyberculture now and the basics of French post-modern cultural theory. I also know more about Silicon Valley North from a business and success perspective. I also know a little bit more about some philosophical foundations of human rights now. I also know more about uncertain input and how and why to use the worse case scenario method. I need to read much more about this for statistics graduate school. I also know more about my school and graduate school from reading the school calendars. I also watched more public law lectures. I also know a little bit more about the iBook now. I bought an iBook which might arrive by UPS delivery this coming week. I believe in a beautiful computer world. I guess it was another 24 hours of advanced study.
I managed to mark some assignments and one test this morning. I just completed 48 hours of volunteering on call this morning at 8 am. I am working tomorrow for 5 hours. I also have a volunteer meeting in the morning. I have a government disability income review on Tuesday. I have most of the paper work ready now. This is a real drag getting paper work together but my computers help me get this paper work together. I also have a volunteer meeting after the review. I could also go to another volunteer gig's orientation session on Tuesday evening. Then on Wednesday I have a lecture but no work or volunteer duties. Then Thursday I can take a day off. Then Friday I have lecture again. Then I am back on over night hours for the weekend. I will have to mark another assignment by next Monday.
The charity event Live 8 which is also a political lobby effort briefly attracted my attention this evening. I went to the web site and added my name and emailed our Prime Minister and my local MP. I also uploaded a picture of myself to the make poverty history web site. They will use this picture in a gallery display in Edinborough at the protest.
I also got working on public law studies and then briefly started to read about PDA's and listening to the PDA guys's podcast.
Happy Canada day everyone. Celebrate the holiday that celebrates my nation.