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It was slow and there were fewer students attending but I gave the last three labs of the term last night at school. My duties are almost over again for another term. I just need to mark the student's final assignment about hypotheses testing and I am done.
We have our last scheduled union meeting on Friday. Other than that meeting I have some building inspections and paper work for those to do and I am done with this teaching assistant job for another term. I am though going to find out my proctoring schedule very soon. This will be my first term as a proctor. I am learning more and more school jobs and doing more and more roles in the university workforce.
I will have to be able to use latex in graduate school so tried doing my CV in latex. I worked for about two hours on it after grabbing some cv.tex files from the internet and looking at examples of cv's on the Internet. Latex is a mathematics type setting software. I am using the Mac software Texshop to edit latex files. My dad uses Texshop and showed me this software for the Mac. He explained some latex to me on the weekend.
I took the bus from the board meeting to a mall where I had originally planned to buy a Treo Cell phone but instead phoned my wife and then bought us a frozen pizza. I also spent about 20 minutes looking at tools in Sears. I was tempted to buy a dremel hobby tool. These tools have been for sale for most of my life. They sell a cordless model now too. I am getting paid some money this week so my shopping bug is starting to appear. I really need to use this pay for paying bills.
I now have the latest Mac OS on my Macintosh computer. My father and my brother and I discussed getting me a new Macintosh computer. Although I could probably get any Macintosh I want I think saving money and buying an eMac the low end but new Macintosh will be what I do. The school computer shop has some eMacs for sale even though Apple has stopped selling them.
My wife's doctor told her to continue having no prevacid. So I think I was wrong about the psychiatrist and his discontinuing that medication. My wife had some tests done. She has been taking some contact pills for her nausea. We did go on a trip together and we did not bad visiting family in another city. Our new luggage works well. We got a scale from my father but it tops out below my wife's true weight.
I did not speak directly to any of the guests working in the field of criminal justice. But I did greet the guests and the students as they came into the restaurant. I had never worked with J before. I met a handful of younger volunteers. I then attended my legal studies class. Writing this reminds me I need to cue up my VCR tape and program the VCR to record the broadcast today. I will do this now then proof read this entry.
Tonight is my last class in my undergrad BA degree. I will have completed all the requirements for my honours BA. I will have a final exam but then I am done until grad school.
I worked last night. I worked on Tuesday night. I have a job fair today. I also have to do some faxing for my teaching assistant union. Then I am not working again until Tuesday evening next week. I slept at about 2 AM this morning after waking up at 2 PM yesterday so only a 12 hour day awake. I slept for only a five hours waking up at about 8 AM this morning.
I am cutting down on my work by missing a meeting today, this morning. In fact I was working last night and must work tonight. So the only time I have to sleep is now at 6:00 AM
I did a little editing of Wikipedia in English concerning statistics. I am now going to review some criminal law lecture tapes from my course. We have a job networking fair this week in criminology and law at school and I am volunteering to help with this fair. I also made a resume for this job fair but should make a separate resume for each company at the fair.
I got the marking done for this week this morning. Tonight I had taught hypothesis testing. I also borrowed some library books and returned some. I have only one book out that someone has a hold on due later this week. I must return that book this week. I am working on Wednesday evening too but also have a work related meeting in the morning. I am not sure I can do all this and may stay up and nap a little and then attend the meeting and then nap again in the afternoon before my evening work.
I slept at about 6:15 but took awhile to get to sleep. I woke up at 1 PM so about 6 hours sleep. I got my marking done. I need to spend some time preparing for teaching tonight. I am just about to help my wife wash her hair.
I got my marking done again for work. I did too much work today. Today began at 7 am yesterday. I need to sleep.
I did one hour of building inspections with an experienced safety worker from the universities safety department. I then dropped off some green party CD's I had volunteered to make. I came home and got my wife off to her GP. Her dad drove her there. I also called the pharmacist and the GP and we arranged to get the prevacid delivered as soon as her GP prescribes it.
I am behind on marking but can stay up late tonight to do that or do some this afternoon. I have to get some pants hemmed today and pick up a parcel as well. The hemming will be an hour in the tailors so while they are doing that I will got and pick up the parcel which means I won't go to work for the pants until about 4 PM as the parcel will not be ready until after 5.
I will be leaving for school in a few minutes to do more building inspections. I also need to go to my other workplace and pick up some paper work today. I also have some marking to do today and tomorrow. I am not feeling stressed out yet today but I may end up feeling this way. I slept at 7:30 PM last night and woke up finally to my alarm at 7 AM this morning. I need to prepare some resumes for Thursday for a job networking fair at school.
I have all the image files converted now. I just need to burn them to a CD then get the CD to another green party volunteer and I am done this job. I am sort of getting ready for my other volunteer gig today. I will just read quietly and get things ready for going outside today. I should have done more marking this morning but I can do some later today. I spent some more time carefully reading fliers now and should be doing some Sunday shopping after my volunteer gig.
I am doing some image file conversion for the green party. These are graphics for our up coming campaign. We need to convert from Adobe to open source format.
I spent about an hour shopping on ebay. I also just finished scanning the fliers from the newspaper. I found some Lego toys on sale at Zellers and will buy these later today for some young girls in our extended family. I will also buy a CSI crime lab for one of the girls. I had intended to buy her a chemistry set but this should be better as there are some law enforcement people in her life.
My wife had her prevacid withdrawn. She has been sick to her stomach for four days now. She will be seeing her GP on Monday to get some more prevacid. We called a telehealth nurse tonight. The psychiatrist should have contacted the GP for her.
I got the Debian laptop to open some pdfs from my data mining course. I also was reading some victims studies. I also read some more of Technofeminsim.
C talks a lot and is intelligent. We talked about health and law enforcement issues. We looked at some books of paintings.
Using R's help I cleaned our storage closet to make room for the AC unit and then took it out of the window and put it in the storage closet. I need to clean the pigeon dung off the AC. This is danger in our environment.
I did some rearranging the file system on my external drive for my eMac and my iTunes music file storage system. I need to put my music CDs back in the iTunes software.
I did some building safety inspections today. I went with an experienced fire engineer from our union. We inspected for about 45 minutes. I also bought more printer ink and watched my lecture from Thursday on TV.
I did some peer to peer mental health support yesterday. I was exhausted after this but that was because I was up all night on Tuesday night Wednesday morning. I also got recruited to sit on a working group involved in making sure that mental health receives its share of the health dollars from government. This should be interesting. I also got in touch with the coordinator of the self help network to discuss my web mastering work and I will have more work and a pay cheque should arrive next week for work to date.
I am marking statistics homework again and enjoying this work. Today our teaching assistants union is having a members meeting at noon. We need to get a good turn out of members so we can vote on some union wide issues. Things are going good in this union. I mean socially only going good. That is I am getting along with the other union executive members and our internal activities are friendly and there do not seem to be any conflicts with me and my Abilities and participation in union activities. Over all the union environment in our country does need work and we are facing extreme resistance from employers, politicians, and capitalists.
In my more radical union we are meeting in December and that seems ok right now. In my other union, Yes I belong to three unions) I am just starting to work for a new company although it is the same job and am thus a probationary member even though I have held this part time job for almost five years now. The previous five years we were represented by another union and worked for a different company.
We could not buy a new winter coat for my wife. She could not fit into an XL mens coat. She loved one parka but could just fit into it and since it was down it needed to be a bigger than the person. My wife is overweight because of an eating disorder and her meds make her gain weight. We did buy her some socks and I bought some first aid gloves from the camping store. I then came home and slept. My wife drank some beer and made a stew. I woke up some 14 hours later this morning around 5 AM.
I have some volunteering to do this morning. I have coffee and lunch money. Afterwards I am going to the local camping coop store to check out winter coats for my wife. The problem will be to motivate her to go out in the rainy weather today. We want a big parka for her like the one I got a year ago from the same store. This coop also supports the Walk the World for Schizophrenia. Thus I support them by being a member. I may also buy a bigger pack but this can wait. Right now I have to run out to my volunteer appointment.
I read the graduate school course calendar for the biostatistics degree and then downloaded some course material from Epidemiology courses that are required. My application is almost done now.
My wife is at the hospital getting her blood tested for white blood cells because she takes clozapine. This is normal for this drug. She must be tested every two weeks. She meets her assertive community treatment team at the hospital and then has coffee with them at a local mall. She will be home soon.
I will be giving three one hour labs tonight. I slept at abut 4 AM and woke up at 1 PM today. I just called the self help group to arrange a meeting. We need to set some policy. I will be volunteering with another community group tomorrow morning and will stay awake now until about 2 PM Wednesday for a 25 hour day. I am just spending some time this afternoon preparing for the labs tonight. We will cover sample sizes and confidence limits. Last week I did a problem on the chalk board about confidence limits. Tonight I will do a sample size problem but still need to pick one out to do from the textbook.
I did some web mastering for my union earlier last night. It is now almost 3 AM. I also prepared a little for my teaching assistant work on Tuesday evening.
I also did some new links in my amazon.com book store. I used a suggested link from Amazon's email newsletter for amazon associates. I surfed amazon.com a bit.
I put another poem written by my wife on her web site.
I took Monday off with good results. I was given a Compaq Presario1210 early model pentium 150 laptop. It had only 16MB of RAM. I called a local store that sells old computer parts and bought a 64 MB RAM PC66 chip for 30$ plus tax and it works fine. I installed Debian 3.0 r 2 and it works now fine with a KDE desktop. I like KDE 2.2.2 which is what was installed. So that worked out well and I now have a Debian laptop. I now need to buy it modem and ethernet PCMCIA cards but beyond that it is paid for.
I also bought us some ingredients for supper for tomorrow and Wednesday. We just did two small grocery shops instead of one large one. R came over for fish and rice and we watched an episode of StarGate SG1 called Brief Candle. My wife drank some beer today and did some laundry. I now have clean jeans, clean socks, and clean underwear. All in all a good day off. I slept at 3 AM this morning and woke up at 11:30 AM and did not have to work today at school. I will sleep on Tuesday morning at about 4 AM and sleep until 2 PM or something like that. I will teach on Tuesday evening. I volunteer on Wednesday and this coming Saturday. I will also volunteer at a union meeting this Thursday. I might do some paid union related health and safety work this week possibly on Friday afternoon.
I did the newspapers as usual and then slept at 10 AM and only slept about 9 hours waking up at 7 PM. My wife and I talked and I helped her read a little. We ordered Chinese food late at night and then she slept. I started to read when I woke up and then continued to read. I also started to work on the computer and have been working on the computer for about 6 hours now. I paid the fee for one of my grad school applications. I will probably sleep later in the evening tonight and it will be a long day. I have no work today or volunteer activities. I may go out to a mall for a coffee. I may go do some grocery shopping.
I read in a sleep help book by some medical doctors that one gets one's world saving ideas, and solutions to one's own problems just before going to sleep.
But I am not sure if these are good solutions. My mother of course likes to warn me about lacking sleep and not getting enough sleep. So often in the past when I lived at home and was up all night I wold be fussed about and worried that my last thoughts of the day were unsound. My mother has been a critical person. She recently apologized for this and realized recently, that she was causing me to always second guess myself and worry about everything. This can be related with a little thought to being critical of ones self and then another step over and we have voices of criticism and issues of maintaining self esteem.
Throughout the time that this type of thinking has been mine I have been seeking to buy a career. In other words by buying books on school subjects I hoped to learn a profession. I hoped to buy military clothes that would make me a soldier. I hoped to buy union material that would make me a worker. I hoped to buy musical equipment that would make me a musician. I hoped to buy information technology that would make me a programmer.
The counter pose to all this buying was also conveniently provided by my family and that was to purchase needs not wants. But this vague and manipulatable prescription is not working. Instead I must do real work and earn real money before I buy more stuff.
I must in the bigger picture put more faith in what I actually do rather than what I hope to do. That is I need to accept myself and my actions as they actually are rather than placing them in the future. I also have to stop living with some much financial credit and so much spending.
Well I did it again another end of day writing fest and more blog entries. I left this entry the last of the day for awhile before posting it. I read a little of that workaholics self help book then cleaned up the living room. I am leaving my wife some money for her visit with her friend today and I am going to sleep. Sleep is the real solution but so is getting in touch with my feelings. And I actually can feel good and relaxed and enjoy times when I lack sleep.
I almost got called on to do some peer to peer support in my victim's assistance volunteering but the office could not arrange the visit. Instead I have had a quiet shift and it will be over in four hours. I am probably going to sorting newspapers in about half an hour to an hour from now. Then about 5:30 I should be out delivering the newspapers and hopefully be done by 7 AM.
I am just reflecting that when I am home working on computers and reading I do a lot more work than I do in my workplace.
You might know that this site www.schizophrenia.com is the first link in a google search for schizophrenia. My blog at this site is a #1 on google for risperadol spelling it the the way I spell it. The medical spelling risperadone does not lead here as a #1 on goggle. Of course the reason my blog can get to #1 on google is related to this whole site www.schizophrenia.com being a #1, So thanks to the people at www.schizophrenia.com for all your hard work. This hard work makes my audience all the more large.
We were supposed to meet today at our self help group sub committee but someone was sick so we canceled the meeting. I was able to spend most of the day going around town on the buses and buying things.
I am staying up late to help with the newspapers and then plan to sleep at about 8 AM Saturday. I will also do some research on the Internet over night on fixing up an old model pentium one compaq laptop that someone in my family would like to be able to use for email. I will also work on this computer a bit over night uninstalling some software to make space on the hard drive which should speed it up a bit too.
R came by and brought his guitar. We played some music. My wife sang one song with R and I played bass to one song he played. We also watched The Broca Divide the third Star Gate SG1 episode from the first season of Star Gate SG1 a science fiction TV show.
Today is the day we remember the soldiers who fought in our wars. I remember the soldiers I grew up with and my ancestors who died in war and those that lived. I really need to figure out what the war on terrorism is about in terms of basic rights and I think in some way it is a fight for personal security and the right to a secure and safe life. But then we bomb foreign countries so maybe they are just getting revenge for that. When will all the killing stop?
I learned recently that labour was really against fighting in the first world war as it was considered a bosses war. They felt that the rich should have to pay more as the rich did not have to risk their lives for the country. I knew this idea of a bosses war before but not the origin of this in Western Canada where the One Big Union (OBU) concept started. Also it seems one of my unions was very active in the early 1900's in Western Canada.
Because this is remembrance day in Canada the banks are closed thus today is considered Monday the 14th by the banks. The 14th is a pay day for my teaching assistant work so today Friday I was paid. I was able to pick up my 511 cotton tactical vest and felt like a lone wolf walking away from the store. Although I am not really, as I am writing it about it here in the public internet and really am not trying to do anything violent. A lone wolf is someone who may be a danger who goes off by themselves and arms themselves or something like that. I read about this is regard domestic terrorism. These terrorism legal studies are really getting to me. Thankfully last nights lecture was mostly about business ethics and political corruption but we did see some terrorist made video at the end of the class. So I have my tactical vest now and am wearing it on my on duty shift tonight. It is really just a vest with many pockets or in dungeons and dragons talk it would be like a "robe of useful items." I have been into military clothes long before I had ever heard of terrorism too. It was just part of playing soldier.
I also bought us more cigarettes. I also paid for my equalizer. I also bought my partner beer and lunch and paid for her photographs of herself.
I am going to sleep earlier than usual. I have an appointment at 1 PM at our self help group. I also have some volunteering to do later today. My friends should come over tonight. I will help with the newspapers as usual.
Liberty is the right to be left alone. This is an ideal state and can not work in our Western society in an ideal way. We must maintain some connects with others and are never truly alone or let alone.
I am wondering about the spread of terrorism and stuff like this. There are so many people in the world. Tomorrow is remembrance day in Canada. Lets remember the civilian victims of war this year. War is evil. Murder is a crime everywhere even when done by the government like soldiers. Who will judge war crimes? Oh well I need not really worry to much about all this outside world stuff.
If you are reading this you probably don't know me personally. Also I value my privacy so please don't invade that. You can read and comment but I don't want you to start getting into my real life. Thanks.
I am reading about rule of law and completed reading about the special case of England and also started to read about social welfare states and A. I. Dicey and his critique of administrative law involved in supporting the social welfare state and how all these government agencies escape the judges and courts and thus erode the rule of law. I also briefly read about the legal profession and the rule of law and this leads to another book I am reading.
This other book could be part of legal informatics or law and the semantic web project. In fact it is about the semantic web and the law. I read the beginning chapter of this conference/workshop proceedings book. It is interesting this first chapter as the connections are made between computer science and legal studies and I found it a good overview of law and also a good summary of the types of things going on in legal studies. I am interested now to search out languages/schemas like LeXML and LegalXML etc.
The other book I am reading is one of these cute history books in this case called Power and Greed and is about the rules governing acquisition in history and then covers people who have broken these rules to gain more wealth than the rules allow. I have just tonight completed reading about the historical rules which covered rules made by everyone from Mohamed to Jesus to Plato and and others who lived long ago and were all men. Thus is this book really valid history considering that womyn might have made rules too? I am not sure but my professor recommended it in my present criminal law course early on in one of the first lectures. So am I being spoon fed a patriarchal view of the history of the world? I probably am being spoon fed this point of view. Will I question this publicly? I just did. Oh the mysteries of the educated masses.
I also downloaded and listened to a podcast by a first year law school student. I found it in the education subcategory in Apple Computer's music store inside the iTunes software. This is my second day exploring the education subcategory in the podcast directory in iTunes. I listened to this student's introductory podcast. I started to listen to his first podcast on contracts which was from his notes from his first lecture in his contracts course. It was good to review the basic components of a contract and follow his American examples of enforceable contracts. I got about half way through this first podcast on contracts.
I also listened to some Wall Street Journal podcasts and a Sun Microsystems podcast. One of the Wall Street Journal podcasts was about living wills and I emailed about ten family members with some thoughts and rules I would want for my living will. I included no electroshock as a wish but all other medically acceptable procedures. There was a Wall Street Journal podcast on cell phone company mergers but I didn't listen carefully to this podcast. But I did hear the journalist discuss the trend to having only a cell phone and no land line, as they call traditional phones in this context. The third Wall Street Journal podcast I managed to listen to was about how to get Wall Mart to sell your product if you are a small business trying to do this. I deleted the first two Wall Street Journal podcasts but kept this one about getting Wall Mart to carry a product, because it is a useful listen for marketing statistics material. The Sun Microsystems podcast was about a portable internet classroom being used in the Brazilian rural school system and was obviously an uncritical look at providing children with Internet access and was meant to make Sun Microsystems look good without too much depth of content.
Well I will proof read this entry now and then go back to reading these three books for tonight/this morning as they all relate to my lecture later tonight. I may end up staying up for 34 hours today maybe 36. I have one union meeting today and one multi union meeting and then time off and then my lecture later tonight. The bad planning today is the last meeting may be over by 14:30 and then my lecture won't be until 18:00. I will be in a tired state at 14:30 and staying on campus for long periods with no classes is not something I do well. But what I may do is watch the lecture on TV tomorrow and tape it of course instead of attending later this evening. I am obviously working too hard at my studies as some readers commented here. But it is what I want to do and it does not really hurt anyone to do this.
I gave three hours of labs that is three hour long labs last night. The students mostly worked on their own. I solved one problem on the board for them in each lab. I also helped them understand the assignment they were working on and did a fair amount of one on one help. I tried out the libraries laptop borrowing program when I was on my break and surfed my law course newsgroup for about twenty minutes and got in some on-line discussions about our mid-term.
I am just relaxing today after waking up at 1 PM. I helped with the newspapers this morning and slept at 6 AM. My wife bought milk and pop this morning. I am going out to our monthly meeting of a volunteer group I belong too tonight. We will do some practicing support and hear about the New Orleans disaster response.
I did not get my email for 24 hours yesterday. I also had trouble contacting some web sites. I am ok today after some tech support from my Internet service provider.
I got my marking done and all the marks recorded and then reported to the professor. I also reported the student's progress or performance on this assignment. I also reported what was going on in the labs in the past few weeks and what will be going on in the next two weeks. It is week 8 now and there are only three weeks left after tonight. But I have two more assignments to grade before the term and my work duties end.
I will now sleep and only get 5 or 6 hours sleep after a 22 hour day awake.
I am still marking and have been working for almost 4 hours now with about 1 hour of breaks. I will need another hour to complete it. I have a little more than half the papers left to mark for the final Q.
I did set up the router and it works fine. I wouldn't normally have such a powerful and recent piece of technology.
I am working in the math lab later today from 17:30 to 22:00 and will sleep before going to school. Then I may stay up until 20:00 Wednesday but will try to nap later in the morning Wednesday. I have some volunteer meetings on Wednesday later in the day.
I had a union meeting yesterday that was poorly attended. I though did a good job preparing for it. I have a union executive meeting on Thursday at noon.
On Friday in the early afternoon I have a meeting at our self help group for one of our committees. Then I have an on call shift that evening. Which reminds me I need to get someone to take one of my shifts this month.
As has been the habit this term I am up late from Monday marking statistics home work. I have two Q's left to go now. I want to be done by 5 am again. I am just taking a break and will get back to marking in five minutes.
I was able to sell my broken IBM thinkpad tonight. We are ordering pizza. That was a very good laptop. I used it quite a lot for two years. My wife had stepped on the screen as I had left it out on the coffee table and it fell off. I got about 25% of the original price but this includes a new Linksys Ghz wireless router that the fellow traded me with some cash. The fellow, a high tech engineer and new Canadian from China is going to use it as a server and he will not use the screen. He gave me this particular router because it can be used with custom Linux software but I will probably just use it as it was originally designed to be used. But I won't set it up tonight as I have marking to do after we eat the pizza.
Yesterday I woke up at about 2:30 AM and then finally slept at 12:30 this morning. So Sunday was a 22 hour day. Thus I needed more than 8 hours sleep. I chose to set my alarm for 9 AM rather than 8 AM. I am up feeling alright. I have a union committee meeting at noon today. I volunteered to get this committee started again because I have a little more time on my hands than other union members. I can now have a relaxed morning and then head off to school.
I was able to return the lecture tape on time this morning. I also returned three books to the library. I did not borrow any new books. I spent the last hour updating the union web page calendar and experimenting with PSP web design. I also subscribed to some other podcasts. I will do a little marking this afternoon. I arranged to have a 100 MB parallel port zip drive dropped off at 5:30 this evening. This will cost 12$ and is a tool to help me take files off my old WinNT machine I used in winter 2003. I will then install some new operating system(s) on this old IBM PC 325 server and/or sell this server. I got an email from a person interested in buying my old broken Thinkpad. I am also waiting once again for the possible delivery of the iBook today.
I just got some marking done for my teaching assistant work. I also did a little more advanced math studies, yesterday morning. I am getting ready for grad school next year. I will help deliver the newspapers this morning and this includes a Canadian Tire catalog in today's paper. I watched a little news and weather on TV and my tape copying is done for my criminal law course. I just need to go to the campus today to return the original tape. I will also pick up some teaching assistant materials and then may be return some library books and borrow some new books. I am also going out later today to buy a 100MB parallel zip drive for 12$. This is so I can retire my WinNT computer. May be I will buy 10 zip disks to help with this file copying.
I helped with the newspapers as usual on Saturday morning. I did them quickly and was done by 7:45. I then stayed up and attended a volunteer development conference. We heard a talk on background checks. I then attended a workshop on communication. I participated and learned a model of explanation and conflict management for volunteers. I was feeling tired and cynical. I met someone from a local high tech lobby group and had a nice chat. I then came home and slept. I slept from about 2 PM to 2 AM.
Right now I am taping one of my criminal law lectures and need to return the tape this morning before 10 AM or face a fine. I also need to mark some statistics homework this morning. It is now 3:45 AM.
I am spending a quiet evening home after my exam. I surfed futureshop.ca and now am doing some school tasks related to applying to graduate school. I am going to make a new blog entry and another referee has emailed me agreeing to referee
I am just getting ready to go to school for my mid-term exam. I will study a little in the library and have some food there before the test.
I am having a good day. By waking up early I have some time to relax and study. I bought the cigarettes and checked out bass amps at the music store. I also checked on my lay away for the Peavey EQ. I read some stuff about RCMP war crime investigations and am otherwise free to prepare for my mid-term exam tonight. I will go to school a little early and relax with some coffee. I have one or two more articles to read still this afternoon to prepare for the mid-term.
I am up earlier than I wanted today. I am staying up over night as usual and then I have a workshop in the morning Saturday and in the early afternoon. I slept at 3:30 this morning and woke up at about 11 AM this morning.
I printed an article on the changes in laws since the terrorism attacks from September 11th, 2001. I will read this tonight. I am in my final study push before my mid-term in my criminal law processes and politics course.
I am just watching the business news on TV. I am hearing that November to April is a good time to invest. I am also worried about the amount of credit card debit we have. I have some money coming in next month to pay down some debit. Right now for the next few weeks I need to control my spending.
I am up today at noon. I am just waiting to talk to a learning specialist about tutoring for other students with disAbilities.
I relaxed after getting back from my volunteer meeting. I did some printing of blogs. I have all my blog binders updated now. I will do a little marking over night tonight. I might help with the newspapers too. I have today off of other work. I am going for dinner with family tonight. I will help a relative use a palm pilot handheld computer. I have two copies of a guide book for these palm pilots so will give the relative one copy.
On Saturday I have a volunteer workshop which includes presentations from the local psychiatric hospital and this workshop is both going to help me with my volunteering and part of my duties as president of our self help group.
Tonight over night I will also study some more for my criminal law course mid-term.
I attended work for three hours then slept in the afternoon. I did not make it to law school to attend the brown bag pizza lunch. I did go out in the evening to my volunteer meeting. I had a good time at work and at the volunteer meeting.
I shaved off a week old goatee and dressed in some black pants and ethnic sweater. I am just checking the bus schedule on line now. I did not attend the second SAS workshop or local user group meeting yesterday. Today I might attend a brown bag lunch at the local law school but will have to rush there after my work orientation session this morning. I also need to drop by our self help group today to sign some papers. I am already looking forward to my afternoon nap. Speaking of basic needs I should eat something before going to work. I should also buy some milk.
I spent about an hour reading last night after I got home from work. I spent a little time at first with my wife until she went to sleep. I then read some books from my legal studies program, reading about Plato, Liberalism and cyber democracy. At work last night between labs I read some of the required reading for my criminal law course about the Chicago Seven trial.
I got about a quarter of the marking done for this week. I also did some PSP stuff like making a psp screen sized web page template for dreamweaver. I am just relaxing and sort of thinking about getting ready for my three hour work session this morning. I need to shave and take a shower and change in to some comfortable but neat clothes for work. Then in the afternoon I will nap. In the evening I have a two hour meeting with one of my volunteer gigs then I am off until my mid-term Friday evening. Tomorrow we eat dinner with our folks. I am helping someone in my family use their Palm pilot.
I used dreamweaver to make a very simple links page for viewing on my PSP to use various commonly used web pages at the school web space.
I got our bills paid this month. I also have some money left over to pay for lunches out today. My wife just went to the hospital for her blood test for her clozapine. I am just relaxing this afternoon and will study a little for my mid-term this Friday. I will also prepare for the labs tonight.
I am reading a workaholics self help book and learning a bit from it. I need to read more of this and have been seeking a good self help book like this for awhile. I feel my dad is a workaholic but when I asked him about this he said no. I took time off today rather than change my relaxed schedule to attend an extra meeting in SAS this morning. This was a result of reading this self help book yesterday. I had plenty of sleep this morning sleeping at 1:30 and waking up at 10:30. I will though be up now over night to be early for a work session tomorrow. This is a session at my work and will only be three hours tomorrow in the morning. But I also have to work late tonight because my three hours of labs happen on Tuesday night. So I am only really working six hours this week out of the house but later tonight/Wednesday morning I will be doing some marking of statistics homework. I have Thursday off this week.
I also just got a call from our students with disAbilities centre and am being hired again to work as a tutor for another student. This work pays highly and is enjoyable as I will help the student perform their best. Most of students end up with A's because they really get working hard.