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We got through a long union meeting today. I need to follow up with some computer work after this meeting and we are meeting again in two weeks. My problems at work are minor compared to some other worker's problems,
I worked a full day yesterday. I now have the weekend off. I will study a fair amount this weekend. Our usual end of month banking needed to be done. Accounts needed to be paid for and investments made. I just woke up at 7:30 and recorded the accounts in pen and ink. I need to prepare for a radical union meeting today. I also need to do some more school work this morning.
I am applying to do web mastering for my present employer. I rewrote my web mastering resume an hour ago and have a printed copy proof read. In my resume I am openly a consumer survivor. This takes courage and leaves me with fear and uncertainty. Oh well... I am leaving for work now to do my best at this application and will spend about half an hour working on it before work.
I was down after class Wednesday. I wanted to cry after the professor scolded me for missing classes. I told my psychiatrist about my negatives moods lately and he said I need to worry about my education more. I may fail my first two graduate courses. So after talking to my psychiatrist yesterday afternoon I got to work on programming some computer applications for school work and was successful last night. I stayed up all night and have the perception now of doing great things. but actually I am tired and accident prone. I ended up working for about four productive hours on school work. Now I must do paid work.
I am just home on break from work. I woke up late today but was on time for work just barely. I barley shaved and put on clean clothes. I am thinking I need more time to study for exams.
We are covering some probability in our course and I will attend tonight. I got some positive email from former professors and am keen about doing well at school. The spring weather is helping cheer me up. I worked today. I resolved some workplace issues and things are relaxed at work this week. It is government year end and the government passed its budget successfully. I am trying to research the budget and its effects on my workplace. I will take a bus in about ten minutes to campus. I will study some homework on the bus.
I just emailed some professors at my old school and updated them on my work and study progress. I am just going into work early and made my final morning pot of coffee. I bring a coffee to work each day now. I am attending a class tonight. I am working a full 8 hours today. I completed my mathematics homework yesterday on time. We did some 3 dimensional mathematics and proofs yesterday in class. The weather has warmed up here. I am dressed in professional clothes and this will be my last post this morning. I slept 6 hours last night and feel well rested.
I won't post more than this this morning as I am going into work early. I slept from 2:00 PM yesterday until about 4:00 AM so 14 hours sleep. I spent yesterday morning which was still my Saturday doing mathematics homework and completed almost all of it except one final answer. I did most of the work on this unfinished question. It is just the final answer that elludes me. The homework is due in class later this afternoon. I will go to class after work today.
Wow I didn't think I had dentists as readers. Thanks you merry gentlemen for posting comments. I am seeing my dentists every four months now with my workplace dentist plan.
I have spent almost three hours now working on school work. I also managed to read chapter 2 in The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy volume 5 Mostly Harmless. I also read some managing of volunteers theory for executives. I will get back to school work for most of the rest of the morning and then sleep at 2 PM or sooner but not until the school work is done. I am still awake from 7:30 Saturday morning. I will sleep upwards of 10 hours later today. I will have a few quiet hours tomorrow morning for more school work before going to work again this coming week.
We went out to hear live music and R had a good time. My wife started to fall asleep as the concert lasted from 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM into my wife's usual sleeping time. I know the music they played but not as a usual fan who knows the names of all the songs. I knew the music as the notes played, the patterns of the notes, and the style. I did though know a few songs by name and lyrics. So I am not a total music snob. I was inspired by the natural grace of one musican who really grooved with his instrument. He was only a sideman but he was great and relaxed and rather animated. In other words the band was very professional. The main superstar was also great. The show was also fairly intimate with only about 200 to 300 people in the audience. A consumer survivor was given the guitar for one solo during the warm up act. The whole show took place in a social agency building. Hopefully I have not given away the show and the magic by this blog post description.
I made it to my dentist appointment this morning. I did some studying this afternoon. R just came over and we are getting ready to go out to a concert. I just checked the bus schedule on-line which is why I am in the office at the computer. Maybe I will report back here on the show later tonight.
I need to figure out how to use Skype voice mail and then teach my father to use it.
I am just back from the dentist. He feels I am close to cancer in my mouth with the palette inflammation he observed in my mouth.
I am just getting ready to leave for a dentist appointment this morning. Later this afternoon I am studying with other students. Then this evening we are hearing a famous person perform music.
I won't go into any great detail about my boss. But I asked him for some positive feedback and he has started to be more positive. I really need to give him a chance because his work is on the line too. If I can improve his bossing I am in control of my workplace to a greater extent.
Yes I am way late with the rent. But I should be going downtown to pay the rent in about an hour.
My present work place is lacking some positive feedback and I have been worried. Last night I dreamnt of a worker being dismissed. There are mind games going on at work. We are also talking a lot at work and sometimes this distracts me and does not help my mental health at work. The bosses also do a lot of laughing and this makes my worry even worse. I am this week trying to work against this tendency to get paranoid at work.
I am clean shaven and have shaved off my goatie this morning. I will go in 45 minutes early this morning. After work I will rest half an hour. Then I will go pay the rent and then go straight to the dentist's office. Then I must go to school for a study meeting with other students for 7:00 PM. I am just going to take some vitamins now.
Again I was too tired from being up some 31 hours to attend class yesterday. So far a sister student has been giving me notes from missed classes which has really helped. I will be studying this weekend and getting some mathemtics homework done for Monday. I will just check school email accounts now before going into work for the day.
I attended class last night and came home and did some homework and reading. The past hour or two I completed budgetting for today, volunteer duties remotely, started our income report for the month, and started to get dressed for work. I worked a couple of extra hours yesterday so I can attend an event today in honour of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. I am just stepping out to the store now to buy my wife and I pop, to get her some money for beer and to breath some cool fresh spring air.
I did wake up on time again today. But I slept about an hour past my alarm. I am off to work now in about 20 minutes.
I am clean shaven with a goatie beard. I am in clean clothes and wearing a more than ten year old Italian shirt my father bought in Italy. It is missing sleeve buttons but it is nice. Today is government budget day and we could be facing an election in Canada if the budget fails to pass. Normally I would work on the election as an offical but now that I have a regular job I won't be working on the election.
Well I am off to work now.
My wife watched The Titanic yesterday and I came to sleep as it ended which set a romantic mood. We went to sleep together watching Bridget Jones' Diary which was funny and a good movie. I don't usually like to mention commercial products on this blog but this movie was good fun.
I have classes today after work then Tuesday evening and again just after work on Wednesday. I also may have a group project meeting on Thursday. I will need to do more reading of my course textbooks before these classes. I also still have my mathematics homework to work on and it is due next week. I also have to write some more of our group project before Thursday. Basically I need to document our work yesterday.
I have a regular week of work to work this week. On Saturday evening my partner, R, and I are going to hear a famous person and his famous band perform music. I won't go into details but I bought the tickets months ago. I am also working overtime on Sunday. I will also work ovetime on the following Saturday so this could be 9 days of work in a row next week. In fact, I am considering working this coming Saturday too which would be starting today, 13 days of work in a row. I am doing this so I can have days off for exams coming up in April.
I just took my morning doses of vitamins. That is 1 gram of vitamin C and 1 gram of niacin. I also took 1 gram of fish oil. I am running low on fish oil and will need to buy some more this week.
I am having my teeth cleaned this week and will be seeing my dentist this week.
I did study this morning and slept at 6:00 AM. I did not take my meds before sleeping and woke up at 11:00 AM. I went to school to study with some other students. I then came home and have been quiet all evening. I took my meds at about 7:00 PM. I am working tomorrow.
The anti-war rally was good. I talked with a few cops and they joked about the Montreal Canadians playing hockey which is kind of like peace. Peace is best but may not make it into the playoffs. lol
I took some videos but they were not very good. I was filmed by the police and many other video and still photgraphers. I did a fair amount of shopping too buying ink, new iPod earphones, and also Stargate SG-1 season 4. I am just going out now for some night time grocery shopping. I have been reading economics all day on the buses. I also did a little web mastering for the peer support project this evening.
My plan to study today is underway. I just solved one problem and typeset it. My partner is just making me some eggs and I will get ready to go out now.
I have some mathematics homework to do this weekend. Other than that I am attending an anti-war rally this afternoon.
I slept at 10:30 and woke up at 5:40 just on time for work. I just have time to check my email and have a coffee or two. I also just took some vitamins. I will go in early to work again. I did apply for a different job at work yesterday.
I am just viewing www.classmates.com and browsing my schoolmates on line.
I am up early for work again today. Yesterday was another long day from Tuesday. I did get a fair amount of school work done overnight Tuesday/Wednesday. I am applying for a different job at work today. This job would involve working with a computer at work.
My wife went to the hospital last night. I can't give any details to protect her privacy, but she is home again this morning. I am off to work for the day.
So far this term many problems in mathematics on my homework have stumped me. But I have an assignment now that is quite easy or at least I am not overly stumped. I can solve almost all the problems in my judgement and only really need to still learn how to solve a few of the problems. Some of these problems I already can solve. I will start this homework tonight as I stay up overnight and work tomorrow.
I got in from my lecture at about 10:30. I have attended all the lectures in this course to date. I discussed the school work with another student and then came home.
The problem with helping my wife pubish is we don't use an editor or any quality control. Love publishes her and fortune of knowing an independent publisher. Myself I have published myself and others with even less quality control. But today I applied to write a story for a leading leftist Canadian news web site and was accepted up to this point. I now need to write the story in about a week and then see if it gets published but for now my idea for a story has been accepted. But don't worry I won't say much about politics here or write my piece here.
I am just printing lecture notes from our course web site for reading in class tonight. I did a fair amount of the required reading but not all yet. I will scan the remaining 20 pages of reading as the printer prints the notes. It is a nice day today not warm enough for spring but above zero Celsius
I have an appointment to see our psychiatrist later this month. I should be seeing him after work on a day near the end of the month.
I did not complete some problems but I worked hard on all the problems in my mathematics school work and handed it in last night. I did a fair amount of the reading for tonight's economics lecture. I still need to a read a little more. I also have to pay the rent after work today.
I woke up around 5:00 AM this morning. I am working from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM today as usual. I worked yesterday. I am working five days this week. I enjoy talking to my coworkers at work.
I wonder how much about the illness of schizophrenia can be willfully changed with the right support and right attitude. One definitely has to think that schizophrenia is a serious problem because without that attitude I find the problem will reoccur and continue to haunt one.
I have just spent one hour today doing math problem solving. I also did an hour or two yesterday of math problem solving. I also read some history of mathematics yesterday. I mostly read about economics yesterday for about six hours. I slept yesterday at about 1:00 PM from being awake at 6:30 AM Friday. I woke up this morning at about 1:30 AM which soon became 2:30 AM as I turned our clocks forward. My computers reminded me as they had all been updated to do the move forward this morning. Also my Palm was manually updated by me downloading the update for the new day light savings time change.
I used my laptop hooked up to the TV to demonstrate Second Life to C and J. Other than that I showed them this blog. So that was our computer use for the Friday evening get together. I also helped M earlier Friday evening with her laptop and she paid me ten dollars and a bottle of wine. I will give the wine away as I don't drink and my partner does not drink wine.
C, J and I also talked vitamins. J had heard in the news that vitamins A and D can be toxic in large doses. I told him they knew this in the 1970's and this was not news. C copied down the info about my weber source fish oils capsules. C and I calculated that 3 of these capsules a day costs 28 cents. Or the price of the bottle is 17 dollars for 60 days. We did not use a calculator to calculate this but did it together in our heads and verbally.
After they left I got to work on my mathematics homework and have worked for 1 hour now on one problem coming close to a solution now. I will now read a few pages on economics annd then have another break and move on to another math problem for 1 hour.
I am starting to be able to wake up every day on time for work. True today I woke up only half an hour before work but still was early by five minutes. I slept in the evening every day this week and did no overnighters. A founder of our self-help group advised me once to get enough rest in relation to studies and this has become a goal I want to implement now before term ends. I worked all week and only took that one hour off late Wednesday to work on school work. The school work deadline was extended to this coming Monday. So after J and C come over tonight and they leave at midnight I will spend an hour on each incomplete mathematics problem and then may be another hour on the homework generally then I will do some volunteering tomorrow morning. Then I will come home and sleep around noon or 2 PM. That's the plan for now.
I tried to stay up all night to work on school work. Instead I slept on the couch facing the computer. I woke up at 4:45 and solved one problem and started another one in my home work. I have four problems to solve and two of these have not been started. They are all similar. I have three problems solved out of seven and these three are typeset and ready to go. I am just going to get ready for work now. I will ask my boss for an hour vacation time so I can leave my job early today to work on this homework due later today at 5:30 PM.
Yes, graduate school is stimulating and graceful as Mark Vonnegut put it in the end of his story Eden Express about medical school and recovery, as I recall. I am borrowing liberally from Mr. Vonnegut. But really our professor did a lot of hand waving and body surfing while lecturing last night. He gets chalk on his jacket too.
I got approved by a senior manager to attend our workplace disAbility meeting. This is a little victory in a great day. Because even with being off work for 1.5 hours for the meeting my production levels were really good again today. I challenged myself near the end of the day to complete a lot of work after our last break and I did it. I got the work done. Then I applied for the promotions and got a cheery smile from our second level supervisor as I left for the day. I am also in good mood from the good news that my contract will be renewed until the summer. So I am going to have a summer job for sure and things are just so positive at work now. This positive mood supports my mood after school has brought me down. Can I do well at both work and school? I will know about school by the end of April but for now I must study hard.
I slept at 2:00 AM Sunday and woke up at 10:00 am Sunday then slept at 10:00 PM Sunday to wake up at 5:00 AM this morning. Tonight I will again set my alarm clock for 5:00 AM and sleep at about 10 or 11:00 PM. Then tomorrow night I am up all night until 8:00 PM Wednesday.
I am being encouraged to apply for a promotion. Tody a senior supervisor, junior manager asked me if I was aware of some job openings and then emailed me the information. I am qualified for two of the jobs out of three so am going to apply. Also the time needed to prepare my application is minimal. All I need do is send a simple email. So I am happy with this possibility and positive news at work.
Other positive news at work is that I was given feedback on my quality of work and the quality control worker said I was doing good work.
I took my meds about 15 minutes ago and will sleep soon.
I worked only one day this week. I enjoy talking to fellow and sister workers while I work. I am working overtime today. I just read our self-help group newsletter for the month so am feeling positive. I stayed up all night Thursday but was not too tired at work on Friday. I slept 11 hours until 2:30 AM this morning. I am working a day of overtime today. Before work this morning I will do some mathematics homework. Right now I am just checking my email.
I did some follow up overnight for my volunteering. I got my mid-term mark for one course and failed the mid-term. I think I failed the other mid-term as well. My hand writing failed me on one mid-term. I am so used to writing with computer. I am going into work early today and will leave in about 15 minutes. This might be my last post for the day because I have been up all night studying and will sleep when I get in from work this aftenoon.
The difference between a working day, a working day with school and a volunteer day is important in stress management. A day with only work is exhausting, a day with work and school is very exhausting. But a day of volunteering is a mix of exhaustion and relaxing moments. But this last type of day is irregular and today I forgot to take my vitamins and have forgotten a few times this week. I just took a double dose of vitamins but won't take my anti-psychotics until today at 4:00 PM. It is just Friday now. I will work in less than 7 hours from now.
I was paid for web mastering today for the peer to peer support project. I used the money right away to pay for a guitar. I am home now having played some music and chatting with my staff at the self-help group. I have also helped M with her computer. I am now preparing to go out to complete some volunteering.
I have the day off work today. Like I said in my last post I am going to play some music today. I am also going to help M with her computer and then I have some political volunteering this evening. Then tomorrow I am back to work. I may not sleep tonight but instead sleep tomorrow after work at 3:00 PM. I woke up today at 10:00 AM. So this would be a 29 hour day. I may nap tonight. I should be able to study this evening after my volunteering. I don't have to leave for the music group for an hour so I will update some of my other blogs and read some books.
There is a research seminar going on right now this morning at my old school. It is being run by a former graduate student who employed me briefly to do some library research in his field. I won't say what field this is. This was back in the days when I did not take meds only vitamins. The graduate student is now a doctor and important in his field. In those days I spent a lot of time with the college radio station and underground music and youth clubs. I had no real sex partner in those days and I am sure many of you know what that is like when you are young. Today I had asked if I could attend this seminar but slept in and had not really made much of an effort to attend. But my dreams last night were about the old college radio and the personalities in my life at the time.
I am just getting ready to go out to our self-help group's Thursday musical therapy sesssion. I will bring my electric bass and play some music.
I have some advice to offer in regards reading concentration. When I was younger I took a course in alage studies. This field is called phycology. Note that is not psychology but phycology. The course had a 300 page textbook full of latin biology terms for these little green plants that live in water. I had very poor biology marks in high school and this was a third year university course. It was offered in the summer by a retired professor. I got his permisson to study it and we used microscopes and took a tour of Quebec to visit a tidal flat. Luckily I wrote a great term paper and passed the course. I did not do well because of all the latin terms.
But for the 300 page book I forced myself to read the whole thing even if I did not understand what I was reading. This was back in the day when I was taking haldol and cogenten for side effects from the haldol. So I would say if you are young and in school force yourself to read your books.
Also study your school's rules for part-time study and try to stay in school for as many years as you can manage based on the rules.
I did not do that well on the mid-term in mathematics. I will be able to improve my mark on the final. I did get my homework back in this course and scored a B in my assignment so that made me very happy yesterday. I have started to work on our second assignment and need to complete it this weekend. I also have a proposal due next week in our economics course but this proposal is almost done already.