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NEWS: The latest news on new books, movies, plays, etc. related to
Full List of News on New Books, Movies, etc. on schizophrenia
Introductory Books on Schizophrenia
The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia: Helping Your Loved One Get the Most Out of Life (Paperback) - Do people with schizophrenia ever get better? With the vast majority of
those with the disorder dependent on their families for care, close
relatives often grapple with that question. The Complete Family Guide to Schizophrenia inspires hope. Authors Kim T. Mueser, PhD, and Susan Gingerich, MSW, walk readers through a range of treatment and support options that can lead to a better life for the entire family. Individual chapters highlight special issues for parents, siblings, and partners, while other sections provide tips for dealing with problems including cognitive difficulties, substance abuse, and psychosis. Families learn to help their loved ones manage day-to-day tasks, develop friendships, and set personal life goals. Like no other book, this powerful, practical resource helps families stay connected to the individual behind the disorder so they can work together toward recovery.
Surviving Schizophrenia : A Manual for Families, Patients, and Providers (5th Edition) by E. Fuller Torrey (Author), Publisher: Quill; 5th edition
(April 1, 2006) ISBN: 0060842598
Dr. E. Fuller Torrey's book "Surviving Schizophrenia" is
an book we highly recommend for every family affected by schizophrenia.
Dr. Torrey is a leader in the schizophrenia research field, and has
a sister with schizophrenia, so in writting this book he has drawn
from extensive personal, clinical and research experience. For a good
news story on Dr. Torrey please see: "Schizophrenia's
Most Zealous Foe".
Schizophrenia by Rachel Miller (Editor), Susan Elizabeth Mason (Editor),
Publisher: Columbia University Press; (October 15, 2002) ISBN: 0231126255
Diagnosis: Schizophrenia recounts the journeys of thirty-five young
people who have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. The book is designed
for those who wish to understand how it feels to have the disease,
including the patients themselves, family members, students and anyone
with an interest in how people sustain hope through a debilitating
illness. The book is unique because people who have schizophrenia
provided their personal stories and helped to design and edit much
of the book. A panel of experts - including psychiatrists, psychologists,
nurses, social workers and psychiatric rehabilitation workers - contributed
to and reviewed the manuscript to ensure that the content is accurate
and up to date.
am Not Sick, I Don't Need Help! - Helping the Seriously Mentally Ill
Accept Treatment by Xavier Amador, Anna-Lica Johanson (Contributor),
Publisher: Vida Press; (June 2000) ISBN: 0967718902 -
This book helps you learn what the latest research says about why
so many do not believe they are ill, why they refuse treatment, and
how you can help. A good book for people to read if they have a family
member or friend who does not understand they have schizophrenia and
don't think they need help. It is written for families and therapists,
and also available in Spanish (see directly below)
No Estoy Enfermo!
No Necesito Ayuda! by Dr. Xavier Amador, with Anna-Lisa Johanson
Signs of Mental Illness : A Guide to Understanding Mental Health
by James Whitney Hicks. Publisher: Yale University Press (April 2005).
ISBN: 0300106572 Member Review:
Fifty Signs is much like a layperson’s DSM-IV manual;
an easy-to-read reference book which de-mystifies mental illness.
Each chapter begins with a short, first-person description of a “sign”
or symptom of mental illness, in alphabetical order. Examples range
from deceitfulness to delusions, panic to paranoia, self-mutilation
to psychosis, memory loss to mania. Read
the full review
Day-to-Day Coping Strategies for Families
After a family has learned the basics about schizophrenia in the "Introductory"
books above, we recommend the following books be read for ideas and
suggestions on how to deal with the many unique, day-to-day challenges
that you'll face when trying to help and live with a mentally ill person.
Mental Illness: Stress, Coping, and Adaptation by Agnes B. Hatfield,
Harriet P. Lefley, John S. Strauss, Publisher: Guilford Press; (May
21, 1993) ISBN: 0898620228
to Live With a Mentally Ill Person: A Handbook of Day-To-Day Strategies
by Christine Adamec, D. J. Jaffe, Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; (April
1996) ASIN: 0471114197
Adamec, herself the mother of a schizophrenic daughter, presents
a handbook for developing daily coping and caregiving skills. Not
intended to describe, diagnose, or treat any particular mental illness,
this book instead advises the caregiver on how to balance the needs
of the family as a whole and suggests strategies for dealing effectively
with common and serious symptoms (e.g., hallucinations, poor hygiene)
and situations (e.g., refusals to take medication, disagreements between
the caregiver and doctors or therapists).
Someone You Love Has a Mental Illness: A Handbook for Family, Friends,
and Caregivers, by Rebecca Woolis, Agnes Hatfied, Publisher: J.
P. Tarcher; (September 1992) ISBN: 0874776953
Depression, 3rd edition by Demitri Papolos, Publisher: Quill; 3rd
edition (February 1997), ISBN: 0060927828
Schizophrenia & Related Medications (Antipsychotics)
Than Prozac: Creating the Next Generation of Psychiatric Drugs by
Samuel H. Barondes. Publisher: Oxford University Press; (May 1, 2003).
ISBN: 0195151305
Book Review, excerpted from Columbia College Today, Sept. 2003 issue:
Barondes shares his firsthand experiences working with patients suffering
from mental disorders and with the process of drug development. He
also traces the history of psychiatric drugs and explains the role
that accidents played in the discovery of their surprising therapeutic
By considering the history of psychiatric drugs and
their current application, Barondes points out the limitations and
negative side effects of today's drugs and shows how new research,
especially in the field of genetics, will allow for a new generation
of superior drugs. Better Than Prozac accomplishes the tough task
of presenting a complex, scientific topic in an easy-to-read book
that is as historical in its scope as it is medical.
View a presentation by author
Samuel Barondes on his book "Better than Prozac."
Essential Guide to Psychiatric Drugs : Includes The Most Recent Information
On: Antidepressants, Tranquilizers and Antianxiety Drugs, Antipsychotics,
Drugs annd Pregnancy, Drugs and the Elderly, Drugs and AIDS, Side-effects
and Withdrawal Symptoms, and Much, Much More by Jack M., M.D. Gorman,
Publisher: St. Martin's Press; (December 1998), ISBN: 0312954581
This book is a good guide to psychiatric drugs that has been popular
with patients and families since the first edition was published in
1990. It includes not only a summary of each drug used for all the
major psychiatric disorders, but also chapters on issues such as "Sex
and psychiatric drugs", "Psychiatric drugs and pregnancy",
in Antipsychotic Medications: A Guide for Consumers, Families, and Clinicians.
by Peter J. Weiden (Editor), Publisher: W.W. Norton & Company; (May
1999) ISBN: 0393703037
Peter Weiden's book on anti-psychotic medications provides a good
overview of most of the medications that you'll likely run into when
you have a family member with schizophrenia. It is written for family
members so it is a book that anyone can read and get value from. The
key drawback of the book is generally perceived to be its uncritical
enthusiasm for the newer drugs and the implicit assumption that all
people with schizophrenia should be switched to newer medications.
As has become increasingly clear, the more recently-introduced drugs
also have many problems and side-effects.
Guide to Psychiatric Drugs, by John D. Preston, John H. O'Neal,
Mary C. Talaga, Publisher: New Harbinger Pubns; (2000) ASIN: 157224111X
Preventing Schizophrenia
Research in the area of preventing schizophrenia is still relatively
new and there are currently no "proven" techniques for lowering
the risk of development of schizophrenia. Research is, however, increasingly
suggesting that there are approaches to parenting as well as reductions
in environmental exposure to stress, toxins and drugs, etc. - that may significantly
lower the risk of a child (who is biologically predisposed) of developing schizophrenia later in life. See
prevention for more information on the broad range of
factors that have been linked to higher risk of schizophrenia.
Recent research has indicated that raising
children ( who are biologically predisposed to schizophrenia) in lower-stress
families and environments (compared to dysfunctional families) has been linked to as much as an 86% lower
risk of schizophrenia. Given this research result - we recommend
the following books to help parents understand parenting styles that
research has shown to be beneficial in raising children that are more
resilient to mental health challenges:
Baby Hearts: A Guide to Giving Your Child an Emotional Head Start - A great book for every family with a baby, or expecting to have children.
Bright From the Start: The Simple, Science-Backed Way to Nurture Your Child's Developing Mind from Birth to Age 3 Another great book for any family expecting children and who wants that child to have a healthy brain.
- Parenting
From the Inside Out, By Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. and Mary Hartzell,
M. Ed. - an excellent general book on parenting that we highly
recommend for all families. Drawing upon important new findings in
neurobiology and attachment research, they explain how interpersonal
relationships directly impact the development of the brain, and offer
parents a step-by-step approach to forming a deeper understanding
of their own life stories that will help them raise compassionate
and resilient children." We highly recommend you read this interview with Daniel Siegel: The neuropsychology of the playground
- What
am I feeling, By Dr. John Gottman
A good book (but very short - only 48 pages and many photos) to teach
parents how to help children express and process emotions in a healthy
way. These approaches have proven in reasearch to help children lower
their social stress levels and encourage social skills. A good book
for parents who want to get a quick understanding of how to help children
in their emotional needs, for greater resilience and better mental
health in the long term.
- How
to Raise An Emotionally Intelligent Child, By Dr. John Gottman
- a great book that goes into more depth on how to raise a child that
has good emotional processing skills and good social skills, thus
lowering social stress that he or she encounters (thus potentially
lowering the risk of schizophrenia and other mental health disorders).
(Note - if you purchase this book, you probably don't want to purchase
the "What am I feeling" book - because this book covers
what is in that book, and much more).
- The
Magic Years, By Dr. Selma
H. Fraiberg - is an excellent book, written by a professor of
psychology at the University of San Francisco Medical School, that
covers how parents can moderate the amount of stress and anxiety that
a child goes through as they grow from birth through age six. A great
"general parenting" book that we think every parent of younger
children should read.
- The
Optimistic Child: Proven Program to Safeguard Children from Depression
& Build Lifelong Resilience - Dr. Seligman - a well known research
psychologist has a mission here which is to teach parents and other
concerned adults how to instill in children a sense of optimism and
personal mastery. Seligman discounts prevalent theory that children
who are encouraged by others to feel good about themselves will do
well. Instead, he proposes that self-esteem comes from mastering challenges,
overcoming frustration and experiencing individual achievement. In
clear, concise prose peppered with anecdotes, dialogues, cartoons
and exercises, Seligman offers a concrete plan of action based on
techniques of self-evaluation and social interaction. He describes
the development of the Penn Depression Prevention Program, in which
school kids are taught ways to divest themselves of pessimistic approaches
and adopt optimistic ones, and adapts it to home use by parents. Seligman's
recent research profoundly demonstrates that children can be taught
techniques of optimistic thinking that, in effect, 'depression-proofs'
them and help's lower their social stress.
- Social Intelligence: The New Science of Human Relationships
, By Daniel Goleman, PHD - In this book Dr. Goleman, the aclaimed Harvard psychologist and former New York Times writer, discusses how human relationships impact development of the brain. For more information on the book, and several interviews with Dr. Goleman - see: Social Intelligence More Useful Than IQ? Important for Mental Health
New Book: "Overcoming Paranoid and Suspicious Thoughts"
Academic Books on Schizophrenia Prevention
Schizophrenia and Legal Issues
Northumberland Nightmare: When Justice Ignores Mental Illness -
by Jr. Paul L. Wegkamp, Paperback: 289 pages , Publisher: Infinity Publishing;
(January 28, 2004)
ISBN: 0741418479
For more information on this book see the web site:
This is a true account of the horror the family went through, from
the whirlwind moment of dealing with the unexpected diagnoses of schizophrenia
of their son Chad who was in college.
The arrest and mistreatment, stigma and ignorance, withheld medical
treatment and refusal of bond to the extent of outright blackmail each
time the father attempted to file a complaint of his sons treatment
from the local law enforcement.
Paul Wegkamp's choice to include Nightmare in the title of his book
speaks volumes. A nightmare indeed! Sadly, one many of us know of all
to well and for those of us who have been lucky enough not to know,
this book is a good "wakeup call" of the injustice so many
suffering with mental illness endure.
In the appendix of the book many helpful resources are listed including
two pages on "Resources and Alternatives for Judges and Lawyers."
Financial Planning with a Mentally ill Child
for the Future: Providing a Meaningful Life for a Child with a Disability
After Your Death - The completely revised and greatly expanded 5th
edition of Planning for the Future: Providing a Meaningful Life for
a Child with a Disability After Your Death discusses all the steps that
parents should take to assure a secure and happy life for their disabled
son or daughter.
About the Author - L. Mark Russell, who has an older brother dual diagnosed
with a mild intellectual disability and mental illness, has concentrated
his law practice for over fifteen years on estate planning for families
who have a child with a disability, advising hundreds of families. He
is a nationally recognized conference speaker, regularly speaking to
national, state, and local disability organizations across the country,
including seminars for Public Television.
Arnold E. Grant is a partner in the Chicago office of McGuireWoods
LLP, a nationally recognized law firm with more than 700 attorneys.
Mr. Grant has been named a member of the leading lawyer network, which
is a peer selected listing of the top 5% of the lawyers in the state
of Illinois. Mr Grant is a former adjunct professor of law at Chicago-Kent
College of Law and a former chairman of the Corporate Tax Division of
the Chicago Bar Association.
Housing and Accomodation for the Mentally Ill
Highland Road: Sane Living for the Mentally Il by Michael Winerip,
Publisher: Vintage Books; Reprint edition (June 1995) ISBN: 0679761608
Highland Road; is written by a respected New York Times reporter
who spent two years hanging around a group home for mentally ill,
on Long Island, NY. E.Fuller Torrey suggests that "Perhaps the
book's greatest contribution is to illustrate that individuals with
schizophrenia need more support, and people who believe in them. A
good group home, such as Winerip is describing, provides those things
and is an optimal living situation for many people with this diagnosis."
Childhood Schizophrenia (Children under the
age of 14 years)
Schizophrenia by
Shiela Cantor - Hardcover: 193 pages
Publisher: The Guilford Press (June 3, 1988) ISBN: 0898627133
Review of Childhood Schizophrenia: "The concept that a child could
have a serious or chronic mental illness has always been difficult for
health and mental health professionals to accept or understand. With
autistic children, it is not possible to deny the seriousness of the
disorder. For other psychotic children, those who look normal and in
many ways act normal, it may be difficult to see the child as psychotic
or to accept the seriousness of the disorder. Cantor addresses these
children. She reviews the literature--a literature that reflects this
ambivalence--and then presents her clinical concepts and approaches
to treatment for childhood schizophrenia, based on a review of other
clinicians' work and on her clinical and research experiences. Perhaps
the greatest value of her book is that Cantor forces us to think clearly
about this serious and chronic childhood disorder." --Larry B.
Silver, MD
Book Title: "Children with Schizophrenia" Authors:
Noble, Devyn and Lenz,Sandy. Publishers: Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital,
Edmonton, Alberta, 1995. ISBN 0-9695567-3-X
(Recommended by Dan Webs: This is a 98 page spiral-bound book written
in a style that is easy to ready and very helpful for families and other
people interested in learning about schizophrenia in children and youth.
Useful to give a teacher.
Order "Children with Schizophrenia" from:
Education Services Room 0601
Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital
10230-111 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta
T5G 0B7
Telephone (780) 471- 7912
Cost is $ 12.00 Canadian dollars plus $5.00 for shipping - a money
order from any US or Canadian post office made out in Canadian dollars
should work.
Glenrose also has a 25 minute videotape about "Childhood Schizophrenia".
Cost is listed as $99.00 Canadian.)
Think I Scared Her: Growing Up With Psychosis by Brooke Katz. Publisher:
Xlibris Corporation (April 2, 2004).
ISBN: 1413445683.
Active member Brooke Katz writes about her first
early experiences (beginning in the third grade) with psychosis, and
how she finally was able to find the treatment she needed. A well-written,
touching account of what it's like to experience psychosis as a child.
Also a good insider's view for parents of children who struggle with
Brooke is a nursing major at Simmons College. This is her first book.
Christianity and Schizophrenia
For His People: A Ministry for Families of the Mentally Ill - Ordering
This book explains serious mental illness from a Biblical world view.
The primary focus of the book is schizophrenia and the difference
between mental illness and demonic possession. The author, Dr. Steven
Waterhouse's brother suffers from schizophrenia. Steven's research
for Christian answers and help arose from his understanding of what
families with mental illness go through, and that there are few Godly
resources available to help.
Personal, Hopeful Stories on
Many of the books below are by mental illness consumers
themselves. In their own words, they describe their experiences with illness,
and their perspectives on recovery and a hopeful future.
Minds : Twin Sisters and Their Journey Through Schizophrenia
by Pamela Spiro Wagner and Carolyn Spiro, M.D. Publisher: St. Martin's
Press (August 1, 2005). ISBN: 0312320647.
Pamela Wagner has been an active member on for many years; she
currently maintains a popular weblog (Wagblog),
and her poetry and selected writings are posted on our success
stories page. Her new book has received excellent reviews from
both Publisher's Weekly and Booklist - see excerpts below:
Publisher's Weekly Starred Review. "This harrowing but
arresting memoir -- written in alternating voices by identical twins,
now in their 50s -- reveals how devastating schizophrenia is to both
the victim and those who love her...When the twins were young, Pamela
always outshone Carolyn. But in junior high, Pamela was beset by fears
and began a lifelong pattern of cutting and burning herself. After
the two entered Brown University, Pamela's decline into paranoia accelerated
until she attempted suicide. During the ensuing years of Pamela's
frequent breakdowns and hospitalizations, Carolyn became a psychiatrist,
married and had two children...Remarkably descriptive, Pamela's account
details how it feels to hear voices and to suspect evil in everyone.
Though she struggles with her medications, Pamela remains a committed
poet and is now reconciled with her father and close to her twin."
of It: An Autobiography on the Experience of Schizophrenia by anonymous.
Publisher: iUniverse. Available in paperback or electronic format. Published
May 2005.
Description (by the author): Out of It: An Autobiography on the
Experience of Schizophrenia offers a thorough understanding of
the true nature of what it is like to have guides
us through one man’s mental journey through seven months of
Lane, Traveled: An Anthology of Writings on Madness
by Julie Greene. Publisher: Authorhouse. Available in paperback or electronic
Julie Greene seemed like a bright,
happy child to her parents and teachers, but into adulthood, she entered
into a horrific, long-term battle with serious mental illness. During
this time, she struggled within the walls illness imposed on her,
and believed she would never recover.But after eighteen years of suffering,
Greene emerged whole, in 1998 at the age of forty. "Here," she says,
"life began."
With this book, Greene hopes to illustrate
to those who are unfamiliar with mental illness what really happens
in the mini-world of madness. For those who’ve had experiences
with mental illness, or has a family member who is ill, Greene hopes
to provide comfort and hope – and laughter
Visit the official website for reviews,
exerpts, and more writings:
Not Cured by Richard McLean. Publisher: Allen & Unwin. Currently
available for ordering from the publisher in Australia - will be available
in the US, Canada, Japan in May 2005.
Author Richard McLean shares his own journey with schizophrenia,
and these days the graphic artist/illustrator for the Australian newspaper
The Age calls himself "recovered, not cured." In
the book's introduction, he says "I hope that this book will
help to demystify [mental illness], so that the 10 per cent of people
directly or indirectly affected will receive the empathy and care
they need.
The book has been excellently received by reviewers in Australia.
It is in the Highly Commended 2003: Human Rights Award Arts Non-fiction
category, and is the winner of the SANE Book of the Year award for
Learn more about the author and see some of his artwork at his personal
Think I Scared Her: Growing Up With Psychosis by Brooke Katz. Publisher:
Xlibris Corporation (April 2, 2004).
ISBN: 1413445683.
Active member Brooke Katz writes about her first
early experiences with psychosis, and how she finally was able to
find the treatment she needed. A well-written, touching account of
what it's like to experience psychosis as a child.
Brooke is a nursing major at Simmons College. This is her first book.
Quiet Room: A Journey Out of the Torment of Madness by Lori Schiller,
Publisher: Warner Books; (January 1996) ISBN: 0446671339
Lori Schiller's story is a very positive and hopeful story that we
recommend for every family impacted by schizophrenia.
Day the Voices Stopped: A Schizophrenic's Journey from Madness to Hope
by Ken Steele, Claire Berman, Publisher: Basic Books; (May 7, 2002)
ISBN: 0465082270, A good,
in-depth Review of Ken Steele's Book
Ken Steele, a well-known advocate for the mentally ill, has a very
positive story to tell.
Silence: My Triumph over Schizophrenia by Carol S., M.D. North,
Publisher: Simon & Schuster; (June 1987) ASIN: 0671528343
Carol North's autobiographical story of her triumph over schizophrenia
includes a good description of the experience of auditory hallucinations
and the personal battles against the symptoms of the disease, but
her case is also atypical in many ways (she was one of the few patients
who responded dramatically to an experimental treatment that rarely
worked for other people with schizophrenia).
Beautiful Mind: The Life of Mathematical Genius and Nobel Laureate John
Nash by Sylvia Nasar, Publisher: Touchstone Books; (November 27,
2001) ISBN: 0743224574
The well known "A beautiful mind" has received many good
reviews and has been a best seller, however its a long book about
a unique situation and not generally relevant for families of people
with schizophrenia (we recommend the movie over the book).
Books for Wives and Husbands People
with Schizophrenia
from the Inside Out; How deeper self-understanding can help you raise
children that thrive by by Daniel Siegel, Mary Hartzell, Paperback:
272 pages, Publisher: Tarcher (April 26, 2004), ISBN: 1585422959 .
A highly recommended book! This is an excellent book for any
person married to a person who has schizophrenia (or other serious
brain disorder) and who has children. People who have schizophrenia
typically have many emotional and communication challenges (i.e. lack
of emotion or flat emotion, or innappropriate emotions or emotional
responses, lack of empathy, unpredictability, etc.) and therefore
the other parent must compensate for these deficits or the child will
suffer from many psychiatric problems later in life. This book - based
on the latest research into child development, psychology and brain
development - is an excellent resources for spouses of the mentally
ill who have children, as well as for adult children of the mentally
ill. This is an important book on a very important issue for families
challenged by schizophrenia (and a good read for any parent or future
parent, really).
Books for Brothers and Sisters,
and Sons and Daughters of People with Schizophrenia
Never Have Your Dog Stuffed : And Other Things I've Learned (By Alan Alda) Hardcover: 240 pages, Publisher: Random House (September 13, 2005), Language: English , ISBN: 1400064090
The famous actor Alan Alda has recently (late 2005) published an autobiography in which he talks a great deal about his mother's schizophrenia. The book is titled: Never Have Your Dog Stuffed : And Other Things I've Learned (click for book details)
"My mother didn't try to stab my father until I was six," actor and author Alan Alda writes at the beginning of his autobiography. The child of a well-known actor, Alda (born Alphonso D'Abruzzo) spent his early years on the road with a burlesque troupe. The time spent on the stage wings, watching his father perform, made a profound impact on the youngster, igniting a desire to entertain others that has stayed with him his entire life. Just as profound was his mother's losing battle with mental illness; Alda spent much of his adult life attempting to reconcile his resentment of her outbursts and unmanageable behavior coupled with her unbridled enthusiasm for life and encouragement.
From an Interview in USA Today, November 2005:
USA Today: You’re pretty forthcoming in your new autobiography. What was the hardest part to write?
Alan Alda: I think (it was) really coming to terms with my mother -– you know, because my mother was psychotic -– and having a mother who is schizophrenic and paranoid is tough. You adjust to it in various ways, and I think one of the ways I adjusted to it was to step back from it a little bit.
I realized as I was writing about her (that) even though I had come to terms with her in many ways in my head, I had kept myself from knowing much about schizophrenia, because it was kind of painful for me. So while I was writing the book, I called up scientists I had interviewed on my science program, Scientific American Frontiers, and I started learning more about it.
I got a much greater understanding of what she went through – especially the idea that her hallucinations took place in the same part of her brain that all of our nightmares take place. I have experienced what she went through, except I could wake up from it, and she never could.
Skipping Stone: The Rippling Effect of Mental Illness in the Family by Mona Wasow, Publisher: Science & Behavior Books; (July 1995) ASIN:
083140082X, (This book is out of print but may be available in used
book stores and in your local library).
The Skipping Stone is a highly-recommended book that is a summary
of 100 interviews done with family members of individuals with a serious
mental illness documenting the effect on the siblings, spouses, grandparents,
and children of affected individuals.
Madness Comes Home: Help and Hope for the Children, Siblings, and Partners
of the Mentally Ill by Victoria Secunda, Publisher: Hyperion; Reprint edition (August 1998) ASIN: 078688326X
Highly recommended - Victoria Secunda's book is on the impact of schizophrenia on siblings,
and can help parents and family members understand the effect of one
person's mental illness on children and others in the family.
Victims - Hidden Healers: An Eight Stage Healing Process for Family
and Friends of the Mentally Ill ,
By Julie Johnson, Publisher: P E M A Pubns Inc; 2nd edition (July 1994)
ISBN: 0964043009
Sister's Keeper: Learning to Cope with a Sibling's Mental Illness by Margaret Moorman, Publisher: W.W. Norton & Company; (February 2002)
ISBN: 0393324044
House: Growing Up in the Shadow of Mentally Ill Siblings by Clea
Simon, Publisher: Penguin USA (Paper); (May 1998) ISBN: 0140274340
from the Inside Out; How deeper self-understanding can help you raise
children that thrive by by Daniel Siegel, Mary Hartzell, Paperback:
272 pages, Publisher: Tarcher (April 26, 2004), ISBN: 1585422959 .
This is an excellent book for any child of a person who has schizophrenia, and potentially for siblings of people with schizophrenia or other major brain disorder. (bipolar disorder, etc.). People
who have schizophrenia typically have many emotional and communication
issues (i.e. lack of emotion or flat emotion, or innappropriate emotions
or emotional responses, lack of empathy, unpredictability, etc.) that
can seriously impact the develoment of the child if the other parent doesn't
compensate for these behaviors and emotions. This book - based on
the latest research into child development, psychology and brain development
- is an excellent resources for adult children of the mentally ill
- to understand the impact that having a mentally ill parent has had
on them, and how the problems would likely cause problems for the
next generation of children if the issues are not addressed. This
is an important book on a very important issue for families challenged
by schizophrenia (and a good read for any parent or future parent,
Up With a Schizophrenic Mother by by Margaret J. Brown, Doris Parker
Roberts, Publisher: McFarland & Company; (August 2000), ISBN: 0786408200
Mother's Keeper: A Daughter's Memoir of Growing Up in the Shadow of
Schizophrenia by Tara Elgin Holley, Joe Holley (Contributor), Publisher:
William Morrow; Reprint edition (July 1998) ASIN: 0380723026
Outsider: A Journey into My Father's Struggle With Madness by Nathaniel
Lachenmeyer, Publisher: Broadway Books; (August 14, 2001) ISBN: 0767901916
Robert: My Brother, Madness, and Survival: A Memoir by Jay Neugeboren,
Publisher: Rutgers University Press; (May 2003), ISBN: 0813532965, There
is also a film made about this book - see the video/film section.
My Brother's Descent Into Madness By Greg Bottoms, Paperback: 207
pages ; Publisher: Three Rivers Press (CA); 1 Pbk ed edition (September
4, 2001) , ASIN: 0609807145,
What is it like to watch your older brother quickly progress from
someone you know to someone completely foreign to you? And what must
it be like to live through the guilt and anguish that comes with this?
These questions are answered in "Angelhead," Greg Bottoms'
brutal and often poetic account of his brother Michael's battle with
schizophrenia. For a full review of "Angelhead" see the
CNN Review: CNN
Review: 'Angelhead' a brutal, but often poetic, look at battle with
mental illness.
Patty Hearst: Memories From a Decade Gone Mad By Virginia Holman.
As a child, Holman was held captive by her schizophrenic mother in
a 700-square-foot cabin with cement floors and no ceilings in rural
Virginia; her book tells the story. She received a Rosalynn Carter
Mental Health Journalism Fellowship for 2003-2004. Publisher: Simon
& Schuster; (March 6, 2003), ISBN: 0743222857 For More information
on the book and author see:
Children's Books on Mental Illness/Schizophrenia
The following books are books written for younger audiences (Children
between ages of approximately 7 to 13 years old) who are trying to understand
mental illness in their family.
Helicopter Man - by Elizabeth Fensham. This is a new Children's book about a homeless young boy and his father who has schizophrenia. It sounds like it might be a valuable book to help educate children about schizophrenia. The publisher suggests that it is targeted at a reading level of Ages 9 to 12 years. (we have not reviewed this book). Learn more about the book.
My Mommy Gets Angry by Bebe Moore Campbell. Publisher: Putnam Publishing
Group; (September 1, 2003). ISBN: 0399239723.
Book Review, excerpted from Children's Literature:
Our appealing young narrator struggles to understand her mother's
unpredictable behavior. Sometimes she is smiling so Annie goes happily
off to school with her friends. But then Annie may come home to find
an angry face on a shouting, frightening mother. Fortunately she has
a grandmother who helps her cope. From her and from her friends Annie
can "find sunshine" in her mind. Without being didactic,
the story presents the all-too-common mentally ill parent in a way
to help a child and her friends understand. Lewis [illustrator] visualizes
this emotional drama with naturalistic watercolor portraits of the
players in settings that begin bright and sunny but emphasize shadows
when Mommy is upset
An introductory "Author's Note"
gives further details on mental illness and coping strategies. Ages
5 to 9
--Ken Marantz and Sylvia Marantz
Listen to a radio interview
with author Bebe Moore Campbell
Catch a Falling
Star, the first book in the "Iris the Dragon" series for
children with brain disorders. Available from the publisher's website
(Iris the Dragon).
About the book (from publisher's website):
Catch a Falling Star is a childrens illustrated book that attempts
to bring the topic of mental illness to the general public through
the non-threatening genre of the fairy tale...[it]has been endorsed
by the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI) and other renowned
doctors in the field such as Simon Davison, Chief of Psychiatry at
the Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) and Dr. Peter
S. Jensen, Director for the Center for the Advancement of Childrens
Mental Health.
the Crazy Man written and illustrated by Marie Day. Available from
the publisher's website (Annick Press).
About the book (from publisher's website):
Edward the Crazy Man is a touching, funny, and humane
tale of one boys efforts to help one man and change perceptions
about homelessness and Bipolar Disorder...Says the Canadian Mental
Health Association, "Parents and educators alike will be impressed
by a new children's book that destigmatizes mental illness."
to Be a Real Person (In Just One Day) by Sally Warner. Publisher:
Knopf Books for Young Readers; 1st ed edition (February 13, 2001). ISBN:
Editorial Review (excerpted from Booklist):
Every morning, Kara tries to look like a "real" California
sixth grader. With teeth brushed and clothes nearly matched, she just
might pull it off--as long as Mr. Benito doesn't notice her shattering
grades. But homework is the least of Kara's worries. For months, she's
been juggling dangerous secrets. Her father is gone and her mother
is drowning in mental illness. Everything depends on Kara. Warner
expertly captures the crippling side effects of mental illness in
this brave, troubling novel that offers no simple solutions. Some
children will see only a riveting, well-crafted story; others will
find a glimmer of hope and the inspiration to reach out for help.
For grades 5-8.
(The following two books are out of print, but still available as used
books frequently - and if you know of any newer books like these, please
let us know). Other sources for these books may be the local library.
Quilt by Jocelyn Riley, Publisher: Bantam Books; Reprint edition
(April 1986) ASIN: 0553256408
My Mouth Is Smiling by Jocelyn Riley, Publisher: William Morrow;
(March 1982) ASIN: 0688010873
More Advanced Books on Schizophrenia
These books cover the science, biology and genetics of schizophrenia.
"Nature via Nurture", while not specifically a book about
schizophrenia - has an entire chapter (Chapter 4 - The Madness of Causes)
on the genetics and environmental influences of schizophrenia. Overall,
the book is a well-written and very enjoyable book about the interplay
of genes and environment in human development. Dr. Nancy Andreason's
and Dr. Irv Gottesman's books are good in-depth college-level books
covering schizophrenia by two of the leading researchers that are focused
on schizophrenia.
Via Nurture : Genes, Experience, and What Makes Us Human by Matt
Ridley (Author), Publisher: HarperCollins; (April 29, 2003) ISBN: 0060006781
Genetics and Genomics by Peter McGuffin (Editor), Michael J Owen
(Editor), Irving I Gottesman (Editor), Publisher: Oxford University
Press; (December 2, 2002), ISBN: 0192631489
Brave New Brain: Conquering Mental Illness in the Era of the Genome
by Nancy C. Andreasen, Publisher: Oxford University Press; (April 2001)
ISBN: 0195145097 (HARDCOVER)
"Excellent introductions to neuroscience, brain imaging,
and genetics. Outstanding overviews of what is known about the neuroscience
and genetics of the major psychiatric disorders of schizophrenia,
mood disorders, dementia, and anxiety disorders. The descriptions
of the history and neuroscience of medication are especially good."--Nature
New Brain: Conquering Mental Illness in the Era of the Genome by
Nancy C. Andreasen , Publisher: Oxford University Press; (February
2004), ISBN: 0195167287, (SOFTCOVER)
Genesis: The Origins of Madness by Irving I. Gottesman, Publisher:
W H Freeman & Co.; (November 1990) ISBN: 0716721473
Broken Brain by Nancy C. Andreasen (Author), Publisher: Perennial;
Reprint edition (November 1985) ISBN: 0060912723 (Note: this is an old
book -- over 15 years old -- and should only be referenced if the more
recent books listed above are not available).
Professional Books on Schizophrenia and Psychiatric
Genetics and Genomics by Peter McGuffin (Editor), Michael J Owen
(Editor), Irving I Gottesman (Editor), Publisher: Oxford University
Press; (December 2, 2002), ISBN: 0192631489
of Psychiatric Drugs: 2005 Edition
by Lawrence J., Md Albers, Lawrence J. Albers, Christopher Reist, Rhoda
K Hahn, Rhoda K. Hahn, Paperback: 109 pages ; Dimensions (in inches):
0.25 x 6.75 x 4.00, Publisher: Current Clinical Strategies; Revised
and Updated edition (Dec 2004), ISBN: 1929622619
Guidelines for the Treatment of Patients with Schizophrenia by American
Psychiatric Association, APA, Publisher: Amer Psychiatric Pr; 1st edition
(January 15, 1997) ISBN: 0890423091.
Developed by experts on schizophrenia and exhaustively reviewed by
APA members, the American Psychiatric Association Practice Guideline
for the Treatment of Patients With Schizophrenia provides therapists
with a set of patient care strategies that will aid their clinical
decision making. Note: Practice guideline publications are usually
available on-line for free at:
Mental Illness and the Family: The Practitioner's Guide by Diane
T. Marsh, Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; 1 edition (October 2, 1998)
ISBN: 0471181803
by Steven R. Hirsch (Editor), Daniel R. Weinberger (Editor), Penny R.
Mitchell, Publisher: Blackwell Publishers; 2nd Revision edition (March
2003) ISBN: 0632063882
Care of Schizophrenia by Lieberman, Publisher: Martin Dunitz Ltd;
(December 2001) ISBN: 1841841501
Therapy for Schizophrenia and Related Disorders: A Guide to Individualized
Treatment by Gerard E. Hogarty, Publisher: Guilford Press; 1st edition
(August 15, 2002), ISBN: 157230782X
Skills Training for Schizophrenia: A Step-by-Step Guide by Alan
S. Bellack (Author), Kim T. Mueser (Author), Susan Gingerich (Author),
Julie Agresta (Author), Publisher: Guilford Press; (June 20, 1997)
ISBN: 1572301775
Preventative Strategies for Schizophrenic Disorder
and Mood Disorders: The New Drug Therapies in Clinical Practice By
Peter F. Buckley (Editor), John L. Waddington (Editor), Publisher: Edward
Arnold; 1st edition (February 15, 2000) ISBN: 0750640960
and Psychosis by Xavier F. Amador (Editor), Anthony S. David (Editor),
David Amador, Publisher: Oxford University Press; (January 1998) ISBN:
Psychological From Organic Disorders: Screening for Psychological Masquerade
by Robert L., Md. Taylor, Publisher: Springer Pub Co; 2nd edition (July
15, 2000) ISBN: 082611329X
Schizophrenias: A Biological Approach to the Schizophrenia Spectrum
Disorders (Springer Series on Psychiatry) by Mary Coleman, Christopher
Gillberg, Publisher: Springer Pub Co; (September 1996) ASIN: 0826192904
and Mental Illness: Evolving Issues for Research and Society by
Laura Lee Hall (Editor), Publisher: Plenum Pr; (January 1996) ISBN:
Schizophrenia (Jossey-Bass Social and Behavioral Science Series)
by Werner M. Mendel, Publisher: Jossey-Bass; 1st Edition edition (June
1989) ASIN: 1555421512
Books on Early Psychosis Diagnosis and Treatment
Treating Schizophrenia in the Prodromal Phase by Alison Yung (Editor), Lisa Phillips (Editor), Patrick D. McGorry (Editor)
Psychological Interventions in Early Psychosis : A Treatment Handbook
Best Care in Early Psychosis Intervention: Global Perspectives
Ehmann, T., MacEwan, G.W. & Honer, W. (Eds.). (2004). London: Taylor and Francis.
ISBN: 1841844039
This book presents the “Early Psychosis Care Manual” – a comprehensive review of best
practices. The book seeks to assist widespread implementation by presenting views on best
practices from around the world
Implementing Early Intervention in Psychosis: A Guide to Establishing Early Psychosis Services
Edwards, J. & McGorry, P.D.
2002, Martin Dunitz Ltd.

Recognition and Management of Early Psychosis: Preventative Approach
McGorry, P.D., Jackson, H.J. & Perris, C.
1999 Cambridge University Press
Early Intervention in Psychosis: A Guide to Concepts, Evidence and Interventions
Birchwood, M., Fowler, D. & Jackson, C.
2000, Wiley and Sons Ltd.
First Episode Psychosis
Aitchison, K.J., Meehan, K. & Murray, R.M.
1999, Martin Dunitz Ltd.
Schizophrenia - Stories of Tragedy
There No Place on Earth for Me? by Susan Sheehan, Publisher: Random
House Trade Paperbacks; (May 1983) ISBN: 0394713788
Susan Sheehan's 1982 book on one person's experience with schizophrenia
(schizoaffective subtype) is a very good description of the difficulties
encountered with the disease, the challenges facing the family, and
the mediocre medical care that families frequently encounter. Dr.
E. Fuller Torrey has described it as "searingly accurate and
manadatory reading for anyone who wants to understand the tragedy
of this disease."
Me I'm Here/One Family's Experience of Schizophrenia by Anne Deveson,
Publisher: Penguin USA (Paper); Reprint edition (October 1992) ASIN:
In "Tell Me I'm Here" Australian documentary filmmaker
Deveson offers a brave and frank account of her son Jonathan's seven-year
battle with schizophrenia exacerbated by drug abuse, which ended with
his death from a drug overdose at age 24 in 1986.
Unhinging of Wings by Margo Button, Publisher: Oolichan Books; (May
1996) ISBN: 0889821623
"The Unhinging of Wings" is a collection of 66 poems written
by Margo Button about her son, afflicted by schizophrenia, who committed
suicide at age 27.
of Us: A Family Memoir by Elizabeth Swados, Publisher: Plume; (April
1993) ASIN: 0452269601
The book "The Four of Us..." is an extraordinary account
of how severe mental illness can devestate an entire family. Described
by reviewers as "beautifully written, brutally honest, and profoundly
Schizophrenia in Society - Homelessness,
poverty and other problems
Books that cover schizophrenia and poverty and homelessness:
Invisible Plague: The Rise of mental Illness from 1750 to the Present
by E. Fuller Torrey, Judy Miller, Publisher: Rutgers University Press;
1st edition (January 10, 2002) ISBN: 0813530032
of the Shadows : Confronting America's Mental Illness Crisis by
E. Fuller Torrey (Author), Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; 2nd edition
(March 1998) ISBN: 0471245321
in the Streets : How Psychiatry and the Law Abandoned the Mentally Ill
by Rael Jean Isaac, Virginia C. Armat, Publisher: Treatment Advocacy
Center; (August 1, 2000) ISBN: 0967993903
Crazy : America's Mental Health Tragedy by Stephen B. Seager, Publisher:
Westcom Press; (November 30, 2000) ISBN: 0966582772
Novels/Fictional Books Involving People that
have Schizophrenia
Good books for High School Students doing reports
on Schizophrenia
The following books are good for students doing reports on schizophrenia.
They should be available at your school or local library.
Schizophrenia: A Manual for Families, Consumers, and Providers (4th
Edition) by E. Fuller Torrey (Author), Publisher: Quill; 4th edition
(May 8, 2001) ISBN: 0060959193
Schizophrenia by Rachel Miller (Editor), Susan Elizabeth Mason (Editor),
Publisher: Columbia University Press; (October 15, 2002) ISBN: 0231126255
Revealed: From Neurons to Social Interactions by Michael Foster
Green, Publisher: W.W. Norton & Company; 1st edition (June 15, 2001)
ISBN: 0393703347
of the Shadows : Confronting America's Mental Illness Crisis by
E. Fuller Torrey (Author), Publisher: John Wiley & Sons; 2nd edition
(March 1998) ISBN: 0471245321
in the Streets : How Psychiatry and the Law Abandoned the Mentally Ill
by Rael Jean Isaac, Virginia C. Armat, Publisher: Treatment Advocacy
Center; (August 1, 2000) ISBN: 0967993903
Crazy : America's Mental Health Tragedy by Stephen B. Seager, Publisher:
Westcom Press; (November 30, 2000) ISBN: 0966582772
New Brain: Conquering Mental Illness in the Era of the Genome by
Nancy C. Andreasen, Publisher: Oxford University Press; (April 2001)
ISBN: 0195145097 (HARDCOVER)
New Brain: Conquering Mental Illness in the Era of the Genome by
Nancy C. Andreasen , Publisher: Oxford University Press; (February
2004) ISBN: 0195167287, (SOFTCOVER)
Genesis: The Origins of Madness by Irving I. Gottesman, Publisher:
W H Freeman & Co.; (November 1990) ISBN: 0716721473
Broken Brain by Nancy C. Andreasen (Author), Publisher: Perennial;
Reprint edition (November 1985) ISBN: 0060912723 (Note: this is an old
book -- over 15 years old -- and should only be referenced if the more
recent books listed above are not available).