June 25, 2005


My cousin who is into alternative therapies came to my place in the morn and saw the numerous books by Krishnamurti that my sis had got for me. He then told me how Sri Sri Ravishankar once said that "why is he going around doing the job of a Master when he has renounced the postion he was given as a Master to lead the people on the right path". It struck me that there was something not correct in Sri Sri's statement.

Krishnamurti renounced the postion of the Master as the theosophists had predicted of his coming, along with the money and foundation that had been built for him. He then went around the whole world giving talks. According to Sri Sri, that's what made him a Master. But isn't that what everyone does? Isn't everyone trying to help everyone out, help them in becoming better beings, to realize the Truth? It is the work of every individual to enlighten the people in the ways they percieve as being the guiding light. Doesn't that make everyone the Master. That makes the whole world Master's of themselves and of others. It makes me wonder why Sri Sri made the above statement. What comes to my mind is that a lot of spiritual leaders, including Sri Sri, try to make people followers of their preachings. They try to make them do what they preach in order to attain enlightenment. However, Krishnamurti realized the trap in such a belief as everyone is trying to 'become' something that they are not, or change something that they were. He realized that the only way to spread love, to gain happiness, peace, solace, is to 'free your mind', and the way to do it is to free your mind of time. It's the psychological time he talks about. Peace then comes instantly, in every moment, not after practicing some meditation, or doing yoga. After all, true leaders don't make followers, they make more leaders.

Posted by puzli at June 25, 2005 08:41 AM


Dear Puzli,

Yes eveyone is a Master of himself. Everyone has the ability to attain his/her peace, it only requires time and effort. Wishing you a very Happy Birthday and on this auspicious occasion for you hoping that you get lots of strength and courage to keep fighting your battle as persistently as you have been doing. Iam very much sure that with time you will attain your peace.

Warm Regards

Posted by: vish at June 25, 2005 11:35 AM

Dear Pulzi,
I am delighted that Vish commented on your blog before I did, else I would not have known that it was your birthday.(Many thanks, Vish). Because of your incredible enthusiasm for life, on this, the anniversary of your birth, you should have a day in which you bombard each of your senses with your very own personal favorites. Eat and drink your fill of the foods and beverages you most enjoy. Look all about you, and delight your eyes with the beauty they may encounter. Listen to your favorite music and as it makes your heart sing,let your voice be heard singing in harmony with your heart. Lastly, and most importantly, allow yourself to feel the love of your parents, your siblings, your friends, and strangers like myself who,just by reading your thought provoking words, were drawn to you and became members of your ever enlarging "fan club". Carpe diem, my young sage. May you have many more days to celebrate the day that the fortunate planet received the gift that you are.
In fact, you were more than a gift. By your own definition, you were a potential Master, and indeed you,who give so much of yourself and your knowledge to others in order to teach them and to make them understand their own worth, have become a Master of whom I am proud to call myself a student.
Cherish your day, as I have come to cherish a young man who is wise far beyond his years.
Bonne Anniversaire,mon ami, Paula

Posted by: Paula Kirkpatrick at June 26, 2005 05:13 AM

thanks vish!

and thank you paula for the lovely wishes and heart warming words :) I'm touched!


Posted by: puzli at June 26, 2005 10:22 AM

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