The Genetics of Schizophrenia
The Public Library of Science (Medicine) has a good article this month on genetics of schizophrenia. (Note: this is an academic journal - so it may be too scientific for some readers - the summary, however is readable by most people, see below. In the article it states:
"Research into the etiology (cause) of schizophrenia has never been as interesting or as provocative as in the past three years. There has been progress on several fronts, but particularly regarding the molecular genetics of this complex disorder of mind and brain. At the same time, a number of critically important and unresolved issues remain that qualify the ultimate clinical and scientific validity of the results. However, the recent progress in this historically difficult area of inquiry does not seem to be widely appreciated. The purpose of this article is to provide a high-level review of progress, its limitations, and the implications for clinical research and clinical practice.
The public health importance of schizophrenia is clear. The median lifetime prevalence of schizophrenia is 0.7–0.8% [1], with onset typically ranging from adolescence to early adulthood and a course of illness typified by exacerbations, remissions, and substantial residual symptoms and functional impairment [2]. Morbidity is substantial, and schizophrenia ranks ninth in global burden of illness [3]. In addition, schizophrenia is often comorbid with drug dependence (principally alcohol, nicotine, cannabis, and cocaine) and important medical conditions (obesity, Type 2 diabetes mellitus) [4]. Mortality due to natural and unnatural causes is considerable, and the projected lifespan for individuals with schizophrenia is some 15 years less than the general population [5]. The personal, familial, and societal costs of schizophrenia are enormous."
One point I found most interesting was a graph showing the well-identified factors involved in the cause of schizophrenia - as can be seen below.

For the full article see: The Genetics of Schizophrenia
See the following link for more information on the Causes of schizophrenia
Posted by szadmin at July 28, 2005 10:18 PM
More Information on
Schizophrenia Genetics
The various newly disovered genes for schizophrenia, although essential to the story, mostly have only a weak and temporary effect on their own, as one can see in mildly affected discordant identical twins. What enables the genes to produce the full schzophrenia syndrome is 1) fatty maternal diet in pregnancy, which causes permanent co-morbid anxiety in the offspring; 2) fatty personal diet, which disturbs the young adult brain, and also promotes co-morbid obesity and diabetes. In developing nations, where fatty diet is less common, about 50% of cases of schizophrenia recover within two years, without medication (WHO figures). The keys to future prevention and treatment will be 1) low-fat maternal diet in gestation; 2) healthy personal diet; and 3) Inositol supplementation for co-morbid anxiety disorder.
Posted by: Dr Robert Peers at July 30, 2005 06:27 AM
Is it possible not to show signs or schizophrenia until early twenties, without first exhibiting signs in early puberity.
Posted by: Joe Badowski at August 12, 2005 12:33 PM
Yes, not only is it possible to not show signs of schizophrenia until your early twenties, it is highly common. In men schizophrenia usually doesn't show up util their early twenties or a few years before they reach their 20's. In women, it can show up even later.
Posted by: Christine Administrator for at August 15, 2005 12:39 PM
I have a son age 29 who was diagnosed with schzophrenia, he is on Haldol injection rispedal tablets valium and nozinun.
He still gets very aggressive he is living at home how dangerouse is this i am scared. Where can I go for help.
Posted by: Evette Peterson at July 9, 2006 06:49 PM
my sister was in full signs of schizophrinia at age of 21 .she was a wild teenager .no other signs prior. by age 22 she was seeing things thought people were poisoning her . she had a baby and taken because she did not believe it was hers she said someone switched the child . now 30 years later illness has progressed along with other medical . her fathers aunt was locked up for a mental illness so yes it does run in families. and my sister is severe.medication,helps but she doesnot want to take
Posted by: diane proeber at March 13, 2007 02:51 AM
I'm DJ..........."HI". I am still in a great mood. Coming across this website has surprised me. I've read other ones too. Here I thought all along that it was an alcolic problem............may or may not be the case. 85/90: fits it to a tee for me. Let's seek different help than what w were taught........a psychiarest. And be open in honest. I just found this out :) ; God willing, this is my answer. My email is
Best Regards!!!!!!!!!!!! DJ
Posted by: DJ at June 30, 2007 02:55 PM
The various newly disovered genes for schizophrenia, although essential to the story, mostly have only a weak and temporary effect on their own, as one can see in mildly affected discordant identical twins. What enables the genes to produce the full schzophrenia syndrome is 1) fatty maternal diet in pregnancy, which causes permanent co-morbid anxiety in the offspring; 2) fatty personal diet, which disturbs the young adult brain, and also promotes co-morbid obesity and diabetes. In developing nations, where fatty diet is less common, about 50% of cases of schizophrenia recover within two years, without medication (WHO figures). The keys to future prevention and treatment will be 1) low-fat maternal diet in gestation; 2) healthy personal diet; and 3) Inositol supplementation for co-morbid anxiety disorder.
Posted by: Dr Robert Peers at July 30, 2005 06:27 AM
Is it possible not to show signs or schizophrenia until early twenties, without first exhibiting signs in early puberity.
Posted by: Joe Badowski at August 12, 2005 12:33 PM
Yes, not only is it possible to not show signs of schizophrenia until your early twenties, it is highly common. In men schizophrenia usually doesn't show up util their early twenties or a few years before they reach their 20's. In women, it can show up even later.
Posted by: Christine Administrator for at August 15, 2005 12:39 PM
I have a son age 29 who was diagnosed with schzophrenia, he is on Haldol injection rispedal tablets valium and nozinun.
He still gets very aggressive he is living at home how dangerouse is this i am scared. Where can I go for help.
Posted by: Evette Peterson at July 9, 2006 06:49 PM
my sister was in full signs of schizophrinia at age of 21 .she was a wild teenager .no other signs prior. by age 22 she was seeing things thought people were poisoning her . she had a baby and taken because she did not believe it was hers she said someone switched the child . now 30 years later illness has progressed along with other medical . her fathers aunt was locked up for a mental illness so yes it does run in families. and my sister is severe.medication,helps but she doesnot want to take
Posted by: diane proeber at March 13, 2007 02:51 AM
I'm DJ..........."HI". I am still in a great mood. Coming across this website has surprised me. I've read other ones too. Here I thought all along that it was an alcolic problem............may or may not be the case. 85/90: fits it to a tee for me. Let's seek different help than what w were taught........a psychiarest. And be open in honest. I just found this out :) ; God willing, this is my answer. My email is
Best Regards!!!!!!!!!!!! DJ
Posted by: DJ at June 30, 2007 02:55 PM