January 11, 2006

Boston Schizophrenia Research Participation Opportunity

This new study opportunity has just come in from Harvard-associated McLean Hospital in Boston. If you live in Boston, we encourage your participation to help move the scientific understanding of schizophrenia forward:

Research participation oportunity for schizophrenia and schizoaffective patients in the Boston area

If you have been diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, and are in the Boston area, we invite you to participate in this study on visual perception. Participation will include two visits of about two hours each.

Perception and Memory of Visual Objects research study - Details:

Researchers at McLean Hospital, in Belmont Massachusetts are conducting a study investigating the functioning of the visual system in schizophrenia. By applying the extensive knowledge of the visual system to schizophrenia research, we can learn about the biological causes of any altered visual processing that are associated with this mental disorder. This visual neuroscience based approach may lead to a better understanding of the disease process.

Participants come to our lab at McLean Hospital, and do visual testing on a computer screen. You will look at visual objects, and make judgments about them. You'd also complete a written test, and have an interview with a psychiatrist.

You will be compensated $25 per hour for your participation.

If you:

- have been diagnosed with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
- are between the ages of 18 and 70
- have normal, or corrected to normal vision
- have not abused drugs or alcohol in the last 6 months
- have no neurological diseases (like a stroke, or major head injury)

Please call Dan Norton at (617) 855-3609 for additional information.

Posted by szadmin at January 11, 2006 01:44 PM

More Information on Schizophrenia Research Participation


my name is pansy,21 years old and i'm studing at one of university in my country.
im doing research now, and if you dont mind plz tell me "how and why does family refuse their own family who is suffering of schizophrenia and is there any stigma family or perception about schizophrenia? or...is there any relationship between econonic factor, or knowledge of the family,or social state, or education or anything like that which make them refuse the schizophrenia client?"

plz tell me, coz it's little bit difficult for me to find the information here.

before and after..thanx

all my respect

Posted by: pansy at February 25, 2006 02:52 AM

I am 47, diagnosed w/schizophrenia at age 37. I asked my family to look up schizophrenia on the internet and read about it so they would better understand. Some complied but none understood. It is like when the Bible talks about "looking through a glass darkly;" they were looking into my life through a dark glass of other people's perceptions and opinions. So their views were distorted. One says I have Mind Cancer that eats away at my good judgment. Another says I must be pretending in order to get attention; he also says I should work instead of getting government handouts. (Which is impossible for me to do.) Another insists that I live at home with my mother instead of trying to be independent. I think my sister resents the fact that she works hard at 2 jobs a day and doesn't make as much money as I do on disability pay; she says she is bitter about it. I have a college degree, too. I was able to work for years and was married for 12 years before the symptoms took everything away from me. And maybe they even get the understanding in their heads, but not in their hearts.

Posted by: Donna Carolyn Roy at March 7, 2006 05:27 AM

I hope that you will call NAMI, a national organization with offices in all states,which supports advocacy, research and education of mental illness, and ask them about the family to family course. Hopefully you can encourage some family members to take this course. There is no charge only the benefit of better understanding mental illness!

Posted by: beth at March 10, 2006 03:06 PM

Hi! I am presently studing for my Masters Degree at University UKZN, South Africa. Please keep in touch with me, want to learn and study more.....Sally

Posted by: Sally Pillay at November 14, 2006 11:27 PM

It's easier to push someone away from your sight who is suffering, than it is to be brought down by that person's suffering.

No one wants to see the aftermath of tragic events and have to admit to themselves they're partially responsible, that's too threatening. Much easier to blame the person who sucks at coping for everything that's gone wrong. Chances are, most other people will also see this person as a convenient scapegoat, utilize them in a similar fashion, so everyone that encounters this person has that in common.

This way, without having to take responsibility, because no one does, everyone maintains their sainthood and lives happily ever after.

Posted by: anonymous at December 4, 2006 07:40 PM

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