June 21, 2006

Young 'failed' by mental health system

This story from the BBC highlights the problem of poor availability of services for child mental health in the UK. The problem in the US - with over 20% of the population uncovered, or poorly covered, by mental health insurance is likely much worse - but is a problem that is rarely covered in the main stream media.

Mental health problems in children and adolescents are on the rise, the British Medical Association has warned, and services are ill-equipped to cope. One in ten children, aged one to 15, have a mental health problem, says a report from the BMA's board of science.

But mental health services are failing the most vulnerable, such as children in care and those from black and ethnic minorities, they conclude.

The board has urged the government to address problems with funding.

Around 1.1 million children under the age of 18 would benefit from support from specialist mental health services, the BMA has estimated.

Read the full BBC Story: Young and mental health


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