December 01, 2006

Britian's Royal College of Psychiatry Interviews - Podcasts

For our visitors who are already up to speed on schizophrenia basics - and want to learn more, there are some interesting interviews with British schizophrenia researchers in the new podcasts (digital audio files) from the UK's Royal College of Psychiatry.

We hope some US universities start to offer more of these podcast interviews by experts in schizophrenia - though already UCLA , Yale University and Harvard University / Massachusetts General Hospital offer some great online videos focused on schizophrenia and related disorders. (Please let us know if you know of other good sources of videos and podcasts).

Some specific British interviews that may be great for people who want to learn more about schizophrenia include the following:

Professor Clive E Adams, Co-ordinating Editor, Cochrane Schizophrenia Groups, University of Leeds, talks to Dr Persaud about the pharmaceutical treatments for schizophrenia.

Dr Mike Crawford, Department of Psychological Medicine, Imperial College London, talks to Dr Persaud about music therapy for in-patients with schizophrenia.

Dr Craig Morgan, Division of Psychological Medicine at the Institute of Psychiatry in London, talks to Dr Persaud about the length of time between the onset of psychosis and its treatment.

These interviews are available in this Podcast. (Follow the link, and click on "Download" to download the interview to your computer. The Podcast Audio files are quite large and will take 5 to 10 minutes -- or longer -- to download).

Another interesting interview is this one:

Professor Tsuang, Genetic Epidemiologist from the Universities of Harvard and California, talks to Dr Persaud as to whether it is possible to spot the psychological differences between those at high risk of developing schizophrenia in the future and the general population. In theory could this lead us to predicting who will develop schizophrenia many years before onset, and can the illness be prevented?

Available at this Podcast link (scroll down to see information on this interview).

More Information: Royal College of Psychiatry Podcast Web Page


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