December 11, 2006

In Spite of Childhood-Onset Schizoaffective Disorder, Nursing Student Triumphs

Brooke Katz, nursing student and author of "I Think I Scared Her: Growing Up With Psychosis" has, since early childhood, overcome many obstacles to achievement. With the support of a loving family and caring doctors, not to mention her own inner strength, she has shed the pounds caused by her medications, got back in shape, started playing soccer in an adult league, and most importantly, has succeeded in attaining her life-long dream of graduating from nursing school.

Watch a video of the show here: Interview With Brooke Katz

Link here to an article from a show about Brooke Katz from two years ago: Woman Battles Schizophrenia For Normal Life: Voices Tell Woman To Harm Herself, Others


We are SO proud of you Brooke!!!

Posted by: rustysmom at December 12, 2006 07:40 PM

My name is Eileen I have a two year daughter and I'm currently attending school for nursing in the Boston area. I developed schizophrenia at age 21-22 I'm not too sure. I'm currently battling the disease and I'm now 23 going onto 24. I'm having a hard time accpeting my illness but I'm recognizing now that I have to seek treatment. I have been hopsitilized atleast three times. Hopefully that will be my last number. I just need to find the right medication to make me feel better and feel whole. I'm inspired by your story and now I know that I'm not alone.
Thank you

Posted by: Eileen at February 12, 2007 10:46 AM

Hai, I have been to mental hospitals for more than 10 times, but I finished my Bachelor degree at last. It takes much more time for me to pursue it, but the days become brighter for me. I read somewhere (I do not remember where is the source), it says that as we become older, usually schizophrenic people cope better as we experience it more and more. So, do not give up.

Posted by: Dede H. Kangwijaya at March 15, 2007 02:47 PM

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