January 19, 2008

New Study Shows Stronger Link with Cat Parasite (T.Gondi) with Increased Schizophrenia Risk

In the past we've reported on the research that has linked the T. Gondii cat parasite with increased risk of schizophrenia in children infected by the parasite. The potential for infection is most dangerous when a woman is pregnant (the risk of infection with the parasite is due to exposure to, or handing, cat litter).

While increasingly this parasite seems to be a risk factor for schizophrenia, most researchers have suggested that its roll in schizophrenia risk has been very minor (compared to other factors like stress). Now a new study suggests a stronger link than has previously been theorized, but still relatively minor in this list of all factors.

In this new study Toxoplasma gondii (or T. Gondii), a protozoan parasite carried by pet cats, and the subsequent onset of schizophrenia was reported by military physicians.

In a case-control study, antibodies to T. gondii were associated with a 26% increase in the risk of schizophrenia, according to David Niebuhr, M.D., M.P.H., M.Sc., of the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, and colleagues.

The researchers suggest that one of the implications of the data is that the T. gondii infection may precede schizophrenia, said co-author Robert Yolken, M.D., of Johns Hopkins Children's Center.

"Until now, the only thing we could say is that some people with schizophrenia also had been infected with toxoplasma at some point, but we couldn't tease out which came first,"

"With our current study, we were able to show that infection came first," Dr. Yolken said.

Read the full story: Pet Cat Parasite Linked to Schizophrenia Risk

For more research on this this topic:

Pregnant Women's Exposure to Cats with the the T. Gondi parisite may increase child's schizophrenia risk later in life

Cats as a Factor in Schizophrenia - Researcher Interview

Analysis of Schizophrenia Link to T. gondii Parasite

Toxoplasma Gondii ("Cat Parasite") Schizophrenia Link Studied

Infections as a causal factor in schizophrenia

Scientists: stronger link between cat virus and schizophrenia

Cat Parasite Linked to Schizophrenia

More information on Schizophrenia Prevention:

Schizophrenia Prevention and Risk Reduction Tactics


I am Janey from Janey's blog. I was born with Toxoplasmosis and I want to thank you for posting this in the news section. I knew of the link between the two from earlier studies but couldn't get my doctors to listen to me.

Posted by: Janey at January 21, 2008 07:35 AM

My son had cat scratch fever when he was about 5 or 6. they said..ride it out, nothing we can do. He eventually had to have a giant lump lanced and removed from his arm pit.

Posted by: LadyAlthea at February 12, 2008 11:28 AM

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