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November 30, 2005Warning on Older Typical Antipsychotic drugs for Older peopleRead more... Schizophrenia Medications
Reported in Today's Wall Street Journal: "This week's New England Journal of Medicine, found that the risk of death was higher with older antipsychotic medications. In the first 40 days after beginning treatment with older drugs, patients had a 56% increase in the risk of death, compared with patients taking newer drugs. Within 180 days, the increase in mortality risk was 37% for the older drugs, according to the study. ...The researchers estimated that for every 100 patients given the older drugs instead of the newer ones, there would be seven additional deaths.... Antipsychotic medications are frequently prescribed for seniors
Posted by szadmin at 10:39 PM
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Coverage of Medicine Co-PaymentsRead more... Schizophrenia Medications
The Wall Street Journal had a good article on how people are getting their co-payments (for partially insurance-covered medicines) covered by non-profit groups that are funded by drug companies. Here is a short excerpt of the article: Ms. Oliva, who earns about $40,000 a year managing a clothing store in Long Beach Island, N.J., pulled out her American Express card that day in September and paid, unsure where she was going to find the money for the next week's supply. Fortunately, the nurse at her doctor's office found help for her from a charity, Patient Services Inc., which picked up
Posted by szadmin at 10:26 PM
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Artists: more sex but shared schizophrenia traitsRead more... Schizophrenia Genetics
A survey conducted by psychologists from Newcastle University and the Open University (both in the UK) suggests that creative people share several key traits with schizophrenia sufferers. The most sensationalist outcome of the study is evidence that artistic people are twice as sexually active as the norm. However, the study makes the serious point that the inclusion of schizophrenia traits within the artistic personality, and the corresponding genetic pattern, may explain why the full-blown disease persists despite the evolutionary argument that schizophrenia's negative impact on relationships and reproduction would eliminate the disease from the gene pool. Source: The Guardian (UK
Posted by szadmin at 03:09 PM
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Brain Imaging - Cannabis and Schizophrenia Look SimilarRead more... Schizophrenia Biology
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It seems that every week brings new evidence of increased risks in developing schizophrenia if young adults use marijuana / cannabis: Brain Scan Imaging shows similarities in brains of marijuana smokers, and people who have schizophrenia Adolescents who regularly smoke marijuana risk damaging a key brain pathway associated with language development, and some predisposed to schizophrenia may contract the illness early, researchers said Wednesday, also at the meeting of the Radiological Society of North America. These startling pictures show for the first time that the damage to the brain caused by smoking cannabis mimics that found in the brains of
Posted by szadmin at 11:31 AM
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New Drug - Paliperidone UpdateRead more... Schizophrenia Medications
Paliperidone is a drug in development at Johnson and Johnson (under the Janssen division) and it appears to be moving ahead in the development cycle. Paliperidone, which releases drug into the bloodstream steadily over a 24-hour period, is an extended release medication that is similar to Johnson & Johnson's schizophrenia treatment Risperdal (which is not time-release). On Wednesday Johnson & Johnson said its pharmaceutical research and development division applied for regulatory approval of Paliperidone, an investigative treatment for schizophrenia. Paliperidone is to be available in extended-release tablets. Paliperidone ER uses OROS technology, which releases drug into the bloodstream steadily over
Posted by szadmin at 11:16 AM
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November 29, 2005Harvard Schizophrenia Family Education Day PresentationsRead more... Complementary Schizophrenia Treatments
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It turns out that the previously posted presentation on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and psychosis (schizophrenia) is just one of the many presentations recorded at Mass General/Harvard schizophrenia Family Education Day that appears to have been held at the end of 2004. The presentations are available for your viewing and we highly recommend you check them out as there is likely to be something of value for everyone! A full list of the presentations from this meeting is here - click on the link to go directly to the video: New Directions in the Pharmacology of Schizophrenia Donald Goff, M.D. Associate
Posted by szadmin at 03:44 PM
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Harvard on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for SchizophreniaRead more... CBT for Schizophrenia
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There is a slide show with a video presentation - online at the Massacheusetts General Hospital web site that you may find interesting. Its probably best to view if you have a higher-speed Internet connection (ISDN, cable or DSL). The presentation is more targeted at medical professionals - but may be of value to family members too: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Approaches in Psychosis By Dr. Corrine Cather, PHD, Harvard Medical School A full list of the presentations done on CBT at MassGeneral is below: CBT AND PSYCHOSOCIAL TREATMENTS: Step-by-Step Strategies for Enhancing Well-Being: An Introduction to Cognitive-Behavior Therapy (for the
Posted by szadmin at 03:40 PM
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November 28, 2005New York Schizophrenia Research OpportunityRead more... Schizophrenia Genetics
If you live in the New York city area - we encourage you to support this effort to move forward the understanding of the genetics of schizophrenia. This is NOT a drug study. And only one visit is necessary (that is, NO follow-on visits). Molecular Genetics of Schizophrenia Research Project With generous funding from the NIMH, researchers at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in NYC is conducting a genetic study of schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder in an attempt to identify genes that contribute to the development of schizophrenia. By understanding the biological causes of schizophrenia, we will likely be
Posted by szadmin at 12:27 PM
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November 27, 2005Early Treatment for Schizophrenia - Expert InterviewRead more... Early Schizophrenia Treatment
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Following is a short excerpt of a very good interview with a leading expert in early diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia and psychosis, Dr. Jean Addington of the University of Toronto. For the full Interview - we recommend you log-on to Medscape, and register (its free) - you'll find it under the "Psychiatry & Mental Health" part of their web site. Psychosocial Interventions in Early Psychosis: An Expert Interview With Jean M. Addington, PhD In schizophrenia, as in many other medical conditions, the best outcomes are achieved through early and broad-based intervention. Not only the patient, but the entire family,
Posted by szadmin at 09:40 PM
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November 25, 2005San Francisco Cafe only hires people with mental illnessA good story out of this week's Los Angeles Times, following is an excerpt: At A San Francisco Cafe, Nearly Every Worker Is Battling A Disorder For Some, It's A Last Chance To Prove They're Employable. By John M. Glionna, Times Staff Writer SAN FRANCISCO -- In the eyes of many employers, Tim Flanders would be damaged goods. As the lunch rush packs a tiny restaurant here, he stands timidly behind the cash register, dressed in his red apron, fighting off the doubts that he will ever be able to keep all these orders straight. He avoids eye contact, convinced Read More...
Posted by szadmin at 10:47 PM
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Researchers find way to block drug cravingsRead more... Schizophrenia and Substance Abuse
It was announced in the November 25th issue of the journal Science that a team of researchers at the University of B.C. has found a way to block the communication between brain cells that triggers drug cravings, a finding that could lead to new therapies to treat addiction and relapse as well as behaviours associated with schizophrenia. Senior UBC investigators Dr. Anthony Phillips and Dr. Yu Tian Wang have created a peptide -- protein fragment -- that in animal models can block specific chemical messengers that remember the body's response to stimulant drugs, such as amphetamines. According to the research,
Posted by szadmin at 07:11 PM
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Dr. Phil on SchizophreniaRead more... Schizophrenia Books, TV, Movies & Plays
We didn't see the Dr. Phil program on Schizophrenia on Wednesday, Nov. 23rd - but the commentary in our discussion areas has been mixed. Many people thought it was a valuable educational show for schizophrenia and well received by many people who have schizophrenia and their family members. Other commentary seems to be that Dr. Phil doesn't seem to have much experience with serious mental illnesses - and since its a TV program more interested in ratings (by emphasizing the more dramatic delusions or hallucinations that can sometimes be associated with schizophrenia) than in educating and helping people. So, overall,
Posted by szadmin at 06:50 PM
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November 22, 2005Schizophrenia caused by lack of nerve cell insulation?A new report out in the December issue of the Adolescent Psychiatry suggests that the abnormal development of the protective insulation that wraps around the wiring of the brain's nerve cells could result in a range of behavioral problems - including autism, attention deficit disorder and schizophrenia. The lead researcher, Dr. George Bartzokis and his colleagues at the University of California in Los Angeles have studied brain scans in living humans and autopsied brains to unravel the role of myelin, the insulation material. The thicker and heavier the wrapping, the faster and more effective nerve cells can communicate. In his Read More...
Posted by szadmin at 04:37 PM
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4 out of 5 People w/Schizophrenia Heavy Marijuana / Cannabis Users?A new study out of the Australia revealed that Four out of five people that developed schizophrenia (in their study) have a history of using marijuana / cannabis. Steve Doughty, the social affairs correspondent for the Daily Mail, reports on a long-term research project from Australia that has revealed that four out of five with schizophrenia were regular cannabis smokers when they were teenagers. Between 75 and 80 per cent of patients involved were found to have used the drug habitually between the ages of 12 and 21. Dr Andrew Campbell of the NSW Mental Health Review Tribunal, who did Read More...
Posted by szadmin at 04:22 PM
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November 21, 2005TV: Dr. Phil Covers Schizophrenia on WednesdayRead more... Schizophrenia Advocacy
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Dr. Phil Covers Schizophrenia on his Wednesday, Nov. 23rd Show. A Schizophrenics Anonymous group member appears as guest. In an effort to dispel the myths and stigma surrounding schizophrenia, a member of Schizophrenics Anonymous will be one of the featured guests on the Dr. Phil show that is scheduled to air on Wednesday, Nov. 23. The entire show will focus on schizophrenia. The Dr. Phil tv program reaches an estimated 4.5 million viewers. WHAT: The Dr. Phil show is scheduled to air a program on schizophrenia featuring a member of Schizophrenics Anonymous. WHEN: Wednesday, Nov. 23, 2005 WHERE: Syndicated throughout
Posted by szadmin at 09:29 AM
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November 17, 2005Another gene linked to Schizophrenia (PDE4B)Read more... Schizophrenia Biology
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Scientists move forward understanding of schizophrenia A Scots-led medical research team has identified a new gene linked to major mental illness that links back to a previously discovered gene known to increase the risk of schizophrenia and depression. Scientists from the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, together with scientists from the pharmaceutical company Merck, Sharp & Dohme Limited, report the discovery of the second gene, phosphodiesterase 4B (PDE4B) in the prestigious journal Science today (17 November). Their discoveries could lead to the eventual development of new drugs to treat mental health problems. In 2000, researchers at the University of Edinburgh
Posted by szadmin at 11:22 PM
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Homeless Prevention Research ProjectRead more... Schizophrenia, Poverty & Crime
Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health receives grant for homelessness prevention studies November 16, 2005 -- Researchers at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health have been awarded a $5 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health to establish the Columbia Center for Homelessness Prevention Studies. A key objective of the Center is to develop interventions to prevent chronic homelessness among people with severe mental illness. To achieve the Center's broad prevention agenda, faculty from an array of disciplines, including public health, psychiatry, social work, economics, and urban planning, will be brought together with service providers, consumers,
Posted by szadmin at 11:20 PM
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Medicare Prescription Drug InformationWe're a little behind on this announcement - but here it is: Leading mental health organizations have joined together to create a central resource on Medicare’s new prescription drug benefit. The new website, www.mentalhealthpartd.org, contains easy-to-understand, top-line information tailored specifically to psychiatrists and other physicians, providers at community health centers, and consumers and their families. The goal of the Mental Health Part D collaboration is to provide synthesized information that will facilitate informed decision-making for providers and consumers as they choose new Medicare prescription drug plans. The Medicare prescription drug benefit is especially important for persons with mental illnesses, many Read More...
Posted by szadmin at 08:42 PM
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Mentally ill inmates left untreated - CanadaRead more... Schizophrenia Advocacy
· Schizophrenia, Poverty & Crime
This news in from Canada's Globe and Mail Newspaper (and we suspect that the problem is even worse here in the USA): The federal prison system is leaving mentally ill inmates untreated, violating their rights and endangering public safety because it has not put money into dealing with a huge increase in their numbers, according to the prison ombudsman. In his annual report released yesterday, Correctional Investigator Howard Sapers said the number of inmates with "significant, identified mental health needs" has doubled over the past decade, but treatment services have declined. "The level of mental health services is now seriously
Posted by szadmin at 08:33 PM
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Survey: Mental iIlness and the ChurchRead more... Schizophrenia Advocacy
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This request came in from a researcher at a Texas University - please help him if you have a few minutes to spend responding to his survey, and if you have had any involvement with a Church with regard to a brain disorder like schizophrenia (or other mental illness): My name is Matthew S. Stanford, Ph.D. and I am a professor of Psychology & Neuroscience at Baylor University. I am presently gathering information on the interactions between people struggling with mental illness and the Church. If you have sought help or counsel from the Church in regards to your or
Posted by szadmin at 08:26 PM
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Prodrome Screening Self-Report QuestionnaireRead more... Early Schizophrenia Treatment
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First of all, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Brian Schulman and I am currently a medical student at the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). I have a particular clinical and research interest in schizophrenia and am currently pursuing a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Fellowship to study aspects of the sense of self in schizophrenia using brain imaging techniques. Along with my colleague Dr. Demian Rose, who has already written some reviews on this site, I hope to bring you some summaries and critical analysis of recent research articles in this field. Introductions, aside, I'll move
Posted by Brian J. Schulman at 11:46 AM
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November 16, 2005UCLA Schizophrenia Genetics DiscoveriesRead more... Schizophrenia Biology
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In new research that helps to reveal the nature of schizophrenia at the cellular level, UCLA scientists report the discovery of unique DNA sequence variations associated with increased risk for schizophrenia, impairments in short- and long-term memory, and other cognitive deficits. "I hope this is the opening salvo in a new molecular approach to fighting schizophrenia," said Tyrone D. Cannon, UCLA's Staglin Family Professor of Psychology, Psychiatry and Human Genetics. "If we're able to identify people at risk for the illness through sequence variations in genes and know what biochemical pathways are affected by those variations, we're much closer to
Posted by szadmin at 12:40 PM
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Schizophrenia Genetic Testing SurveyRead more... Schizophrenia Biology
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A new research study has been published on different perceptions of the value of genetic testing for schizophrenia. A written questionnaire about genetic testing was distributed to all registrants at The 2004 World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics, mailed to clinical psychiatrists obtained from a directory of clinicians practicing in New York City, and mailed to members of families who have multiple affected family members with schizophrenia. A total of 274 individuals responded (162 researchers, 64 clinicians, and 48 family members). This survey shows that the majority of family members who completed the questionnaire (83.3%) would want to be tested if
Posted by szadmin at 12:28 PM
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November 15, 2005Dual Diagnosis Recovery ProgramRead more... Complementary Schizophrenia Treatments
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According to national statistics, at least 50% of people with a severe disease of the brain also struggle with substance abuse problems. However, most treatment programs deal with either the disease or the substance abuse, not both, and for most dually-diagnosed people, this traditional approach is ineffective. Individuals who are dually-diagnosed have much higher rates of relapse, hospitalization, incarceration, violence, homelessness, and serious infections (e.g. HIV), than individuals with only brain diseases. That is why, in June 2001, Alameda County Behavioral Healthcare Services teamed up with Telecare Corporation to start the CHANGES Dual Recovery Program. The program is designed for
Posted by Megan at 06:03 PM
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Blood Test for Schizophrenia - UpdateRead more... Schizophrenia Biology
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The following information is from a marketing/press release from a company working on a new blood test for diagnosis of schizophrenia. While we covered this story when they first published research on this blood test for schizophrenia - they have now published another paper that is positive; which is good news. However we are very cautiously optimistic because we know that new products and tests such as what they are working on typically take many years to develop, refine, get FDA approval and to eventually be rolled out (if all goes well) for broad consumer use - and even after
Posted by szadmin at 03:39 PM
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November 14, 2005Marijuana (Cannabis) Use Triples Schizophrenia RiskRead more... Schizophrenia Causes, Risk Factors & Prevention
BBC News reports that Award-winning researchers have claimed that smoking cannabis triples the risk of getting schizophrenia. Scientists from Cardiff University studied the life patterns of 50,000 people who carried out national service in Sweden over a 27-year period. The study found that people who had used cannabis more than 50 times before the age of 18 were three times more likely to develop schizophrenia. The team has won an award from health charity BUPA Foundation, for its work. Project leader Stanley Zammit, a clinical lecturer in psychological medicine at the University, said the findings could be "hugely important" for
Posted by szadmin at 11:34 PM
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November 11, 2005A Daughter's Story on her Mother & SchizophreniaRead more... Schizophrenia - Family impact
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This story - published recently in the Washington Post Magazine - is from a daughter of a woman who had schizophenia and who was being treated in a "faddish treatment for schizophrenics" when she mysteriously died. Its a well-written story about one woman's quest to learn about her mother's life and death, and how it has impacted her. Thank you Lynn Ermann for writing your story, and letting us know about it. Left Behind She was only 9 when the woman who'd abandoned her at birth was murdered. Now she's finally ready to seek the truth about her mother's tortured
Posted by szadmin at 03:43 PM
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November 10, 2005Ethnicity and Schizophrenia DiagnosisRead more... Schizophrenia Diagnosis
· Schizophrenia and Race
The results of a recent study show that African American and Latino children and adolescents seen in the psychiatric emergency department are more likely to be diagnosed with schizophrenia than their white counterparts are. The study was conducted at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and led by Dr. Gail A. Edelsohn, Director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. The researchers reviewed psychiatric emergency room visits to their facility between 1997-1998 of patients between 13-17 years of age. Each patient's ethnicity was taken into account as well as their age, sex, ethnicity, voluntary or involuntary arrival status, the involvement of child
Posted by Megan at 07:20 PM
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New Outpatient Treatment ProgramRead more... Government & Schizophrenia
A new bill is currently being reviewed by the Pennsylvania state senate Public Health and Welfare Committee, which would change the way mental health treatment is administered by the state, particularly outpatient treatment. The bill, SB 213, was introduced by Sen. Stewart Greenleaf, R-Montgomery County, as an amendment to the Mental Health Procedures Act last February and is cosponsored by Sen. Ted Erickson, R-26 of Newtown Square. The bill, which is similar to New York's "Kendra's Law", would allow the court to mandate outpatient treatment for individuals who have a history of not complying with treatment that is necessary to
Posted by Megan at 04:19 PM
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Improving TreatmentRead more... Government & Schizophrenia
On November 4th, Charles Curie, of the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, presented a grant for $14.7 million to the state of Oklahoma to help them improve their mental health programs. They were one of seven states to receive $92.5 million in federal "incentive" grants, which will be paid out over five years. Oklahoma, ranking 1st in the nation in the number of people per capita suffering from brain disorders and 14th in suicides, is definitely due for some change. Terry Cline, state health secretary, discussed his agency's goals, which included "removing bureaucratic hurdles in the delivery
Posted by Megan at 04:07 PM
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Donate Your BrainRead more... Schizophrenia Advocacy
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Beaufort County resident Margaret Richardson has experienced the effects of mental illness in her family. Her sister, Beth, who lives in Kansas, was diagnosed with schizophrenia in her early 20s, right out of college. Beth is now 47. Since Beth's diagnosis, Richardson, wife of state Sen. Scott Richardson, R-Hilton Head Island, has worked to raise awareness about mental illnesses and find treatments for these diseases. One way Richardson has chosen to help is to donate her brain after she dies to the Harvard Brain Tissue Resource Center at McLean Hospital in Belmont, Massachusetts. This institution, also called the Brain Bank,
Posted by Megan at 02:59 PM
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Pam Wagner and Sister on CNN ThursdayRead more... Schizophrenia Books, TV, Movies & Plays
Pamela Wagner and her sister are scheduled to be on CNN this Thursday evening at 8pm to 9pm on the Paula Zahn show, as part of an interview regarding their new book "Divided Minds : Twin Sisters and Their Journey Through Schizophrenia". If you have a chance to see it, we recommend you tune in. Its a fascinating story written in alternating voices by identical twins, now in their 50s -- reveals how devastating schizophrenia is to both the victim and those who love her... Pamela is an excellent writer also has a WebLog on our site here - WagBlog
Posted by szadmin at 11:47 AM
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Predicting Clozapine Treatment EffectivenessRead more... Schizophrenia Genetics
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Researchers from LGC (an independent, European, analytical laboratory) and King's College London have developed a new genetic screening test that will predict whether or not an individual with schizophrenia will respond well to the antipsychotic, clozapine. Dr Paul Debenham and Professor Robert Kerwin, two researchers involved in the test's development, discussed their findings Tuesday at the 'Good Practice in Biological Investigation' conference at the Institute of Psychiatry, Denmark Hill campus. Currently, clozapine may be the most effective licensed drug for treatment resistant schizophrenia. Unfortunately, the drug can have severe side effects, including a potentially dangerous decrease in white blood cells,
Posted by Megan at 01:06 AM
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November 08, 2005Economic Burdens of Schizophrenia on the CountryA new study recently came out on the "The Economic Burden of Schizophrenia in the United States in 2002" The study was focused on quantifing the excess annual costs associated with schizophrenia patients in the United States in 2002 from a societal perspective. The study concluded that: The overall U.S. 2002 cost of schizophrenia was estimated to be $62.7 billion, with $22.7 billion excess direct health care cost ($7.0 billion outpatient, $5.0 billion drugs, $2.8 billion inpatient, $8.0 billion long-term care). The total direct non-health care excess costs, including living cost offsets, were estimated to be $7.6 billion. The total Read More...
Posted by szadmin at 02:47 PM
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MRI for Schizophrenia Diagnosis?Read more... Schizophrenia Biology
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This press release out of UPenn is interesting - because it contradicts a story we covered just last month on how MRI and brain imaging has been promising for a long time but still hasn't reached the point where it is truly valuable in diagnosis of schizophrenia. This new press release suggests that perhaps things finally at least moving in a positive direction towards the point where they may soon be more valuable in a clinical setting. The study suggests that this new research approach is about 91% accurate in schizophrenia diagnosis (getting better - but still not quite where
Posted by szadmin at 02:38 PM
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New Medicare Website for Med ProgramsRead more... Government & Schizophrenia
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Medicare has unveiled its long-promised Internet tool to let beneficiaries compare how much their medications will cost under the various drug-insurance plans that start next year. But people who aren't Internet-savvy may need help sorting through the information on the www.medicare.gov site. Medicare officials yesterday expanded one of its Web features, called the prescription-drug plan finder, to help beneficiaries of the federal health program pick one of the drug-plan options available where they live. Dozens of insurers are offering drug-insurance plans, and the Web site is supposed to narrow the field by letting people enter their prescription medicines and compare
Posted by szadmin at 02:14 PM
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Book - Early Treatment of SchizophreniaRead more... Early Schizophrenia Treatment
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New Book: Treating Schizophrenia in the Prodromal Phase by Alison Yung (Editor), Lisa Phillips (Editor), Patrick D. McGorry (Editor) 152 Pages, $39.17 (Prodromal refers to the early period, at the start of the disease, before full-blown psychosis is obvious). A new book for medical doctors and mental health workers has been published on the very important issue of early identification and treatment of schizophrenia. The book is written by three of the leading experts in this field of early schizophrenia diagnosis, treatment and prevention (Dr. McGorry is perhaps the best known of the three editors). The type of work that
Posted by szadmin at 09:35 AM
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November 04, 2005Recovery ModelRead more... Complementary Schizophrenia Treatments
· Schizophrenia Coping
Most people have heard of the 12-step recovery model for overcoming addiction or substance abuse problems. However, most people do not know that this type of program can also be applied to recovering from diseases of the brain. The recovery model places most of the decision making power in the hands of the patient instead of the physician and relies on support from a group of other individuals in various stages of treatment or recovery. This method gives the recovering individual more control over their treatment and helps them discover what system works for them by drawing from their own
Posted by Megan at 05:59 PM
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November 03, 2005CAFE results (Medications Research) AnnouncedRead more... Schizophrenia Medications
Medscape reported recently that the researchers on the CAFE study on schizophrenia medications have reported on their study results. CAFE Study Shows Varying Benefits Among Atypical Antipsychotics Oct. 25, 2005 (Amsterdam) — Although all of the atypical antipsychotic agents preserve neurocognitive function, they vary in terms of the specific domains they influence, said Richard S. E. Keefe, PhD, who presented study findings here at the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology 18th Congress. Because of this intraclass variation, "it's important to take these data...and target individualized medicine for these patients, and make sure patients have access to all of these medications, because
Posted by szadmin at 01:37 PM
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November 02, 2005Abilify Best for Treating Children?Read more... Schizophrenia Medications
Abilify (aripiprazole) was recently tested on 19 children from the ages of 10-17 who have schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. The children were given the same doses normally used for adults. At the end of the study, 17 of the patients were reported either "improved" or "much improved". More importantly, the drug did not appear to cause the metabolic side effects (weight gain, lipid dysregulation) usually associated with atypical antipsychotics. The most common side effects were blurred vision, excessive sleepiness or insomnia, and headache. These effects were usually temporary and did not appear to be dependent on the dose. The drug
Posted by Megan at 07:19 PM
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Father's Age Linked to SchizophreniaRead more... Schizophrenia Biology
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A recent study published in the British Medical Journal supports the previously reported hypothesis that schizophrenia is linked to a father's age. Professor Finn Rasmussen, of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, led this study comparing paternal age and the incidence of schizophrenia in a Swedish population of 700,000. He suspects that the increased risk is caused by mutations that occur spontaneously in a man's sperm and accumulate as he ages. Based on hospital record from 1989 to 2001, Rasmussen and colleagues estimated that 15.5% of schizophrenia cases may be due to the patient having a father who was over 30
Posted by Megan at 06:43 PM
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Schizophrenia Linked to Immune System/InfectionRead more... Schizophrenia Biology
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A German research team has recently discovered that Chlamydia may be linked to the development of schizophrenia. Dr. Rudolf Wank of Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich led the study comparing incidences of Chlamydia in people with schizophrenia and those without. Of the 75 patients with schizophrenia, 40% also were infected by one or more of the three varieties of Chlamydia, compared with only 6% of people without schizophrenia. Dr. Wank also found that if the Chlamydia infection was treated with specially targeted immune cells, the symptoms of schizophrenia also improved, indicating that the bacterial infection does actually help cause the brain disorder.
Posted by Megan at 06:05 PM
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Eli Lilly ScholarshipThis year, Eli Lilly and Company, a leading producer of pharmaceuticals, gave out 54 scholarships to people suffering from bipolar disorder schizophrenia, and related disorders. These Reintegration Scholarships help people with diseases of the brain to gain educational and vocational skills that will help them reintegrate into society and regain their lives. Scholarship winners are chosen by and independent panel of nine psychiatric care professionals. The winnings can be used for anything from high school equivalency programs to graduate studies to vocational schools. The program was started in 1997 and has awarded around 700 scholarships. However, this is a small Read More...
Posted by Megan at 12:39 AM
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November 01, 2005Supporting Loved Ones With Brain DisordersRead more... Schizophrenia Coping
Millions of people in the United States are suffer from some disease of the brain. The symptoms of these diseases can have many consequences in the mental, social, and physical functioning of the patients and often drastically change or hinder their day to day life. But brain disorders do not only affect those diagnosed with them, they also impact the patient's loved ones or caregivers. Caring for someone with a disease of the brain or watching as a loved one suffers can be very stressful. Fortunately, there are many ways you can cope and help alleviate some of the strain.
Posted by Megan at 11:42 PM
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New Report on mental illnesses and drug addictionsRead more... Government & Schizophrenia
· Schizophrenia and Substance Abuse
Institute of Medicine news: Report on mental illnesses and drug addictions (Note: The full report can be read for free -- see left side of screen when you go to the link -- following: Improving the Quality of Health Care for Mental and Substance-Use Conditions: Quality Chasm Series Without a comprehensive strategy to improve the quality of health care for people with mental conditions and alcohol or drug problems, high-quality care in the nation's overall health system and better health for the public are goals that will remain unmet, says a new report from the Institute of Medicine of the
Posted by szadmin at 10:33 AM
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