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Schizophrenia – A Recovery Story (video)

by on May 6, 2014

This is a good self-documentary by a 26 year old in England named Johnny Benjamin, about his own recovery process.  Since he’s been on the road to recovery he’s become a real advocate for change in the mental health community and has been very active in social media. He has also gone through the cycle of challenges (like depression) that are common in schizophrenia – but he has now gotten on a treatment program (that he describes in the video) that is working well for him and doing well in life.

You can learn more about Johnny Benjamin and his activities at the following links:

His Blog is here: https://www.time-to-change.org.uk/blog/35909

His Twitter Feed here: https://twitter.com/MrJonnyBenjamin2

His Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/johnjusthuman

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