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$650 Million Donated for Schizophrenia Research

by on July 31, 2014

In what has to be the biggest news in schizophrenia research in the past 3 decades, the philanthropist Ted Stanley announced that he is donating $650 Million for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder research (and related psychiatric research) to the Broad Institute.

The focus of this unprecedented donation is on spurring on scientific research on the most serious psychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder and ultimately in bringing new treatments based on molecular understanding to hundreds of  millions of people around the world who suffer from these and related disorders.

This is a really big deal.  Traditionally schizophrenia research has been under funded and as a consequence progress in treatments have been slow.  With this important boost in funding for basic research in the causes of these disorders, we can expect some good progress in understanding and ultimately treatment of these disorders.

For full details on this announcement – we encourage you to watch the video below:

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